The reality also proves that elves who can speak human language are not particularly rare.

Perhaps it is near the peak tourist season, the number of shops open and tourists in Zidian City has increased several times compared to before.

Before, when Leo went out, he was not too big, so many people did not notice him. Now that the number of tourists has doubled, following the so-called "bargaining queen" Asuka, Leo and Ralts are also surrounded by many merchants and pedestrians because of their high looks (in Hong Kong, Riolu is really handsome, and Ralts is also cute).

Of course, it is mainly because Leo, an elf that almost no one knows, aroused the curiosity of most people.

You know, in the modern era of advanced Internet and information, it is so rare for an elf that has never been seen and has no information to look up. In comparison, Leo's ability to speak human language is a minor problem. People are only slightly surprised and don't pay much attention to it. Most people come over and ask for Asuka's permission, then take a photo with Leo, and then happily post it on their Moments to show off their photo with an unknown mysterious elf.

Yes, almost everyone's mobile phone is equipped with an application similar to "WeChat" in the previous life - "WeChat", which can also chat, video and even post on Moments.

Ah, the amazing penguin father actually has his own power in the other world.

Let's get back to the main text.

Leo, who temporarily acted as a "big star", was so stiff in his poses that he finally waited until the onlookers left with satisfaction with the photo, and then he was relieved.

"How is it, big star?"

Asuka walked to Leo with a smile.


How do I say I want to shoot a [wave missile] at her face? Leo was speechless.

This trainer took advantage of the idea of ​​people taking photos just now and proposed the proposal of "10 yuan for a photo", and those who love elves were unwilling to give up this hard-won opportunity to take photos with mysterious elves, and generously donated money. So, the girl smiled and scanned the code to collect money, and her eyebrows almost fell off.

However, to be honest, in the process of people taking photos, Ming Rizhao would still subconsciously reject some people who made excessive demands, no matter how much the latter raised the price. Some people were so addicted to taking photos that they even wanted to treat Leo as a doll and pose in various difficult poses, but Ming Rizhao would decisively refund and refuse.

"A little money-grubber, but still a trainer who loves his elves."

Leo nodded secretly in his heart.

Without the curious people, the three little ones can finally go shopping freely.

Due to the prevalence of electricity, the urban landscape of Zidian City is also relatively modern - neon lights are everywhere, and large screens for various projections and displays are everywhere. However, the most eye-catching ones are those strange and technological vehicles.

"Beep beep", the horn sounded, and a car sped past the road. The car itself was not too novel, but there was one thing - this car had no wheels, but relied on the rotation of the disc underneath to float in the air, and then relied on the electromagnetic force to push forward.

In addition to cars, there are many other vehicles that also use electromagnetic suspension to operate, including magnetically suspended motorcycles, buses, and even small single-person balance cars. Magnetic levitation has become the most popular symbol of this city, as if in this city, you dare not go out if your car cannot be magnetically suspended.

"If only we had won the championship in the Electric Street competition, we could have a magnetically suspended motorcycle."

Asuka's eyes were full of envy.

Leo also echoed on the side. As a loyal fan of Kamen Rider, motorcycles are eternally romantic, just like what my grandmother once said, I am the man who walks the way of heaven and manages everything... Bah, a knight without a motorcycle is not a good belt...

"Bah." Leo stopped talking nonsense.

Lalulas didn't care about these two guys who were obsessed with motorcycles. She held a piece of paper in her hand and looked around the shops while calculating something.

"(Elf language) Eh, the tissues are almost used up. I need to buy some in case I need them during the journey; I also need to buy a bottle of toilet water, otherwise there will be a lot of mosquitoes in the wild; should I change the water bottle? Xiaozhao's bottle is a bit old now..."

Mumbling in her mouth, Lalulas concentrated on thinking about what necessary items to buy for the journey.

Suddenly, she found that the two spicy girls who were originally walking beside her were gone.

"(Elf language) Hmm? Where are they?"

Lalulas was startled and quickly turned around to look.

Seeing the girl and Riolu lying in front of a glass display case, their eyes glowed and their saliva was about to flow down.

"This time, we will introduce to you the fully automatic electromagnetic suspension motorcycle specially made and promoted by Zidian City Motorcycle Shop - the Light Wheel 3000. The stable sense of balance and the sense of driving at high speed will be a rare experience for you... This motorcycle is only available in Zidian City, limited to 10 quantities, first come first served... The release date is one month later..."

As soon as Lalu Las approached, he heard the advertisement from the large TV next to the display case.

"Leo, what do you think of this motorcycle?"

In the large glass display case that is one person tall, there is a very streamlined motorcycle. The motorcycle is silver-white in color, with two rotating light wheels placed on the front and back. The electromagnetic force generated by the light wheels allows the entire motorcycle to float steadily, and the bright light that flows from time to time on the entire motorcycle shell renders the entire vehicle extremely cool.

"One word: I want it."

"I want it too, let's see the price..."

Ashiro and Leo leaned in to look at the price tag on the motorcycle.


Both guys took a breath of cold air at the same time.

"2, 20,000 yuan!"

By the way, for the convenience of calculation, the currency value in the elf world is about the same as the RMB in the previous life, so readers can convert it by themselves - it's really not that the author wants to be lazy.

To be honest, if it is such a cool limited edition motorcycle, the price of 20,000 yuan is not too expensive, but for a 15-year-old girl, it is really difficult to afford such an expensive consumption.

"How much is our total net worth?"

Leo turned his head and looked at Asumi.

Asumi took out his pink wallet from his bag and poured out all the banknotes and coins inside.

"Here is 2,000 yuan, all the cash my parents gave me for backup." Asumi counted it, and then took out his mobile phone. "There is... uh, about 5,000 yuan on the online account? It's all the money my parents gave me for the trip."

"(Elf language) No, Xiaozhao, you can't use the money to buy this thing, otherwise we won't have money for the trip."

Lalulas quickly pulled the trouser legs of Asuka Zhao to stop her from spending impulsively.

"All added up to about 7,000 yuan, which is still 13,000 yuan short of 20,000 yuan, which is quite a big difference."

Leo calculated and felt that the gap was a bit big.

If I were in my previous life, the prize money for playing one or two games would be more than this number...

"Forget it, we can't afford it anyway."

Shaking his head, Leo also gave up the idea of ​​instigating his trainer to buy a motorcycle.

But Asuka Zhao didn't want to give up.

"Leo, do you have any way to make quick money?"

Girl, there are ways to make quick money, but they are all written in the law.

Leo looked up and squinted at Asuka Zhao.

The latter wrinkled his nose and thought for a while, then a sly smile appeared on his lips.

"No, I have a way, let's go make money."

"Let me show you how the Pokémon trainer earns money for traveling!"


Outskirts of Zidian City.

"Mushroom, use [Super Absorb]!"

"Lulu, use [Telekinesis], knock him down!"

Pink super telekinesis appeared on Lalulas' body, forming a wave that directly knocked the mushroom-like Pokémon to the ground.

"Ahhh, damn, mushroom!" The little boy in shorts and a sun hat shouted in annoyance.

"Damn, I will definitely beat you next time." The boy in shorts reluctantly took out 100 yuan from his trouser pocket. "This is pocket money for Pokémon battles."

"Thank you for your patronage!" Asuka Teru happily put away the Pokémon Yuan handed over by the boy in shorts.

Is this how Pokémon trainers make money?

Leo couldn't complain anymore. It seemed that in this elf world, the setting in the game of the previous life was inherited. After the elf battle, the losing party would give the winning party an appropriate amount of money. Of course, it couldn't be too much. If the amount was large, it would be gambling. After all, Miss Junsha in this world was not a freeloader. And looking at the actions of Asuka and the boy in shorts, you can tell that they have long been accustomed to this set of customary rules.

However, such rules have not been written into the official rules of elf battles by the Elf Alliance. They are purely customs passed down from the folks. Therefore, not only the battles between elf trainers will have such customs, but even people of any identity will consciously abide by this custom after the battle.

Speaking of which, Uncle Tiexuan, the gym owner of Zidian City, loves elves, so there are many people who love elf battles in the suburbs of this city.

All the way down,With the help of Lalulas and Leo, Asumi Zhao defeated various people such as the insect catcher, the angler, the parasol sister, the jogger, etc., and the pocket money he received ranged from 100 yuan to nearly 1,000 yuan.

Except for those battles with bullies, Asumi Zhao was embarrassed to take the few dollars handed over by the crying children.

"This is how elf trainers make money, isn't it great?"

Asumi Zhao patted his bulging wallet with satisfaction.


Leo replied perfunctorily.

"Oh, little sister, do you want to fight with me?"

Asumi Zhao, who was still showing off, heard a gentle voice behind him.

Asumi Zhao's eyes lit up and nodded hurriedly: "Okay."

Turning around, she saw a rich lady in a gorgeous dress looking at her and the two elves with a smile.

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