The history of the elf world is a long scroll.

According to the untraceable founding century, when the world was still empty, many creatures with great power and authority emerged. Space, time, earth, ocean, fire, frost, lightning, life, and even death, countless powers weaved into the original appearance of the world.

From nothing to something, it entered the super ancient period. These creatures, later called elves, were the protagonists of the world stage. Their footprints were all over the mountains, rivers, under the sky, on the earth, and even in the universe.

For some reason, in the ancient period later than the super ancient period, the elves' dominant position began to decline. A special creature different from the elves-humans, took the opportunity to rise and gradually occupied the center of the world.

As time passed, humans and elves, from the equal power in the ancient period, evolved into a world situation in which humans were absolutely dominant in the modern period, until now it has entered the new century.

In this long time, starting from the moment of human rise, there is an organization that has always played an indispensable role in human history, that is, the Elf Alliance.

In ancient times, humans, who had just prospered, still maintained a state of awe and vigilance in the face of the overlord of the previous period, the elves.

After all, the elves all have their own magical powers, and the terrifying power of some elves can even bring disaster to humans. And humans themselves, except for some people with strange abilities, do not have different powers like elves. Therefore, humans have learned to live in groups and use their unique wisdom to compete with those terrible elves.

From small groups in ancient times, it has gradually become a huge organization today. From the beginning of studying various technologies for the survival of mankind to now being related to all aspects of the elf world, the Elf Alliance has become the most important part of the world.

The headquarters of the Elf Alliance is located in the western area of ​​the Middel region, which has many myths and legends. It is a huge park with various buildings built in it. Even some large-scale events, such as the Middel Championship Challenge, are held here.

At this time, in a building in the park.

In the office of the Speaker of the Elf Alliance, a middle-aged man just hung up the phone.

"Speaker Darich, your next agenda is..."

The secretary standing next to the Speaker was about to remind him, but was interrupted by Speaker Darich.

"Put aside other arrangements first, and help me gather relevant personnel to the conference room for a meeting."

After saying that, the Speaker picked up the clothes on the back of the chair and strode out of the office.

A moment later.

The large conference hall of the building has gathered many high-level alliance leaders who have come nearby. Some of them have calm faces, while others have frowned, obviously knowing that such an urgent meeting must have encountered something.

"Squeak--", the glass door opened automatically, and Speaker Darich, the highest person in charge of the Elf Alliance, walked onto the conference platform.

People nearby rushed to the scene, and those distributed throughout the Middel area participated in the form of virtual projection.

The secretary following behind the Speaker held a tablet to check the number of people present for the Speaker.

"The heads of the various departments of the alliance and the eight councillors have all arrived."

"In the East region, the head of the branch, Kober, the regional champion, Oki Qinglu, the representative of the Elf Ranger Organization, Dr. Niihara, and the chief ranger, Soichi, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Elf Gym Master, and Grandmaster Chihong are online."

"The relevant personnel in the Middle region, the head of the Elf Alliance branch, Landon, the champion of the Middle region, Odamaki Safiya, the Four Heavenly Kings, Daigo Tsukiki, and the Elf Gym Masters are all online, while the Gym Master Qianli and the previous champion Zhulan are absent."

"In the Weston region, the head of the branch, Roz, the champion Dandi, the Four Heavenly Kings, and the Elf Arena Gym Masters are all online."

"In the Flot Continent, the head of the branch, Lawrence, and the champion Blake are online, and the rest are absent."

"The above are the people present at the meeting."

Speaker Darich nodded to show his understanding, and then looked around the meeting room at the participants who were either in person or virtual projections.

"I called you all here today mainly to discuss a few things."

The big screen behind him lit up.

"First, it's about the recent legendary elf riot in the Middel area."

In the meeting seat, the virtual projection of Landon, the head of the Middel Elf Branch, lit up.

"Let me explain next."

"Two months ago, the branch's search team found the legendary three pillars - Regis Chilu, Regiace, and Regilock - awakened in the place where the pillars were sleeping.After seeing the signs, we immediately sent a team of elf trainers to the place, but they were attacked by an unknown organization on the way. The Ice God Pillar Regiace was captured by the unknown organization, while Regilock and Regischiru were protected by us. As for Regischiru, because the sleeping place was destroyed in the battle, the branch transported Regischiru to the Elf Ecological Protection Area in Yinye City for protection, waiting for the repair of the sleeping place to be completed before transporting him back. "

"It's just that this should have been a secret message, but I don't know how it was discovered by the elf poaching group. So a few days ago, the elf poaching group distributed manpower and buried explosives in the three neighboring cities of Yuanqi City, Yinye City, and Zidian City to create chaos. The top leaders of the poaching group took the opportunity to invade Yinye City and tried to steal the Steel God Pillar Regischiru. "

"In this battle, the gym leaders and alliance trainers of Zidian City and Yuanqi City suppressed the Pokémon poaching gangs. However, in Yinye City, due to the unknown Pokémon gigantism phenomenon and the mysterious disappearance of the gym leader Qianli, the town was destroyed on a large scale. Currently, they are fully committed to the reconstruction of the town and the comfort of the citizens. "

Many pictures and videos flashed on the big screen, some of which showed the collective arrest of the Pokémon poaching group members, some of which showed the ruins of Yinye City, and some of which were videos of the confrontation between the two giant Pokémons.

"Qianli is missing? With his strength, there are really not many people in the world who can threaten him..."

Some Pokémon gym leaders who are familiar with Qianli couldn't believe it.

"So has the whereabouts of Mr. Qianli been found now?"

The regional champion of the Middle Region, Odamaki Safia, asked anxiously. After all, Qianli can be regarded as her...

"The person has been found, but he is still in a coma. "

Daigo's virtual projection brought some good news to Safiya.

"Moreover, in addition to the unknown gigantism of the elves in the battle, there is another point worth noting, that is, Articuno, which should have lived in the East region, also appeared inexplicably in this battle, and it is suspected that it has been captured by someone."

Daigo added, and the big screen also showed the frozen holy bird contaminated by black spots in a timely manner.

"Red, do you know about this?"

East region champion Oak Green asked his close friend who often visited various legendary places to practice.

Red's voice also came.

"Yes, when I traveled throughout the East region before, I found that not only Articuno, but also Moltres and Zapdos were not in their respective habitats. I don't know if it was captured by someone or something else, and there are no other clues at present. ”


People began to discuss privately.

Whether it was the head of the alliance branch, the regional champion or the Four Heavenly Kings, or even the owner of the Pokémon Gym, as the heads of various regions or insiders, they all monitored some of the mythical beasts and elves to a greater or lesser extent. One was to prevent the powerful power of the mythical beasts and elves from causing damage, and the other was to prevent this powerful power from being used by criminals. This is why when the three pillars revived, the Pokémon Alliance was able to learn about it and send people to deal with it in the first place.

And under this close monitoring, the three holy birds disappeared silently, or one of them, Articuno, was subdued, which was not a trivial matter.

When the meeting was quiet for a while, Speaker Darich issued instructions to the relevant personnel in the Middel area.

“The first task is to handle the reconstruction of Yinye City. This matter will allow the relevant departments of the alliance to allocate funds and provide assistance. "

The secretary was recording.

"Secondly, we need to track down the whereabouts of the Ice God Pillar Regiace, and make good arrangements for the placement of Regis Chilu and Regirock, strengthen the protection force, and make sure that this force is not abused. For this task, the branch can apply to the headquarters, and the headquarters will send senior and master-level trainers to take charge. "

"Speaker, leave this matter to me!"

Saphia took the task.

"I will also assist, and there are some things I want to figure out."

Daigo also took the initiative to take on this task, which was rare.

Speaker Daric nodded, and said no more. After all, the trainer who can become the regional champion can be regarded as top-notch, not to mention that there are two champions. Without the power of two or three beasts, it is estimated that it is impossible to overcome the protection of the two champions.

"That's the arrangement for the Middle region first."

"The next thing is the second thing. "

Chairman Daric's eyes sharpened.

"Several years ago, the Alliance carried out a cleanup operation in various regions, thoroughly clearing out a large number of illegal organizations, and also brought about the stability and peace in recent years. However, in the lastIn recent reports, it seems that these illegal organizations have begun to recover. "

"Pa", the speaker slammed the table hard.

"So, the headquarters has issued instructions here, and the elf alliances in various regions have formed investigation teams to find out the illegal organizations hidden behind the scenes and eliminate the hidden dangers. "

Most people, whether real people or virtual projections, have heavy expressions on their faces.

Ten years ago, man-made disasters such as the rampant evil forces and natural disasters such as the upheavals of land and sea, all brought indelible scars to the world, so there was the "Thunder Operation" organized by the Elf Alliance headquarters and led by the champions of each region.

It was also because of that operation that brought the tranquility and peace in recent years.

Seeing that no one present had any special opinions, the speaker smiled again.

"Very good, then I'll leave it to you."

"Then there are only two things left."

"One is the preparation of the Elf Battle World Cup, and the process arrangement of the Weston Islands Tour..."

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