Yinye City is still under reconstruction, and Asuka has decided to start a new journey.

But at the end, she wanted to visit a place she missed very much.

"Ono's Cake Shop".

This small cake shop next to the Pokémon Center is far away from the center of the battle at that time, so even though the Pokémon Center next to it has a lot of damage, the cake shop is miraculously well preserved.

But now there is a "temporary suspension" sign hanging at the door of the cake shop.

Lalulas walked around the cake shop lightly, and then gestured to Asuka and Leo that there was no one inside.


Aku and Leo sighed at the same time.

Before leaving Yinye City, the three of them had the same idea, that is, they wanted to eat the cakes made by Grandpa and Grandma Ono again. Unfortunately, I don’t know if it was because they were frightened in the riot. After a few weeks, "Ono's Cake Shop" still hasn’t opened its door.

"What a pity."

The girl smacked her lips, as if she was regretting that she couldn't eat the sweet cake.

But strangely, in addition to the cake shop, the Pokémon Center next door, which used to be open all day, was now in a dark state.

"I remember Miss Joy should have recovered?"

Under the protection of Asuka and Lalulas, Miss Joy of the Pokémon Center was not injured in the riot, and after waking up, she returned to the Pokémon Center with half of the ceiling missing to heal the trainers.

The Pokémon Center was also the first building to be repaired.

Muttering in his mouth, Asuka curiously opened the glass door of the Pokémon Center.


Several salutes suddenly sounded, and the streamers sprayed out covered the three little ones all over.

All the lights came on.

"Ah, this is!"

The girl made a surprised sound.

What caught my eyes was a huge cake placed in the center of the Pokémon Center. On it were two huge Pokémons, the Steel God Pillar and Riolu, made of various fruit, chocolate, and cream. On the cake, there were also a small man and a small Pokémon.

Not to mention the exquisite shape, the strong smell that rushed into the nose alone made people drool.

"Pa pa pa pa", the applause continued, and people clapped their hands from both sides and surrounded them.

Mr. Qianli, who was smiling, and Mrs. Qianli who supported him, Miss Joy and her Jigglypuff, the kind Grandpa Ono and Grandma Ono, the cheerful Uncle Tiexuan and his granddaughter, and the two jumping electric rabbits, Miss Misa, who was giving a thumbs up, Miss Junsha, who was busy pressing the head of the Katie to stop him from eating, and so on. Almost all the people who had met Asuka Teru were gathered here.

"Welcome our hero."

Uncle Tiexuan laughed.

Mr. Qianli also walked out slowly and said solemnly to Asuka and the other three little ones: "Xiaozhao, thank you and your elves for repelling the poaching group and Regisquirrel. If you hadn't appeared, the damage caused by those criminals would be even more unimaginable."

"As the person in charge of Yinye City, please let me express my gratitude and thanks."

Asuka blushed a little, she smiled embarrassedly.

"Ah, to be honest, it was Mr. Daigo who repelled Regisquirrel, and I was just helping out."

"Anyway, without your help, things would probably be worse, and the main problem was that I didn't know why I couldn't show up at the time, and I also want to express my apologies for this."

Miss Joy also walked out with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, little girl, and you two little cuties."

Miss Joy bent down and hugged Leo and Lalulas affectionately.

Leo was flattered, and this wave of benefits really caught him off guard.

Attention, this is a big wave of benefits, please do not interrupt the sentence.

Tiexuan's granddaughter Xiaoyu also ran over, and with her two electric rabbits, she gestured to Leo curiously.

Xiaoyu naturally knew that Leo could speak human language, so she leaned over and whispered: "Leo, you are so small, how can you become so big?"

Leo glanced at the little kid.

"What do you know, you idiot? You can't imagine how tall and mighty I am."

Several elves and Xiaoyu were playing and laughing on the side, while the humans were chatting on the side.

Until a "gurgle" sounded.

Lalulas hid behind Mingri Zhao shyly.

"Although there are no expensive gifts for you, we still invited twoThe old man made a thank-you gift for the three of you, I hope you don't mind. "

Mr. Qianli said with a slightly apologetic tone.

Asuhiro, Leo, and Lalulas' eyes sparkled.

"No, no, no, this is already a very good gift."

Grandpa Ono said a little stiffly: "Humph, this cake is only made for Mr. Qianli's face..."

Before he finished speaking, Grandma Ono complained: "Can the old man speak? If it weren't for Xiaozhao, our cake shop would have been gone long ago."

Looking at the smiling Asuhiro and the familiar scene, Grandpa Ono was dazed for a while, and finally whispered: "Thank you."

"Okay, everyone, enjoy the delicious cake."

The gentle Mrs. Qianli smiled and distributed the plates and tableware.

"Ah, Leo, cut your head for me to taste. "

Leo looked at the brat with horror.

Then he cut off the dog head of his cake with a knife.


Just like that, the lively crowd and the laughing elves in the Elf Center made this severely damaged city seem to have a little more warmth.

Grandpa Ono was watching them happily eating his cake, and a hint of tenderness appeared on his originally serious face.

"Huh", he looked back with awareness, and it seemed that a breeze was blowing outside the window.




Father, he is still so gentle.

Although he looks very serious and scary.

I smiled.

I couldn't help but think of it for a long time Things before.

My father is an excellent pastry chef, and my mother is his assistant who works well with him. The two of them have won many awards in pastry competitions, so every time I come home, there will be delicious cakes waiting for me.

Well, is there any connection between the past and the present?

Who cares, the cake is delicious anyway.

Oh, by the way, my Lalu Las also likes to eat my father's cake.

However, it seems that after losing to an opponent in a certain game, my father no longer likes to make cakes for me like before, and he has become very depressed.

There is no way, who made me his daughter?

Once I heard someone say that there is a This ingredient is very suitable for making desserts, so I sneaked up the mountain alone to give my father a surprise. Oh yes, not only me, but also my elf Lalulas.

But when I woke up again, I was lying on the hospital bed, weak and powerless.

In my memory, it seems that I slipped off the cliff to pick that ingredient.

I don’t remember it clearly.

It’s just a pity that I can’t eat my father’s cake.

At the last moment, I really want to taste that fragrant taste again.

For many years after that, I watched my father and mother gradually become gray-haired, and my father, who used to like to smile while making cakes, no longer smiled.

Moreover, Facing such a terrifying monster, he didn't even run away.

I was so anxious, but I couldn't do anything.

Fortunately, those children protected my father and mother.

So, God, please bless those children, so that everything will go smoothly in the future.

I looked at the lively scene and gave my best wishes.

Eh? Is there really a smile on my father's face?

That's great.

I looked at the big cake reluctantly.

This taste full of happiness is my father's greatest work.

Let's go, Lalulas, I called my little friend and left from the window with satisfaction.


"Old man, what's wrong with you?"

Grandma Ono looked at Grandpa Ono and asked softly.

I don't know when, Grandpa Ono's tears couldn't stop flowing down.

(The "Hero of the City" chapter is over)

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