After learning the whole story, the girl with glasses blushed and thanked repeatedly.

"Ah, sorry, it's all my fault that I didn't notice it and caused you trouble."

Asuki Aoi didn't care about it. After arranging the pile of books that were about to fall, he generously stretched out his hand and said, "It's a small matter. My name is Asuka Aoi, and you?"

The girl with glasses gently shook hands with Asuka Aoi: "Hello, my name is Feng Ling."

Asuka Aoi, who was quite familiar with her, chatted quietly with the girl named Feng Ling.

"Feng Ling, what book are you reading?"

"Ah, that... Didn't the legendary steel pillar Regis Chiru appear on the live TV some time ago? I'm very curious about the origin of this elf, so I plan to check the historical records to see if I can find some information."

Check historical records? !

Upon hearing this, Asuka Aoi's eyes lit up.

She smiled and moved closer to Feng Ling.

"It seems that Fengling, you are very familiar with what books are here?"

"Yes, it's okay. My home is in Yuanqi City, so I often come here to read books."

As if she was not used to Asuka's enthusiasm, Fengling twisted her body unnaturally, and then spoke in a thin voice.

"Then can I ask you something?"

"What, what is it?"

"It's like this..."

Azuma told Fengling that he wanted to find information about his own elf Riolu.

"Elves without records?"

When it comes to finding information about unknown mysterious elves, Fengling's originally shy face can't hide her curiosity at this time.

The two girls quickly became familiar with each other while reading books and looking for information together.

"Ah, is this your elf?"

Fengling then noticed Lalulas quietly flipping through the book on the other side of the desk, and Lalulas's delicate and cute appearance also made Fengling like it instantly.

"Yes, her name is Lulu." Mingri Zhao asked his own Lalulas to say hello.

"Feng Ling, where is your Pokémon?"


Feng Ling took out the Poké Ball and whispered, "Vine Snake, come out and meet new friends."

A white light lit up, and a grass snake-type Pokémon with a green body and a cream-colored belly appeared in front of her. She shook her three-leaf tail behind her and nodded to Lalulas in a friendly manner.

"Ah, it's Vine Snake, what a cute Pokémon."

Mingri Zhao recognized this Pokémon, which is more popular among the grass-type Pokémons, so he happily reached out to touch Vine Snake's head, but the latter dodged without a sound.

Feng Ling smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, my Vine Snake is more shy."

Then the girl whispered to Vine Snake and introduced: "This is Xiao Zhao, and that is Xiao Zhao's Pokémon Lalulas, Vine Snake, don't be so cold."

Vine Snake turned his head.

It seems that there are various relationships between Pokémon and trainers.

Mingri looked at Fengling and her Fujin Snake in front of him, and such thoughts echoed in his mind.

What is a "nanny" who is ordered to take care of the child doing?

"Wow, what an interesting Pokémon."

"And he's carrying a Pokémon egg."

"Little guy, where's your trainer?"

Walking on the food street in Yuanqi City, all kinds of uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters couldn't help but feed Leo.

Leo, who was eating and drinking happily, asked what a trainer was? Do I have a trainer?

If Lucario is a combination of might and handsomeness, then his unevolved form Riolu is handsome and still retains a little cuteness of a small Pokémon (don't forget that Leo is only 0.8 meters tall, and he is still a small Pokémon). The appearance of carrying a Pokémon egg in the small backpack behind him has inspired the maternal love of a group of "mother-hearted" women, making Leo instantly the most handsome boy on this food street.

With a string of candied haws in his left paw and a skewer of grilled meat in his right paw, Leo's mouth was full of oil.

This food street in Yuanqi City is indeed the third most worthwhile attraction. Since Yuanqi City gathers tourists from all over the world, people from different regions also come here to look for business opportunities, and food is a very suitable industry.

Only on the left side of the food street can you see the aroma of meat, and all kinds of fried, grilled and fried meat skewers and fried chicken stimulate the noses of passers-by, while on the right side are all kinds of desserts and snacks, takoyaki, candied haws, ice cream, etc. Leo even found a store that is said to use sweet fresh milk produced in large milk cans to make various dairy products. The store door is crowded with people, and it is very lively.

Many elves followed their masters and tasted all kinds of food happily.

And many passers-by couldn't help but see Leo, the mysterious elf carrying a "child",Use the food in your hand to attract him, and then try to take a photo with him.

"Freeloader" Leo naturally accepts everyone.

But taking photos is taking photos, don't touch me, just touch my head, don't touch my "child" casually.

Leo said that I still have principles.

The lonely elves naturally made many people with ulterior motives intend to use food to do unspeakable bad things, but they were all cleverly avoided by Riolu who could sense people's hearts.

In this way, Leo, who was carrying the "child" and eating food all the way, suddenly shuddered.

"What's going on?"

The feeling of being stared at by something appeared again.

This time Leo learned to be smart. He didn't look around at the first time to avoid alerting the snake, but pretended to have no feeling and continued to walk forward slowly.

He just secretly unfolded the waveguide to try to sense what was spying on him.

"Well, it's hard to deal with places with a lot of people."

The waveguide perception was mixed with all kinds of messy waveguide fluctuations.

However, after Leo frowned and carefully distinguished, he was able to detect a gloomy waveguide in a certain direction.

"What the hell is this waveguide?"

Leo approached this waveguide with his perception and could sense the hatred and resentment emanating from it. The strange thing is that this resentment should have made the waveguide look filthy and dull, but for some reason it made the light of the waveguide more pure.

This huge contrast was something Leo had never seen before.

In any case, he should first catch what was spying on him. As early as when he was camping, he had already noticed something was wrong.

Leo turned around quickly and rushed to the location of the resentful waveguide with his agile movements.

"I see you!"

The pupils in his eyes lit up with the blue waveguide light.

After penetrating through the heavy figures, he saw only a sloppy little boy staring at Leo.

As if he realized that he was discovered by Leo, the little boy was frightened and hurriedly hid in the alley behind him.


Leo was a little confused, but he didn't have time to think about it. He quickly followed the little boy into the alley.

The alley was winding and narrow, with all kinds of messy debris piled everywhere. Leo couldn't use his speed advantage at this time, but fortunately, the waveguide was always closely following the little boy, barely not losing him.

"Damn it, how can a child be so agile?" Leo thought he was very fast in climbing over all kinds of debris, but he could only see the corner of the boy's clothes at the next corner.

After chasing for a while, Leo sensed that the waveguide in front had stopped.

"It seems that there is no way out! You still can't catch me this time!"

Leo was overjoyed and quickened his pace.

Finally, he reached the end of the alley, but unfortunately, in addition to the sealed wall, there was only an empty ground in front of him.

"Where's the person? Where's such a big person?"

Leo was a little bit unbelievable. He stretched out his claws and scratched the wall in front of him. The actual feeling told him that there was no secret door.

And with the light of the [wave missile], he observed the ground. At the entrance at the end of the alley, in addition to his own footprints, there was another set of shoe prints that were obviously from a child wearing sneakers.

Strangely, the shoe prints disappeared after a distance in front of the wall, and behind the last section of the shoe print track, there were only a few small dots printed on the ground.


"What's going on? Why did it disappear?"

Leo touched his forehead, puzzled.

"Did I meet a ghost???"

The creepy feeling made Leo's hair stand up.

You know, there are really ghosts in the elf world. Of course, I don't mean ghost elves, but the kind of ghosts that cannot be seen or touched but exist in the world. When in the Crescent Forest, Leo had heard that in a tower in the East region that worshipped dead elves, there was a vengeful spirit floating on the top of the tower. It could not be found, attacked, subdued, or expelled. It just wandered around, blocking all creatures that tried to climb to the top of the tower.

The more Leo thought about it, the more he felt that there was a gloomy atmosphere in this dark alley, and he couldn't help but want to turn around and leave.


"Who can tell me how to go back???"

Leo, who wanted to cry but had no tears, could only ask the elf egg.

And the elf egg, except for the red flame pattern, could not answer the question of this unlucky egg.

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