The bright pink light of evolution even made the captain in the cockpit unable to help but look down.


Lulu, who evolved into Kirlia, uttered a clear voice, expressing the joy of evolution to the world.


Asuki Teru didn't care that he was still hanging in the air, and was sincerely happy for Lulu's evolution.

Lulu's figure flashed and broke free from the restraint of the iron chain net.

"Crow leader, [secret attack on the vital point]."

Unlike the joy of Asuka Teru and Lulu, the captain's face was gloomy and indifferent when he saw this scene. He immediately asked his subordinates to stop the aircraft and summoned the flying crow leader.

Like his master, the crow leader had an indifferent expression. The whole elf turned into a black stream of light and rushed towards Kirlia with the wind.

Dark moves are extremely harmful to psychic elves because the malicious aura of dark moves will invade the minds of psychic elves who focus on spiritual cultivation, causing them to fall into a state of depression. In serious cases, it will even cause serious damage to the latter's mental power.

However, there is a prerequisite for this, which is that the aura must cover the psychic elves.

In other words, it is necessary to catch the psychic elves.

"Swoosh", Kirlia disappeared in front of the crow leader in an instant.

The black light was fierce, but it crashed into the air in vain.

Kirlia landed softly on the side, wrapped in psychic power, and then, as if a stage was set up in the sky, she stretched her waist and danced on it, and at the same time, she sang the melodious song of a lark.

For a moment, the always cold-blooded Crow Leader actually felt a little admiration in his heart, and he couldn't help but stop moving, and fluttered his wings in the air.

Psychic-type can't deal with evil-type, but don't forget that Kirlia has another attribute.

The fairy-type [Charming Voice] shines brightly in front of the Crow Leader of the opposite sex!

"Lulu, save us!"

Leo tugged at the loose backpack.

Kirlia didn't stop dancing, but the pink psychic telekinesis on his body extended out, covering Asuka, Fujito Snake, Leo and the elf egg.

Then the light was bright, and several people (elves) came to Kirlia's side in an instant.

Only the empty chain net was left, floating weakly with the wind.


The captain, whose face was as dark as covered by dark clouds, could not help but yell at the crow leader who was in a state of charm and could only float in the air: "Useless thing!"

He actually threw the crow leader's Poké Ball out of the window of the aircraft! !

Regardless of the Poké Ball falling in the air, the poaching team captain grabbed the joystick from his subordinate, increased the power and drove the aircraft to escape.

Seeing this scene, even if it was a hostile enemy, Leo still felt a surge of resentment in his chest.

A trainer who arbitrarily abandons his own Pokémon is not worthy of being a trainer!

The blue waveguide light continued to expand with Leo's mood, making him feel unhappy!

"Leo, Lulu, Snake!"

Asuhi Teru, Kirlia and Snake next to him felt the same way.

At the same time, the three Pokémons emitted their own energy lights.

The azure light that is unique to waveguide energy - Riolu.

The pink light with extremely powerful super-energy thoughts after evolution - Kirlia.

The emerald green light like green grass - Vine Snake.

A flash of lightning flashed through Asuka's heart.

"【Wave Guide】, 【Illusion Beam】, 【Energy Ball】!"

Azure shouted out the name of the move!

"Zizizizi", the blue waveguide energy bomb, the pink super-energy beam, and the emerald green natural energy ball, three completely different energies gathered together, intertwined, and formed a huge three-color beam!

The beam ejected and hit the aircraft with lightning speed!


There was a loud explosion in the sky, and the aircraft disintegrated directly in the air. The two figures were thrown out of the cockpit by the aftermath of the explosion.


Leo shouted loudly.

Kirlia understood, closed her eyes, and the energy on her body fluctuated.

"Swoosh", and then, all the people and elves present disappeared.


In the Yinye City, it is usually in the elf gym.

Ruby and Safiya just came back not long ago, and now they are visiting the gym owner Qianli.

Naturally, the father and son are still arguing with each other, while Qianli's wife is holding Safiya and talking to her with a smile.

Daigo on the side isHe studied the ore in his hand, as if nothing could distract his attention.

Suddenly, the air in the gym fluctuated.


Ruby, Safia, Chisato, and Daigo immediately became alert. After all, Yinye City had suffered a great blow not long ago. Now facing such an emergency, they couldn't help but be more careful than before.

"Shua", the fluctuation became more intense, and several figures appeared from blur to clear in the fluctuation.

"Bang bang bang bang bang", Kirlia and Anlulu, who used [Teleport] for the first time to transfer a large area, couldn't control it well, causing everyone and the elves to fall to the ground.

Asuka Teru groaned a few times, only to find that the teleport was not the elf center in Yuanqi City, but the elf gym in Yinye City.

The captain who was teleported along with them walked forward a few steps in embarrassment, then took out a few Poké Balls from his waist and said viciously: "Even if you teleport, how long can you last under my Pokémon..."

He couldn't say any more.

Standing in front of him was the current Middel Regional League Champion - Safia, and her ace Pokémon - Blaziken, as well as the top Pokémon trainer who was said to be quite powerful - Ruby, and the huge Pokémon - Swampert, not to mention the former Pokémon Four Heavenly Kings - Chisato and his King of Leave, and the previous Middel Champion - Daigo and his Metagross.

The arrogant black light in the captain's eyes dimmed instantly, as if he had sensed the breath of danger.

And the Poké Balls in his hands that were infected by the dark power trembled. Although they were not clear-headed under the interference of the dark power, facing the current terrifying pressure, the Pokémon's instinct made them unwilling to make any big moves.

As for the people in Yinye City, seeing the appearance of Asuka and those elves, and then seeing the captain and his subordinates who were obviously wrong, they knew which side to help without thinking.

So, they stared coldly at the man with a fierce look on his face.

"Beat him!"

Lio, who felt that there were a bunch of extremely strong thighs standing behind him, rushed up with a roar.

I let you step on me so hard just now!

What I, Leo, believe in is that it is not too late to repay a favor, and it is a scumbag not to take revenge!

Asuka didn't even look at it. With a bunch of big guys present, there was no way that guy would have a chance to turn the tables.

In addition, more importantly, it was the evolved Lulu who grew up with her.

This is her first evolved elf!

Asuka held Kirliain and kept touching her, with a smile on his face.

Lulu was hugged tightly by her own trainer somewhat helplessly, but there was still a happy smile on her face.

Teng Teng Snake looked at Leo who was humming and hawing there, with a complicated look in his eyes.

It turns out that with the help of a bunch of big guys, it is impossible to overturn.

Because Safiya had other important things to do, Qianli still needed to stay in Yinye City to preside over the overall situation, so Daigo took on the task of escorting the two captured people to the Elf Alliance.

Things change, and the two people who were tied tightly had swollen pig faces and were dejected.

No one even noticed that the black light that bewitched the captain had disappeared from the former's eyes.

"I will take these two people to the Alliance first."

The man in front of him was the culprit of the disaster in Yinye City, and he must know a lot of information. Daigo did not delay any longer, and immediately got on the Metagross and left Yinye City.

Asuhi Teru and others (elves) chatted with the people in Yinye City, and then moved back to Yuanqi City under Kirlia's [Teleport].

After all, Feng Ling, the trainer of Fujito Snake, is waiting in Yuanqi City.

Just like that, the matter of Yuanqi City came to an end.

Asuka and Leo continued to fight for the dream of becoming champions, and went through many things and a long way.

So this story will end here. Thank you all for reading it. We will meet again if we are lucky.

… Bullshit!!!

Leo smashed the screen of the mobile phone and kicked the author.

"How come Lulu has evolved, but I haven't evolved yet???"

"Besides, you have buried so many holes before, why don't you fill them? Do you want to receive a blade???"

Well, in view of being threatened by the characters in his own novel, the author can only crawl back and continue to write.

So, the story will continue, please continue to pay attention!

(The chapter of "Gorgeous Dance" is over)

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