The natural environment in the nature park, which is more like the original ecology, always makes him feel like he is back in the Crescent Forest.

"Alas, I suddenly miss Blastoise and his friends. I wonder how are Queen Flower, those guys from Walking Grass, and Mantis? Has the evolution that Tadpole has been thinking about progressed? Are the leaves eaten by Caterpillar still fresh?"

"And what new things has Takuma developed? Has Armstrong started his journey again with Dr. Kamiya?"

Unconsciously, homesickness surged in his heart.

Although he followed Asuka to many places in the Middle region and experienced a lot of things, Leo still missed the group of friends he met when he first came to this world.

"I remember hearing Uncle Tiexuan and the others say that there is a high-speed train in Kyle City that can go to the East region. When Xiaozhao is free, tell her to go to the East region together and let the walking grass and the others see that we are now Pokémon with badges."

When Leo thought of the scene where the walking grass worshiped the awesome him, his homesickness was diluted a lot, and he also had more expectations to return to the East region.


East region.

In the Crescent Forest.

The Blastoise boss, who evolved from the difficult-to-evolve Squirtle form to the dominant Blastoise form in one fell swoop, suddenly remembered the small puppy Pokémon that could stand up against the super beast Mewtwo.

But in his heart, apart from missing him, there was only endless pain.

"Leo, if you have a chance, don't come back..."

The originally strong body has become a little thin, and the hard tortoise shell is covered with shocking cracks that almost crack the tortoise shell, and the dried blood even forms black spots on the arms.

He sat in front of several hastily buried piles of earth, dazed and motionless, and behind him was the valley that had become a ruin.

It seems that disaster and pain are not far away from this ill-fated elf.


Leo, who is far away in the Middle area, naturally has no idea what happened.

However, while strolling, he found that next to the flower bed in front, the vine snake was happily admiring the gorgeous flowers in the flower bed with Lalulas.

Leo had a bad idea in his mind.

"Wait for me to go over and scare them, hehe."

According to the age of the elves, Leo is not yet 1 year old, still a baby. Who doesn't like to play pranks when they were young?

Although he lived for more than 20 years in his previous life, after changing to this elf body, Leo couldn't help but have many childish thoughts.

"You said my brain is all muscle."

Leo smiled evilly and aimed at the vine snake, intending to use [Lightning Flash] to jump behind her and scare her.

As for Lulu, that's not okay. What if she gets angry and doesn't cook for me?

As the saying goes, elves can be beaten, but Lulu's food can't be ignored.

Leo said that he still has a sense of propriety.

Seeing that the vine snake was fascinated by the flowers, Leo was already ready to move.

What he didn't expect was.

Suddenly, a big net fell from the sky and directly caught all three of them and the elf eggs!

Leo, Lalulas, and the vine snake: "??????!!!!!!"

The natural park is said to be very safe!

Before Leo finished complaining, he was squeezed together with two friends because of the shrinking capture net.

The big net covering them rustled, squeezing the elves inside so hard that they could hardly breathe.

Vine Snake pushed Leo's dog head in a rage: "Vine! (Elf language) Leo, what's going on, is it you who did this?!"

"Big sister, didn't you see that I was also caught?"

Leo said unhappily.

"Also, please retract your tail, the leaves are going to poke my nose!"

Vine Snake quickly moved its tail and glared at Leo.

The space was too small, and the originally easy action of retracting the tail was extremely difficult to do. Leo's hands were squeezed so hard that he could not move and could only freeze there.

"Lulu, can you sense Xiaozhao?"

Lalulas, who was pressed by Vine Snake, struggled to use telekinesis, but then shook his head.

"Yaaaa (elvish) No, it's too far, I can't sense Xiaozhao and the others."

After hearing this, Leo also tried to use his waveguide sensing, but he unexpectedly found several people lying in the bushes not far away.

"Are those... forest rangers?"

He thought it was not good.

"Even the powerful forest rangers were defeated, who is trying to catch us?"At this time, the vine snake, which had regained its composure, stretched out two vines from the small flower ornament beside its neck and tried to use the vines to twist the capture net.

Unfortunately, it was in vain.

The waveguide induction did not work, and Leo also tried to break free from the capture net to escape.

However, this capture net was not made of ordinary ropes, but an iron net formed by very hard and strong iron chains. No wonder the vine snake's vines could not be torn apart even with such great strength.

You don't know until you look at it. The more you look at it, the more you feel that this capture net is very familiar.

Leo always feels that this iron chain has been seen somewhere.

"Could it be..."

He had a guess in his heart.

And the person who appeared next proved that his guess was correct.

"Finally caught you beasts."

A gloomy voice came out, and the owner of the voice also appeared.

Wearing a black coat, a headscarf on his head, and black light in his eyes.

It was really the head of the poaching group who disappeared in the battle of the Steel God Pillar in Yinye City.

Behind him, the wolfhound, the cunning tengu, and the blast monster slowly walked out.

Of course, Leo recognized the cunning tengu who almost blew himself up by using [Big Explosion] without hesitation.

In addition, several elves also appeared one by one: the rogue crocodile, the dragon king scorpion, and the crow head.

Squinting his eyes and looking carefully, Leo found the familiar black light in the eyes of all the elves as expected.

"It's this kind of black light again. How many times has this thing caused things? Don't let me find which bastard caused it. I'm going to hang him up and beat him up!"

Leo cursed in his heart.

No wonder the rangers of the nature park were defeated. The elves controlled by the black light often lose their sober reason and gain more violent power. Looking at the elf team of the poaching team leader: the big wolfhound, the cunning tengu, the boom monster, the rogue crocodile, the dragon king scorpion, and the crow head are all the final evolution forms of their respective elves. Moreover, the elves are not weak to begin with. After the strength of such elves is increased, it is indeed difficult to compete.

The poaching team leader stepped on several elves bound by the iron chain net, making the iron chain net clatter.

"If you hadn't destroyed my action, I would have the power of Regis Chiru now."

He suddenly lost control of his emotions and stepped on it several times in a row.

"The legendary giant's power is gone just because of you shitty things, and I was..."

As if he was worried about something, he swallowed the rest of his words back.

Leo twisted his body reluctantly, turned the elf egg behind him to his chest, and then turned his back outward, quietly protecting Lalulas, Vine Snake and the elf egg under his body, letting the poaching team leader vent on his back.

"I'll catch you this time and see how I teach you a lesson."

The leader said harshly to Leo.

"Oh, there's also a Vine Snake, not bad, it's also a rare elf, it's worth a little money if it's sold."

"This elf egg, it can't be your egg, little beast, see how I make it."

Malicious words kept coming, but Leo didn't intend to pay attention to him, and said that he didn't mind stepping on it, anyway, his body was strong enough and he wasn't afraid of you stepping on it.

Instead, he communicated with Lalulas and Lulu in his heart.

"(Telepathy) Lulu, the iron chain net that binds us is the same as the one used by the elf poaching group to bind the elves last time. You were able to break free with your telekinesis last time. Can you do it this time?"

Under Leo's cover, Lalulas encouraged his telekinesis, tried it, and shook his head gently.

"(Telepathy) No, my telekinesis can't pull it apart. This iron chain should have been strengthened."

Leo frowned.

The vines of the vine snakes are no good. His hands are squeezed and he can't move at all, let alone use fighting moves or even wave missiles. Now even Lulu's telekinesis can't work. It seems that after the last incident, the poaching group has improved the material of the iron chain and strengthened the toughness of the iron chain.

However, even if he breaks free, how can he defeat these ferocious elves and escape?

For a while, Leo was a little confused.


[The following is a special note from the author]

There is a short paragraph in the article that may make some sensitive readers feel uncomfortable, so I would like to explain it here.

That short paragraph is the foreshadowing of a key plot later. As for which volume and which part it is in, I will not talk about it for now. In that part of the plot, it will not be so happy, and it may even be a little heavy and sad, butI think a story can’t always be silly and happy, especially if the character wants to grow, some things are indeed necessary.

However, the author himself does not like tragedy, so remember that any author who writes a plot like a hair knife will definitely have a happy ending in the end. Don’t worry about this. Sadness and pain are just the process of tempering and growth, not the ending.

After all, there are so many magical powers in the elf world, right? Even if you want to cheat, you can give everyone a happy ending (funny~).

I wrote this paragraph specifically for water writing...ah, bah, no, it’s to take care of friends who may be more sensitive, so, seeing that the author is so attentive, give us encouragement (Orz).


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