Author: The snow of an iceberg MACHINE TRANSLATION

The GRANDPA looked at the girl in front of him with gratitude. He did not roast many sweet potatoes, and they were delicious enough to sell. If he broke them, it would definitely affect their appearance. Some people liked to be unreasonable.

The GRANDPA stood up and pointed ahead. “See that road in front? Turn left at the end and walk straight for dozens of meters. There’s a seed stand. Those things are all very cheap. ”

Lin Lei looked at the road, put away the sweet potatoes, and said to the GRANDPA, “well, thank you, GRANDPA. The sweet potatoes are delicious. I’ll buy them again in the future. ”

Lin Lei ate as she walked. She followed the direction the uncle pointed and found the seed station. The seed station was not big, and it looked like three houses. It was called Li Min seed station.

She pushed open the door and saw a woman in her forties tidying up the counter.

The woman saw someone come in and said, “sister, what do you want to buy? My House has all the seeds. There is a price tag under the seeds. ”

“Two taels of each vegetable and five kilograms of corn and rice. ” Lin Lei counted the money in her pocket. She said that since the space could be used to farm, it should be able to keep the seeds.

After the big sister heard Lin Lei’s words, she quickly packed it and wrote the name of the seeds in the packaging.

“Miss, who buys so many seeds? ” It was rare for the big sister to meet someone who bought such seeds, so she hoped to get a big owner.

Lin Lei saw that the big sister had an unstable packaging. This method was really fast. “I came from the factory and bought it to grow. ”

“Then I’ll give you more cabbages. If you plant cabbages now, you can eat them in half a month. ” The big sister packed the things in her pocket and handed them to Lin Lei.

Lin Lei smiled. “thank you for coming back if you need anything. By the way, big sister, this is my first time. Where is the market? ”

The elder sister went out and pointed to the left. “after passing through the alley, you’ll see it. There are a lot of things sold there. There should be fish there. It’s a total of six yuan. ”

Lin Lei calculated in her heart and paid the bill. She followed the path that the elder sister pointed to. Seeing that there was no one around, she casually put the things in her space.

There were a lot of things in the market. Lin Lei bought some peppers and cucumbers. Just like Sun Li said, she could buy a lot for a few cents.

It was not easy to find a fish stall. The fish did not look big, and the big one only weighed two catties.

A man in his 40s was selling. He had his head lowered and no one knew what he was thinking. He did not look like he was entertaining guests. It was probably because the fish were not easy to sell.

Lin Lei asked, “this fish costs one Jin more. ”

The uncle looked up at a little girl and replied, “15 yuan for one Jin. I’ll take these eight. ”

Lin Lei quickly said, “I’ll buy them all. Are they cheaper? ” They were meant to be kept in the hot spring. If they could not be kept, they would just do it. It was better to keep the space fresh.

The uncle lowered his head and thought for a moment. “12 yuan for one Jin. Is that alright? I’ll weigh them. Do you need to kill them? ”

“There’s no need. I want them alive. ”

The uncle lowered his head and weighed the fish. He even put some water in each bag.

The uncle lowered his head and estimated the bill. “It’s a total of 15 jin, 1.80 yuan. ”

Lin Lei paid the bill and turned around to put the fish in the empty space.

She was not hungry after eating two sweet potatoes, so Lin Lei went around to make a meal. She felt that it was about time, so she went to the bus stop and waited for the bus.

Before she got on the bus, she looked for an empty place to take out some fish. When she went back, she was afraid that people would see it.

The girl who received the tickets saw Lin Lei and nodded. “I’m done shopping. My name is Zhao Li. I’m 21 and should be older than you. ”

Lin Lei replied with a smile, “my name is Lin Lei. I’m 18 now. In that case, I’ll call you sister Zhao from now on. ”

Lin Lei quickly got into the car and found a place by the window to sit down. The car drove slowly. As she looked at the setting sun, she had some expectations for that small house.

Song Yi returned home early but found nothing… … Looking at the note on the table, he said, “I’m going to the city. I’ll be back at night. Lin Lei, stay. ”

Seeing that it was almost 5:30 pm, Song Yi hurriedly locked the door and went out to pick her up. The Sky was about to turn dark. The city was so big, so it was best not to lose anyone.

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