In the early morning of Zidian City, all kinds of neon lights still light up earlier than the sun rises.


The crisp alarm clock sounded, as if it was vibrating non-stop to remind its owner to get up on time.

"Snap", a little hand stretched out from the quilt and pressed the alarm clock directly.

Then a confused voice came from the rolled-up quilt.

"Sleep for another ten minutes... Huzzzzz..."

The alarm clock that was stopped stood quietly at the head of the bed.

An hour later.

"Woo woo woo... Why didn't my alarm clock wake me up!"

Xiaoyu, who was busy washing and packing, cried to her thunder beast.

The thunder beast tilted its head, indicating that I don't know anything.

"Xiao Zheng, Xiao Fu, stop playing with my hat, give it back to me."

The two electric rabbits next to them happily tossed a student hat back and forth, having a lot of fun.

Xiaoyu took great pains to snatch his hat back, then hurried to the living room, grabbed a few slices of bread and eggs from the dining table, and prepared to go out.

"Grandpa, I'm leaving first. I'm going to be late for school."

After saying goodbye to the white-bearded uncle who was leisurely eating breakfast at the dining table, Xiaoyu rushed out of the house.

Only Tiexuan, the owner of the electric elf gym in Zidian City, was left there, watching with a smile.

No matter in which time and space, going to school and reading are the melody that everyone must go through when they were young, even in the elf world, a world with magical creatures and strange powers.

It's just that it's different from the elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university system that readers are familiar with. The elf world is mainly divided into three stages.

Before the age of 10, children mainly take "preparatory courses" to prepare for the next stage of "basic courses". The "preparatory courses" include relatively broad courses such as elementary arithmetic, humanities, science, and nature, with the aim of cultivating children's primary education literacy.

When they are between 10 and 15 years old, they will enter the 5-year "basic course". In the "basic course", in addition to further learning the various basic subject knowledge in the "preparatory course", they will also selectively take elective courses according to the development direction of their interests. For example, Ming Rizhao, who aims to become a professional elf trainer, has taken a series of courses such as "Elf Technical and Tactical Study", "Elf Ecological Research", "World History", "Elf Team Composition and Matching", and "Elf Battle Practice" in the "basic course" stage; or those who hope to become professional elf coordination trainers will take other courses such as "Elf Cultivation Teaching", "Elf Dressing and Care", and "Clothing Design".

Some students may not choose to work in industries related to elves, but they will also take various courses. For example, students who dream of becoming a policeman will learn "Basic Criminal Investigation Knowledge", and students who like music will take "Vocal Appreciation" and so on.

In this "basic course" education, children's hobbies and interests will be extremely appropriately developed.

This stage is also the time when many children begin to develop in different industries.

After 15 years old, this is also a big watershed.

In the elf world, 15 years old is considered an adult, so those students who want to become professional elf trainers will choose to go to the Elf League to obtain professional qualifications. Only after obtaining professional qualifications can they challenge the gym or participate in various elf battle competitions.

And those students who are eager to further their studies can choose to go to various industries for training and internships, and finally enter the workplace; or enter the academy that provides "advanced courses" to study more profound knowledge and become scientific and technological talents.

Therefore, reading and learning have become an inevitable thing for many children.

Of course, no matter in which time and space, going to school is a very sad thing for children.

"Xiaoyu, why are you late?"

The little girl who was punished to stand in the corridor of the classroom asked another little girl beside her curiously.

Tiexuan's granddaughter Xiaoyu responded weakly: "I played with Xiaozhao and the others for a long time last night, and I got up late this morning."

Even though she was the granddaughter of Tiexuan, the master of the Zidian City Pokémon Gym, she could not avoid being punished by the teacher for being late.

"Ah, is it the big sister with a very handsome little Pokémon and a very cute Lalulas? When I saw them fighting that, uh, that thing on TV, they were really cool."

The little girl's face was full of longing, and she turned to look at Xiaoyu with envy.

"I really envy you, Xiaoyu, for being able to play with such a big sister."

Xiaoyu proudly put her hands on her hips.

"That's right, after all, I wasBut I've fought against Sister Xiaozhao before, and I was just a little bit away from winning!"

"Oh, Xiaoyu, you're so awesome too."

"I'm telling you..."

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoxin, don't chat while standing in the corner!"

The teacher's angry voice came from the classroom.

The two little girls trembled instantly.

In the evening, Tiexuan came to the school and took Xiaoyu home.

Because Xiaoyu's parents both work in other places, Xiaoyu is basically taken care of by Tiexuan.

On the way, Xiaoyu held her grandfather's hand, while angrily complaining that the school had left a lot of homework.

"Then will you go to play with your sister Xiaozhao tonight?"

Xiaoyu hesitated.

Between being late again and being punished tomorrow and running to eat the desserts made by Lalulas, she didn't hesitate for long and decisively chose the former.

"Go, I'm going to play with Sister Xiaozhao, otherwise they may leave after a while. "Xiaoyu paused. "At worst, I can set the alarm earlier tomorrow morning."

"Grandpa, you too, why don't you wake me up..."

Tiexuan smiled and said nothing.

At night.

After eating shaved ice, Xiaoyu, Thunderbeast, Positive Papa and Negative Papa returned home contentedly, patting their bulging stomachs.

After deliberately setting the alarm earlier, Xiaoyu clapped her hands confidently.

"This time I won't be late tomorrow!"

She said so to her elves.


The next day.

The alarm still sounded faithfully.

Another pair of little hands pressed the alarm.

"Sleep a little longer... Huzzzzz..."

The Thunderbeast, awakened by the alarm, looked at the sleeping Xiaoyu, and then at the two electric rabbits with their hands spread out.

They were speechless.

Well, it seems that their little master will be late again today.

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