What the hell is this!

Leo wanted to scream to the sky.

For the champion-level Daigo, this Lv31 metal monster in front of him would definitely not be a member of the main team, and it is even difficult to say that it is a substitute team. Moreover, this Pokémon is more of a "tool monster" used by Daigo to cut through mountains and roads.

Why do you say that? Don't you see the four-piece set of "tool-type moves" - [Super Strength], [Rock Crushing], [Iai Slash], and [Flash]? If the metal monster could not learn [Surfing] or [Diving], in the real Pokémon world without skill grid restrictions, Daigo would probably make it a complete "tool monster".

But who can tell me that these "tool-type moves" can all be Lv2, and what are the three Lv3 moves?

Leo felt suffocated.

Turning his head to secretly glance at Asuhi Teru, the rekindled excitement on the girl's face made Leo sigh and not tell her the perverted attributes of the "tool monster" opposite.

"It's not shameful to lose anyway, just try your best."

Leo loosened his ankle, and then, in the eyes of everyone, he instantly turned into a flash of lightning.

"【Flash of Lightning】!"

No need for the trainer to give orders and make your own judgments?

This somewhat special way of commanding caught Daigo off guard, but after all, he was an experienced veteran trainer. Looking at the lightning that was rushing towards him with an arc of light, Daigo waved his left hand.

"Metal Monster, use 【Flash】."

The two steel-like arms of the metal monster suddenly touched each other, and a dazzling white light burst out from it.

"Ah, my eyes!"

The audience on the sidelines were stimulated by the sudden burst of light.


Not to mention Leo on the field, who was concentrating on attacking the target, but he didn't expect that a seemingly insignificant move would directly destroy his attack.

For a moment, there were double images in front of him, and Leo could only rush towards one of the figures. Naturally, [Lightning Flash] also missed.

"!" Asuka rubbed his eyes that were tearing up from the sting, looking a little anxious, but still waited for Leo's own counterattack according to the rhythm he had cooperated with Leo before.

"Damn, I still can't see clearly, just use [Wave Missile], direct range attack."

Leo squinted his eyes, trying to reduce the impact of [Flash] on his vision, but it still didn't help. At this time, he wished he had another pair of eyes to help him locate the target, but unfortunately he didn't, so he planned to use a large-scale attack to try his luck.

"[Wave Missile], super-large mode!"

Leo raised his hands, and the azure waveguide energy spiraled in his hands, forming a super-large energy ball in a very short time.

"That's it!"

Daigo's eyes flashed, and he smiled as if he had thought of something.

"Come on, let me fire a [wave missile] version of the spirit bomb!"

Leo shouted, throwing the giant energy ball in his hand to the opposite side.

Facing a large-scale attack from above, even if the true position of the metal monster cannot be seen clearly, it can still be hit indiscriminately... maybe?

"Metal monster," Daigo commanded slowly. "Fly up."

"Boom——," the giant energy ball landed on the ring, directly blasting a large piece of rubble. If it weren't for the protection of the barriers around the fighting ring, these rubbles would have fallen into the audience.

The audience was also shocked by the power of the energy bomb and shouted continuously.

When the flying smoke and dust dissipated, only a puppy-shaped elf was left standing alone, and his opponent was nowhere to be seen.

"Leo, in the sky!"

Asuhiro Asuka interrupted and commanded in time.

"Finally here."

Leo breathed a sigh of relief. He was still dizzy and for the first time he was eager to have a trainer's command so that he would not be at a loss like a headless fly.

"Leo, [Dig a hole]."

"Swish, swish, swish, swish," Leo dug under his feet without hesitation, dug a hole at a very fast speed and hid in it.

"[Cannon Light Cannon]!"

At this time, as Daigo's voice sounded, two extremely bright light cannons blasted straight down from the sky.

"Boom," "Boom," two large holes were directly blown out at Leo's original position.

"[Dig a hole] to avoid attacks? Good choice."

Daigo praised.

At this moment, all attacks stopped. The metal monster relied on the dual effects of magnetism and telekinesis to float 3 meters above the ground, while Leo, who was hiding underground, seemed to be motionless, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Suddenly, a black shadow broke out of the ground, and the lightning-like figure took advantage of thatThe explosive force surged up instantly.

"Then use [Brick Splitting]!" Asuka shouted. "End him, Leo!"

The brown-red energy flowed on the raised palm, Leo pulled his palm behind his head, and then chopped it down with force!

The acceleration of [Lightning Flash], coupled with the sharp palm blade of [Brick Splitting], this attack was as powerful as a thousand pounds!

It was just strange that in the face of such a powerful attack, Daigo actually folded his arms, with only a confident smile on his face.

"What's wrong with Mr. Daigo? Didn't he react?"

"It shouldn't be, with Mr. Daigo's strength..."

"Yes, yes, after all, [Brick Splitting] is a fighting move, and it still has a lot of damage to the metal monster whose body is made of steel."

"But why didn't Mr. Daigo choose to dodge or fight back?"

It seemed that only Uncle Tiexuan saw through Daigo's actions.

"To have tapped the potential of a non-main Pokémon to such an extent, Daigo, you are worthy of being the champion!"

Uncle Tiexuan secretly admired in his heart.

All the audience present, including Asuhi Teru who was fighting, watched this attack with curiosity and nervous eyes.

In a flash, Leo's [Lightning Flash] version of [Breaking Tile] had already hit the body of the metal monster.


A heavy sound like hitting a big bell sounded, and in full view of the crowd, Leo's whole body shook violently, and then his arms softened, and he fell from mid-air with white eyes.

The metal monster slowly fell in the air, showing that he was unharmed, and in the meantime, he gently caught the falling Leo with telekinesis in a friendly way. .

"You, you big, uncle, this, so, hard, chop, chop, fart, ah!"

Leo, who couldn't help trembling all over, roared in his heart.

When the palm knife just hit the metal monster, he knew that something was wrong. It's not that he hasn't chopped hard objects before, such as boulders and thick wood. With the help of energy, he can also chop them with his flesh and blood palm.

But this metal monster, I don't know if it's the characteristic of this kind of Pokémon with a head and brain made of steel, or the special feature of Daigo, an elite Pokémon, "hardness". When he chopped it with his palm, it was like chopping an indestructible steel plate. The huge recoil force even made him shiver.

"In the future, if anyone says that fighting-type can completely defeat steel-type, I will let him try to chop a steel plate with his bare hands."

Leo said with tears in his eyes.

In fact, the fighting-type restraining steel-type is also relative. Fighting-type Pokémon with long-trained bodies and natural supernatural powers can indeed rely on their brute force to restrain steel-type Pokémon, but for a dexterous player like Leo, breaking stones with bare hands is probably the limit.

Of course, if it evolves to Lucario, the extra steel attribute can allow Leo's whole body to be strengthened by steel energy, so it will not be difficult to chop steel plates.

But now...

"I declare Daigo the winner!"

Uncle Tiexuan saw that Leo was still shaking and couldn't even walk steadily, so he simply announced the result of the battle.

Asuka picked up the Poké Ball, put Leo in it for recuperation, and walked down the ring with some disappointment.

"Good game." Daigo still smiled elegantly, walked over and shook hands with Asuka.

"I got something very good." Daigo seemed very satisfied and continued to speak in a good mood. "Your command is not bad, but there is still a problem."

Asuka was fortunate enough to receive the guidance of a champion-level trainer, and the disappointment of losing the game immediately disappeared, and he listened very seriously.

"Your Pokémon has a very high intelligence, so your cooperation with him is to let him play freely first, and then supplement your own instructions to cooperate. This is a good idea, but it lacks one thing."

"That is: balance."

"Balance?" Asuka said with some doubts.

"Yes, blindly letting the elves play independently will make them unable to see the overall situation of the battle; and letting the trainer command will ignore the will and personality of the elves themselves. How to achieve perfect harmony between the two, what you need is the balance of command."

"Just like just now, your elves have lost the ability to clearly judge the battle situation after being hit by my [Flash]. At this time, you have to act as a third eye and point out the direction for your elves, instead of hesitating. This is the balance that is not done well."

"Balancedly let the elves play freely and appropriately insert the trainer's command. This is what you still lack."

Daigo, who rarely spoke a long paragraph, saw that the girl in front of him seemed to be lost in thought, and did not disturb her again, but secretly glanced at her.The Poké Ball hanging on the girl's waist nodded to Uncle Tiexuan, then summoned the Metagross and flew away from Zidian City.

"Balance of command? Hmm..."

The girl fell into deep thought.

The audience saw Daigo leave, and they also left with satisfaction. No one expected what kind of state Leo was in the Poké Ball.


At this moment, Leo was in a barren land.

"I... fucking... where is this?"

This abrupt feeling even made Leo curse out the national curse of his previous life, because he was confused, very confused, Taylor was confused, L'Hôpital was confused.

"Isn't I resting in the Poké Ball? How did I end up in this damn place in an instant??"

Looking around, up and down, left and right, all that came into view was the desolate land and the gray sky.

"You won't even let me move???"

Leo wanted to take a step and walk around, but he found that except for turning his head to look around, his whole body couldn't move at all.

Suddenly, a huge light lit up from above.

Leo looked up and was so shocked that his pupils dilated rapidly.

It turned out to be a huge meteorite falling from the sky!

"Oh my god!"

Leo's hair stood up all over his body, and he subconsciously wanted to escape, but he forgot that the result of his previous attempt was that he couldn't move.

Then, in Leo's extremely desperate eyes, the meteorite fell.

Endless flames, endless noise, endless dust.

"I'm fine???"

Leo was confused again.

But when he reluctantly lowered his head to see his unharmed body and the various rocks that passed through his body, he realized it.

"Is this a 4D movie for me?"

Knowing that he would not be finished, Leo was relieved to watch the fun everywhere.

It was just that the surroundings were filled with thick dust raised by the meteorite, and basically nothing could be seen.

However, after a closer look, a huge, very blurry figure was found in the direction where the meteorite fell, emitting a purple-red light as deep as the abyss.

"Crack, crack", all the images around seemed to be distorted, and after a sound that made Leo's teeth ache, they disappeared directly.

Then, various images flashed in front of Leo at an extremely fast speed like running water.

The earth revived.

Various strange creatures were born.

Reproduction, harmony, contradiction, and outbreak.

Many blue-black figures, covering the sky and the earth.

Bright light, endless bright light.

... The images were getting faster and faster, and more and more blurred.

Finally, everything disappeared, and Leo's eyes also restored the scene of the white mist inherent in the Poké Ball.

"What does it mean?"

Leo was a little depressed, completely confused.


[Secondary Mission]

Searching for the Past: Investigate your own past and the truth about the only Riolu/Lucario left in the world. (Status: Unfinished) (Progress: 1/20) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 50)

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