To participate in the Super Elf Gorgeous Competition in Yuanqi City, all contestants must have the winning ribbon of the Primary Elf Gorgeous Competition to be eligible.

After the baptism of the primary competition, the contestants are obviously much more professional.

In the first elf demeanor display session, the contestants' elves can be seen to be carefully dressed.

The hair of the dog and cat elves is shiny and smooth, the energy of the energy elves wrapped around their bodies is transparent and pure, the psychic and ghost elves highlight their mysterious characteristics very clearly, and some elves are dressed up in various gorgeous clothes and accessories by their coordination trainers.

If the first session is to watch the external results of the elves' cultivation, then the second session is more of a test of the coordination trainers' internal cultivation of the elves.

In the gorgeous competition, the strength of the moves cannot determine the gorgeousness of the elves' performance. On the contrary, those more simple moves are more likely to show the natural beauty of the elves, thereby obtaining higher scores and being more popular with the audience.

In addition, how to select and match various moves is also very particular.

For example, some elves who tried to show their strength did not choose those complicated moves after using the [Bodybuilding] move, but used the simplest [Impact] to hit the boulders placed on the stage. This seemingly simple combination actually has extraordinary effects. The [Bodybuilding] move makes the elves' muscles fully tense, thus showing the beauty of muscle lines, and then through the simple [Impact], the rough style highlights the most primitive beauty of power, which makes some audiences who like this primitive beauty of power can't help but give it extra points.

Some elves do not take the usual path. When they appear later, they first use the [Thunder] move to show their heroic posture bathed in thunder and lightning. This seems to be an honest move, but in fact it is to scare the elves who appeared before the performance through the unexpected sound of [Thunder], so that they can't concentrate on the next round of performance, which greatly reduces the performance effect.

In short, the open and covert fighting in this gorgeous competition is no less than that in the elf battle. In fact, compared with the tactics that may be open in the elf battle, some routines of the gorgeous competition may seem more insidious. But no matter what, the elves performed with all their strength and coordinated the routines that the trainers had painstakingly arranged, which made this gorgeous competition very exciting, and the atmosphere was pushed to a climax in the performances of one group of elves after another.

Ming Rizhao and his elf friends, who had never seen a gorgeous competition, watched it intently.

"Are all gorgeous competitions so exciting?"

Ming Rizhao couldn't help asking his good friend.

It was just that Feng Ling was a little dazed watching the performance on the stage.

"Well, ah, not all, some elementary elf gorgeous competitions are dull. But today's one is really the most exciting gorgeous competition in recent times."

Feng Ling, who lives in Yuanqi City, has naturally watched large and small gorgeous competitions. This competition, which can get high praise from her, must not be so simple.

The end of the second stage has already made the atmosphere on the scene high.

And the third stage is the highlight of the entire competition.

The coordination trainer and his two elves perform together!

This stage is more of a test of the tacit understanding between the coordination trainer and his elves. You know, although the physical fitness of humans in the elf world is relatively strong, they still cannot use their physical bodies to take on some of the elves' terrible moves.

For example, a small [spark] of a fire elf, its internal high temperature is enough to burn humans who come into contact with the flame.

Therefore, how the coordination trainer should arrange the collaborative performance in this stage, and how to achieve perfect coordination with the elves' various moves, has become the most difficult part of the gorgeous competition.

Just like the coordination trainer who is performing on the stage now.

Standing on the left hand side of the trainer is the elf with purple hair all over his body and a round red gem on his forehead-Sun Eevee.

And on the right is the cat-type elf with black hair and golden rings all over his body-Moon Eevee.

One is a Psychic Pokémon, and the other is a Dark Pokémon that counteracts it.

But strangely, both are the evolution of a magical Pokémon - Eevee.

This combination of two different Pokémons that originated from the same source attracted a lot of interest from the audience, and the judges and guests sitting in the front row also watched it seriously.

Dorina, the trainer of Sol and Luna, took a deep breath and began her performance.

"Solar, [Sunny Day]!"

She stretched out her handPoint to the left.


A ball of light emitting bright light like a mini sun popped out from the Sun Eevee and hung high on the ceiling of the venue. Although the fully enclosed venue could not attract real sunlight, the light of this ball of light was no less brilliant, directly illuminating half of the venue.

"Moon Eevee, [Evil Wave]!"

On Dorina's right hand side, the malicious wave aura of the Moon Eevee spread out. Wherever the malicious wave went, it seemed that even the bright light unconsciously dimmed, making the entire right half of the venue seem to be shrouded in darkness.

"Tap, tap, tap", the footsteps slowly moved forward.

The woman in a simple dance dress danced between light and darkness.

When the dancer came under the light, the Sun Eevee jumped left and right, and the pink fairy energy flashed, and countless flashing lights set off her graceful figure, freezing the most beautiful moment like a camera flash.

Fairy-type move [Magic Flash].

When the dancer came to the darkness, Moon Eevee walked through it, and the black ghost energy flashed, and countless dark shadows surrounded every move, as unpredictable as ghosts.

Ghost-type move [Shadow Ball].

Except for the first move, there was no sound command. Humans and elves intertwined between light and darkness, forming a gorgeous performance that was silent but better than sound.

Sun Eevee walked under the light, and Moon Eevee sneaked in the dark night.

It seemed to be natural.

Suddenly, the purple figure and the black figure sprinted towards each other at high speed.

Dorina, who was standing in the middle, raised her hands.

Sun Eevee stepped lightly on the woman's right hand and fell into the darkness.

Moon Eevee rubbed slightly on the woman's left hand and fell into the light.

In the darkness, countless twinkling stars were launched, and the starlight above was twinkling and swaying - the general type move [High-speed Star].

In the light, a ray of bright light sprinkled from above, gently spreading on the stage, as if covered with a veil - the fairy type move [Moonlight].

Finally, the woman walked to the front of the stage facing the starlight, wading in the light, and bowed with her two elves to express her gratitude.

The performance was over.

"Pa pa pa pa pa——"

The applause from the audience sounded like thunder.

Leo clapped even more vigorously. This performance of light and darkness was worthy of the evaluation of the four words "dreamlike". Whether it was the elegant posture of Sun Eevee in the light, the enchanting figure of Moon Eevee in the darkness, or the harmony of the trainer connecting light and darkness, they were all well reflected. In the end, the elves that originally walked in the light and the elves that originally lurked in the darkness exchanged with each other, which brought out this sense of interweaving to the fullest.

Even Ruby, who had participated in many gorgeous competitions and witnessed countless gorgeous performances, praised the performance.

The final result of the gorgeous competition was no surprise. Dorina, who perfectly demonstrated her performance, won the Yuanqi City Gorgeous Competition.

Feng Ling was stunned by the scene of the famous coordination trainer Ruby awarding awards to each contestant.

On the contrary, Fujiteng Snake on the side was no longer as cold as before, and her big round eyes were full of interest.

Leo, who carefully observed everything around him, also had some ideas.

"If there is a chance, it seems interesting to participate in a gorgeous competition."

"But what should I perform?"

"How about a set of military boxing for the audience?"

"Or a set of calling of the times?"

When he thought that the familiar voice "National Middle School Students Radio Gymnastics, Call of the Times" would sound in the venue of the gorgeous competition, Leo couldn't help but secretly laugh.

"O_O", Lalulasi was a little worried. She found that her friend was always laughing for no reason recently.

Could it be that the elf egg stimulated him too much? It made him feel too stressed, so he behaved a little strangely? What kind of soup should I make to relieve his stress? Hmm...

The considerate chef Lalulasi decided to go to the library to research what kind of soup he could make later.

There is nothing that can't be solved by drinking a bowl of soup. If it really can't be solved, then have more bowls of traditional soup!

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