Ruby, in the English of the previous life, means ruby.

In the elf world, it is also the translation of ruby.

Ruby has a passionate red color, and Ruby, as the name suggests, his elf gorgeous competition performance, all show his own hot charm like ruby.

Yes, unlike the mainstream elf trainers in the world, Ruby is an elf coordination trainer.

Here we have to introduce the relevant knowledge of the elf gorgeous competition.

As the second largest event in the elf world after the elf battle competition, the elf gorgeous competition is also loved by many people. Therefore, it has also derived trainers who specialize in participating in the gorgeous competition-elf coordination trainers. Unlike the elf battle competition, the trainers participating in the gorgeous competition do not pursue victory by defeating the opponent in the battle, but decide the winner by competing for the gorgeous performance of their elves.

The so-called performance gorgeousness refers to a standard that combines a series of conditions such as the elves' appearance, dress, demeanor, coordination with the trainer, combination of moves, stretch of moves, stage performance effect, and audience attention on the stage. To win the competition with high gorgeousness is no easier than going through a battle. And although the gorgeous competition does not have the excitement of winning or losing like the elf battle, it still has a large number of fans because of its beautiful visual effects.

In this popular competition, many outstanding gorgeous performers have emerged, and Ruby is one of the best.

Let's take a look at Ruby's past achievements:

Primary Elf Gorgeous Competition Five Major Medals (Handsome Group, Beautiful Group, Cute Group, Smart Group, Strong Group), Super Elf Gorgeous Competition Five Major Medals, Special Elf Gorgeous Competition Five Major Medals, Master Elf Gorgeous Competition Five Major Medals, Regional Comprehensive Elf Gorgeous Competition Champion, Elf Gorgeous Competition World Cup Runner-up, etc. In addition to these important competitions, there are countless honors in various other small performances and competitions.

If it weren't for the fact that Ruby lost to Mikoli, who is called the "Noble Prince of Water" and is also Ruby's master, by a narrow score in the Elf Gorgeous Competition World Cup held every four years, Ruby could have basically achieved the Grand Slam of the Elf Gorgeous Competition.

It's no wonder that after Mikoli narrowly won the World Cup, he made an extremely emotional declaration that Ruby is the most qualified Elf coordination trainer he has ever seen, and the future will also belong to this young man.

In addition to the outstanding achievements of the Pokémon Contest, there are several more major events that Ruby is known to the world. One is that ten years ago, the two top beasts in the Middle Region, Groudon and Kyogre, were awakened by the then villain organizations Team Magma and Team Ocean. Then the disputes between the continent and the ocean, and the natural disasters that brewed brought great harm to the world. Ruby and Safiya, who were only 11 years old, held the vermilion and indigo orbs, and together with Chisato who awakened Rayquaza, calmed the fight between Groudon and Kyogre and restored peace to the world.

Second, it is said, cough cough, anyway, it is said that there seems to be... cough cough, you know, between Ruby and the current Middle Region champion Odaki Safiya.

Third, Ruby is the son of Chisato, the former Four Heavenly Kings and the current Inye City General Pokémon Gym Master.

"So, Mr. Ruby, you came back this time to go home?"

"After all, such a big thing happened in Yinye City, it's better to go home." Ruby looked at Asuka's somewhat reserved look, smiled and waved her hand. "There's no need to be so reserved, and there's no need to use honorifics, just treat me as an ordinary person."

But facing Ruby with so many halos, Asuka still felt a little uncomfortable.

However, Leo and Ralts on the side didn't have so many concerns. They were chatting happily with Ruby's Gardevoir.

"Aaaaah. (Elf language) Sister Gardevoir, you are so beautiful."

Ralts looked at the white-dressed Gardevoir with some envy.

Gardevoir reached out and touched Ralts's little head, smiling and saying, "(Elf language) As long as you practice more, you will soon be able to evolve into me."

Ruru, the Gardevoir, and Ruru, the Ralts, chatted intimately for a while. Ruru turned around and asked with a puzzled expression, "(Elf language) But it's strange, I can't recognize which species of Pokémon you are?"

Naturally, he asked Leo.

Leo, who already felt that he was the last Riolu in the world, was not curious about why Gardevoir, who had traveled around with Ruby and was well-informed, would ask this question.

"Yes, I also wonder why this worldThere is no Pokémon of my race on the earth?"

Leo sighed.

"By the way, Ruru sister, can you tell me how you and Ruby stopped Flying and Fathead from fighting?"

Leo had already shamelessly approached and called her sister and brother.

"Flying and Fathead?"

Garvest Ruru's face was full of question marks.

"Ah, bah, it's Groudon and Kyogre. It is said that you were the protagonists when the fight between the two was stopped. Can you tell us the story of that time? We are all very curious?"

Looking at the interested eyes of Ralts and Riolu, Garvest scratched his head and said shyly: "Actually, Ruby and I were separated because of the earthquake, and did not participate in the battle to stop Groudon and Kyogre. "

"But..." Gardevoir added quickly, as if she was afraid of disappointing Ralts and Riolu. "I can tell you how I passed the test of the Sky Tower and awakened Rayquaza... Do you want to hear it?"

The two Pokémons sat down quickly.

"That day..."

Seeing that his Pokémon and Ruby's Pokémon were getting along well, Asuka Teru unconsciously relaxed and began to talk and laugh with Ruby.

"Mr. Chisato also helped us a lot. For example, this time when we came to Enki City, the hotel we stayed in had a discount because of Mr. Chisato's membership card. "

"Haha, don't worry about it. After all, you helped my stinky dad a lot, so this little thing is naturally no problem."

Ruby said nonchalantly, but then changed the subject.

"I saw that you were wandering around the exchange center for a long time, Xiaozhao, are you looking for a new Pokémon partner? ”

“Yeah, but unfortunately, after looking around, it seems that there is no Pokémon that is particularly destined to be with me… By the way, Mr. Ruby, you just said that there is a particularly suitable Pokémon, which one is it…”

Asuhiro’s eyes drifted towards the elegant and slender Gardevoir.

Ruby smiled and shook her head.

“Of course it won’t be Ruru. After all, this is my Pokémon. Even if I exchange it with you, it is likely that it will not be able to cooperate with you very well.”

“Besides, you are still a novice Pokémon trainer, right? Have you ever hatched Pokémon?”

“I just got my first badge, which is Mr. Tiexuan’s badge. As for hatching Pokémon, I haven’t.”

“Uncle Tiexuan, I haven’t been to Zidian City for a long time. I’ll go back and take a look when I have a chance.”

Ruby muttered to herself.

“For novice trainers, in addition to obtaining badges, they must also remember to cultivate their own Pokémon well. "

As he spoke, he reached into the backpack behind him and took something out.

"So, you can also try to hatch the elves yourself, and cultivate the bond between 'it' and you from an early age. Such elves will bring you great help."

Ruby took out a red elf egg covered with flame-like patterns. Although he didn't know what kind of elf was inside, the hot breath was burning on it like a flame.

"This elf egg was given to me by a powerful friend when I was traveling in the Weston Islands not long ago. He asked me to find someone who has the courage to face difficulties and truly loves elves to give it to me, and I think you are the right person."

Asuki said hurriedly: "No, how can I accept such a precious thing. "

Luby pushed the Pokémon egg towards Asuka.

"First, it's to thank you for standing up in the disaster of Yinye City. This is enough to show your courage. Secondly," Luby pointed to Lalulas and Leo. "Both of your Pokémons sincerely like you, which is enough to show that you are a person who truly loves Pokémons. Since you meet both of these conditions, why can't I give you the Pokémon egg?"


Aika was still a little hesitant.

"Remember, although humility is a virtue, if you want to become a top Pokémon trainer and compete for the championship throne, you must learn to fight for yourself. Why not accept the opportunity that is not stolen, robbed, or illegal?"

Listening to Luby's words, Asuka made up his mind.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Luby, and please thank your friend for me. I will definitely hatch and cultivate this Pokémon well. "

The girl thanked him very solemnly, and then carefully held the elf egg in her arms.

This was the first time she held an elf egg in her own hands. Her first elf, Lalu Lasilulu, was met in the elf breeding house in the town. When she met it, it was already a short time after birth. As for the second elf, Riolulio, it is not to mention that it was already a mature elf when it was met in Yinye City..

Feeling the pulse of the Pokémon egg and the faint warmth coming from the egg, Ming Hiro's heart was filled with a kind of expectation and emotion for the birth of life.

"Lulu, Leo, you guys should hug it too."

Lalulas carefully hugged the Pokémon egg with her little hands, and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

When it was Leo's turn to hug it, he was very curious.

In the game of the previous life, the appearance of Pokémon eggs is usually described as a uniform egg shape with a light yellow shell and light green spots, but in reality, whether it is his own Pokémon egg - Riolu, or the egg of this unknown Pokémon in his hand, it feels more similar to the one in the animation, and has some of the Pokémon's own characteristic patterns and colors.

Speaking of which, how can Pokémon eggs be born between Pokémons?

It's quite exciting to think about it.

Leo was absent-mindedly holding the Pokémon egg, and his thoughts had already wandered away.

But in the eyes of the other two and the elves, the fiery red Pokémon egg became more translucent once it was held in Leo's arms, and the flame-like patterns on it seemed to be swimming vividly, looking quite agile.

"What's going on?"

Asuhiro rubbed his eyes and reached out to take the Pokémon egg back.

But when the Pokémon egg returned to Asumi's hands, the strange performance disappeared and returned to its original appearance.

When it was placed in Leo's arms, the flame patterns on the Pokémon egg began to float again.

When it was taken back and placed in the arms of Ralts, Gardevoir, and Ruby, it returned to normal.


Asuhiro was a little puzzled.

"It seems that your Pokémon and this Pokémon egg are very predestined."

Ruby was not too surprised. She had experienced a lot in these years, and she had seen more strange things.

Compared with the abnormality of the Pokémon egg, he was more interested in Leo, the mysterious Pokémon.

"It's decided."

Asuhiro finally put the elf egg in Leo's arms.

"The difficult task of hatching the elf egg is left to you, Leo!"

The girl had a feeling that it was the best choice to give the elf egg to Leo to hatch.

Although she wanted to hatch the elf egg herself.

Leo, who had just come to his senses, looked at the big egg in his arms with a face full of question marks.


How can an unmarried elf like me suddenly become a father? ?

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