My Mr. Song is extremely protective!

Chapter 160 - deleted ] self-inflicted consequences 10

Author: The snow of an iceberg MACHINE TRANSLATION

If he had known that he would love Lin Lei so much, he would not have married her in such a simple and crude way at home.

That time, the family only made a few tables of banquets and had a meal between relatives. The two of them did not make a formal ceremony.

This time, they had to make a good arrangement to make her happy. “Mi girl, help me check if there is anything in the space that is suitable for marriage. Quietly pick it out. We want to give her a surprise, understand? ”

Xiao Mi smiled and said, “en! I’ll go ask Hong Yu to help me pick it out. ”

Song Yi nodded. With the help of the two of them, it would definitely be more perfect.

Lin Lei Shyly ran back to her room, lay on the bed, and calmed down.

Thinking of her parents in her previous life, if they knew that they had found the person they loved, they would be very happy.


Thinking of her previous life, she should have just turned three years old in year 82, Chubby and Xiao Mi’s age, and her parents should only be in their 20s.

She would not be their daughter in this life, but she should be filial. She had not done anything for them in her previous life, so she had to make up for it in this life.

Song Yi, this idiot, would love him foolishly. He never asked her how she knew so many things that he didn’t know.

He would support his decision, just like this time when he called the laid-off workers. He just casually said it and he did it.

When he was in seclusion, he had refined a lot of strengthening pills to improve his physical strength. This time, he could use them.

Thinking of that scumbag couple, he should give them two big gifts. If Song Yi’s life was tainted because of this incident and he couldn’t be promoted to a higher position, Lin Lei immediately stood up and went straight to the pharmacy to get busy.

Song e liked to poison people, so she gave her an aphrodisiac pill. After taking this pill, the demand for that aspect would become even greater than before. If she didn’t do it for a day, that area would be extremely itchy. In the long run, Li Jian wouldn’t be able to satisfy her strong desire.

As for Li Jian, didn’t he dislike Wang Mei for being old She gave him a yang-extinguishing pill. After taking this pill, the demand for that aspect would start to be very big. After 49 days, even if it became hard, it would quickly become soft.

Lin Lei refined these two kinds of pills and put them into a bottle. Seeing that it was almost time for Song Yi to go to work, she sent a telepathic message, “Hubby! Come to the pharmacy, I have something to ask you. ”

Song Yi was in the warehouse selecting the wedding gown when he heard Lin Lei’s telepathic message, “en! I’ll be there right away, wait for me. ”

Song Yi opened the door of the medicine refining room, and his eyes flashed as he saw his wife sitting there drinking tea. “Wife, why are you calling me so urgently? What’s the matter? “?

Lin Lei put down the teacup, pointed at the two bottles on the table, and said, “the white one is for Li Jian, and the red one is for Song E. Go out and directly inject the spiritual energy into their mouths. This medicine will melt in their mouths, it’s colorless and tasteless. ”

Song Yi did not ask what medicine was in the bottle, but directly put it into his pocket. He thought of the two people who almost ruined his happy life, no matter what medicine his wife Fed them?

They were all avenging him. Song Yi was in a very good mood, as beautiful as the bright sun.

The alarm clock rang. Lin Lei sent Song Yi out of the space and then returned to the space to continue researching the medicine.

Song Yi had just arrived at the office to sit down when Xiao Zhang pushed the door open and put down the documents in his hand He said, “the old factory director has a meeting at 10 o’clock. This is the main content. Li Jian has already notified him and has already ordered the suspension. If there’s nothing else, I’ll go out first. “.

“there are still many things to deal with outside. ”

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