
  After changing into pajamas and getting into the bed, Liu Feng looked at Sister Mai curiously.

  "Sister, it's time to rest! Why are you in a daze, don't worry, I am the most honest person, and I will definitely not bully you!"

  "Do you have the guts?"

  Mai was still standing at the door of the room, hesitating whether she should go to the living room by herself, but after hearing Liu Feng's words, she still bit Bo Feng tightly and walked into the room.

  After lying in her bed, Sister Mai could clearly hear Liu Feng's breathing. At this moment, her body was a little nervous!


  "Senpai, are you asleep?"


  "Then let's chat, shall we!?"

  "not good!"

  "Hey, I said Senior Sister, you don't like to talk every day, you'll suffocate yourself..."

  "Don't worry about it!"

  "I don't need to worry about it? That's not good, I said it all, you are the target of my reservation, if you are suffocated, I will feel distressed!"

  "Liu Feng, can you shut up for me! If you don't keep quiet, I'll..."

  "Senpai, are you going to beat me up?"

  "I... will bite you to death!"



  Mai-senpai's bedroom is quite big, but she doesn't know if Liu Feng did it on purpose or not, but she built his bed beside her own...

  In the silent night, each other's breathing can be clearly heard.

  Looking at the dim ceiling, Mai-senpai looked a little confused.


  I don't know since when, Mai suddenly felt that his body gradually became weak.

  Her body seemed to be getting tired.

  Hey, myself... what's going on here?

  Mai-senpai wanted to struggle to sit up, but found that her body seemed to weigh thousands of pounds.

  The feeling of dizziness made her head dizzy.

  At this time, her breathing began to become muddy and muddy.


  Liu Feng was already asleep.

  As a result, in the middle of the night, he was suddenly awakened by some slight gasps.

  "Sister? What's wrong?"

  Liu Feng sat up and glanced at Sister Mai.

  Senpai didn't answer, but her chest was heaving up and down!

  As if breathing heavily.


  The first time, Liu Feng turned on the lights.

  It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's startling when you see it,

  Mai-senpai, why is your face so pale!


  "Sister, what's wrong with you!"

  Liu Feng supported Ma Yi's shoulders, he only felt that senior sister was cold.

  But her head was very hot,

  This reminded Liu Feng of the scene where she washed her body with cold water this afternoon.

  "Senior sister caught a cold because she took a cold bath!"

  Liu Feng immediately found the root cause of the strangeness of Senior Sister!


Chapter 98

  This afternoon, when crossing over,

  Mai-senpai was always under the shower, rinsing her body with cold water.

  Taking a cold shower alone will greatly reduce the body's immunity.

  At this time, it is very easy to get bacterial or viral infection.

  It was precisely because of the act of taking a cold shower in the afternoon that she caught a cold, so she caught a cold.


  Liu Feng put his palm on Senior Sister's forehead, and saw that Senior Sister's forehead was terribly hot.

  After turning on the light, Senior Sister's pale face clearly appeared in Liu Feng's eyes.

  I have a fever!And the temperature may still be relatively high, Mai-senpai's consciousness has already begun to blur.

  Liu Feng immediately looked at the medicine cabinet next door, took out a thermometer from the medicine cabinet,

  He returned to his senior again.


  "Senior, I didn't mean to take advantage of you!"

  Liu Feng didn't care what Senior Sister 03's reaction was, and he directly lifted the buttons on her pajamas.

  Reaching out his hand, he reached into Mai-senpai's collar, and after clipping the thermometer under her armpit, Liu Feng pressed her arm.


  Five minutes later, Liu Feng took out the thermometer.

  39.5 degrees!

  high temperature!

  Liu Feng thought for the first time that he would send the senior to the hospital, but after calling 120 and no one answered, Liu Feng realized a key problem.

  Senior Sister's sense of presence is getting lower and lower now, even if you call 120, you may not be able to hear it there.

  Send her to the hospital, what if they can't see her?

  If you are by her side, you will be ignored by others!


  After pondering for a moment, Liu Feng walked to the medicine cabinet again and rummaged inside.

  In Japan, many people keep some necessary medicines at home. Sure enough, there are antipyretics in the medicine cabinet of my senior.

  The antipyretics of the granules, and the antipyretic stickers attached to the forehead.

  After Liu Feng took out these two things, he immediately put the antipyretic sticker on the senior sister's forehead.

  Walking into the living room, after getting the antipyretic medicine, Liu Feng helped the senior up.


  "Senior, wake up, wake up! Can you hear me?"

  "You have a cold! Hurry up and drink some medicine."

  "Come on, open your mouth!"

  One hand supported Senior Sister Mai and let her lean against his arms, while Liu Feng held a small spoon in the other, ready to feed Senior Sister Mai with medicine.

  But Liu Feng shouted several times in a row, but the senior sister didn't respond.



  "It's so cold..."

  Mai-senpai's face and mouth were slightly pale, and in her mouth, she murmured cold words!

  There is no way to give her a good medicine.

  Reluctantly used a spoon to feed her a little, but before she swallowed it, the potion flowed out from her corner.


  Seeing the senior sister like this, Liu Feng felt a bit of a headache.

  No way, at this point, I had to make myself "sacrifice".

  Liu Feng drank the medicine into his mouth, and immediately stopped his mouth at Sister Mai.

  If there is no way to feed medicine, then use the most traditional way of feeding medicine!


  To tell the truth, when Liu Feng chats with girls, he may like to joke often.

  But this does not mean that he is really a person who likes to take advantage of others and bully others at will.

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