After bidding farewell to Feng Ling's parents who were reluctant to leave, the group (elves) officially set out on their journey.

Fortunately, the electromagnetic locomotive was designed to accommodate two adult men, so it was no problem to fit two petite girls.

With the addition of the small Vine Snake and Riolu, the two elves boarded the locomotive in a somewhat crowded manner.

Kirulian Lulu, as always, did not like to take public transportation.

After driving the electromagnetic locomotive for a while, they left the main road outside the city and came to a small road with dense grass on both sides.

It was inconvenient to move forward by locomotive, so everyone (elves) decided to start walking.

As for where the locomotive was placed, needless to say, it must be in Rio's [backpack].

So Rio decided that next time, when he saw someone he didn't like, he would throw the locomotive at him, and the heavy body alone would be enough to cause a lot of damage.

"Leo, your space backpack is so magical!"

Feng Ling talked to Rio with great interest.

"But I haven't seen a Pokémon like you in any book. I really want to find out what kind of ability it is..."

Listening to Feng Ling muttering to herself, Leo hurried away.

He hadn't forgotten the last time the quiet girl with glasses looked at him with eyes that wanted to dissect him.

Leo pulled at the grass next to him and got in.

"Swish, swish", the grass swayed for a while, but there was no movement.

Asuka Teru didn't care about Leo. She also knew that this Pokémon with a strong sense of self-awareness had a strong ability to survive in the wild, so she wasn't worried at all.

"Xiao Ling, if you encounter some wild Pokémon later, you can also try to capture them."

"To capture Pokémon, you use your Pokémon to reduce the opponent's physical strength, and then throw the Poké Ball at the right time... That's what the book says."

"Yes, that's right."

"Hey, Xiao Zhao, how many Pokémon have you captured so far? Your two Pokémon are so strong, you should have captured a lot of strong Pokémon, right?"

Looking at the curious and excited eyes of her friend, Ming Rizhao was embarrassed to tell her that she had only formally captured Leo so far... If Leo touched the Poké Ball himself, it would be considered as her capture.

So Ming Rizhao quickly laughed and changed the subject, and at the same time thought in her heart that she had to capture the Pokémon to let Xiao Ling see that our Pokémon trainer is not just a name for nothing.

What I thought in my heart, and then what happened.

As the bushes shook more and more violently, I saw a figure running out as if escaping.

"Wow, everyone, get ready for the fight!"

Leo ran very fast in front, followed by a fat electric firefly and several sweet fireflies.

The angry fireflies immediately formed a battle formation and surrounded Asuka's group (elves).

"Xiao Ling, it's a group battle of elves, I'll go with you!"

In the wild, wild elves don't talk about one-on-one martial arts ethics, especially elves living in groups, which often appear in groups and fight passers-by who provoke them.

"Ah, oh."

Feng Ling was a little flustered when facing such a battle for the first time, but she quickly calmed down in the calm and confident demeanor of Asuka.

"Lulu, Leo."

"Xiao Teng."

Kirulian, Riolu, and Vine Snake, three elves stood in front of the two girls and lined up.

The leader of the firefly elves is a male firefly with a relatively large body, and he is also the most angry one among the elves.


The leading firefly chirped and threw the strange light ball to Leo.

"Don't touch this light, it's [Strange Light]!"

Ashiro reminded.

In fact, without Asuka saying anything, Lulu and Leo knew that they should not touch this strange light ball easily, because the speed of the light ball was not fast, so the two elves easily avoided it.

Only the vine snake remained.

"Xiaoling, command quickly."

Fengling, who was reminded by Asuka in a low voice, reacted.

"Xiaoteng, hide, hide."

Leo, who saw this scene, also had some enlightenment.

No wonder Fengling was determined to go out to travel. This big and small one really has no experience.

The light ball passed by the vine snake.

[Strange Light] missed, the leading firefly squeaked, and the few sweet fireflies behind it swayed their bodies, and a pink mist fell out, covering them with the flapping wings of the fireflies.

Before the pink mist came in front of him, Leo's nose had already smelled the cloyingly sweet smell.

"It's [Sweet Fragrance], Lulu, use [Telekinesis] to disperse it!"

If the elves inhale this rich fragrance in large quantities, they will fall into a state like a drunken human, feeling dizzy and unable to control their bodies to dodge the opponent's moves. In other words, the elves' dodge rate will be reduced.

Kirulian crossed her hands on her chest, and then the red horns on her head lit up, and her powerful super-powered thoughts dispersed all the pink mist in front of her.

"Leo, charge!"

"Shua", almost at the same moment as Asuka's command sounded, a flash of lightning shot out.

The leading firefly on the opposite side was not idle, and the small wings on both sides of its body rubbed against each other, using vibration to emit a low-pitched bass attack!

Insect-specific move [Insect Chirp]!

This invisible sound wave attack is an excellent weapon to restrain Leo. Invisible and intangible means that it cannot be defended or countered, and the sound waves torture Leo's eardrums, and the figure that had turned into lightning could not help but stagnate.

"Lulu, [Charming Voice]! "

The graceful dance steps were presented again, and Kirlia sang and danced non-stop.

All male elves were attracted by the leaping elves.

The leading firefly was not surprised, and its high-speed wings slowed down.

"I'm here!"

Leo, whose ears were reborn, ran into the firefly with resentment.

"Firefly! !"

The leading firefly turned several somersaults in the air in a panic, and almost hit the sweet fireflies behind it.


In the worried chirping of the sweet fireflies, the leading firefly seemed to feel that he had lost face, and his round face was flushed with anger.

Seeing that even after being hit, the fireflies did not flee in fear like those ordinary wild elves, but still insisted on fighting, Asuka felt a little confused.

"Leo, what on earth did you do? What made these little guys so angry?"

Leo himself was confused.

"I didn't do anything... I just saw them dancing by the lake, dancing so happily, so I wanted to join in and play together."

Feng Ling listened thoughtfully. She looked at the slightly darkening sky, and then asked Leo: "What dance were they dancing at that time?"

Leo scratched his head: "The leading guy, with his butt light sticking out, was flying over the lake in a flashy way, drawing all kinds of geometric shapes... I don't know what kind of dance it is, maybe it should be called, geometric dance?"

Feng Ling recalled some of the habits of elves she had read in the book, and confirmed one thing.

"Leo, no wonder they are so angry that they want to beat you up."

"Ah?" Leo was at a loss.

Feng Ling continued to speak while holding back her laughter.

"They are courting! ”

“For the sweet fireflies, at night, they will emit a sweet scent to attract the fireflies, and the fireflies that like the sweet scent of the sweet fireflies will light up the lights on their tails and draw patterns in the air to attract the attention of the sweet fireflies. It is said that the more complex the patterns drawn by the fireflies, the more they can attract the admiration of the sweet fireflies. ”

“So, you are ruining other people’s life events by barging in rashly. No wonder the leading firefly is angry. ”

It’s like you are dancing a cool hip-hop dance in front of a group of girls, attracting a burst of cheers from the girls in the audience. Just when you two can’t help but express your love to each other, a big sweet potato rushes in and shamelessly says that we are having fun together. In this situation, do you want to chop the big sweet potato into several pieces, or chop it into several pieces?

Glancing at the leading firefly with a guilty conscience, Leo felt that the resentment had turned into substance and stabbed his heart.

Ashiraka was a little amused, it turned out that this inexplicable hatred was caused by his own elves.

The girl thought about it, took the initiative to come forward and communicate with the leading firefly: "Hello."

"Firefly? ? (Elf language) How can you speak Elf language? ? "

Even though the firefly was very angry, it was still surprised that a human like Asumi could communicate with elves.

"Ahaha, this is very complicated to explain. "Asuki Teru himself didn't know where this special language talent came from, so he had no way to answer the question of the electric firefly. "I know what happened. Well, I'll let this guy apologize to you, and we'll let it go, okay?"

The electric firefly was still angry on the surface, but he was also a little hesitant in his heart.

After all, Leo's [Lightning Flash] just now still made his abdomen hurt slightly, and he, who didn't like fighting, had some intention of retreating.

But there was a large group of sweet fireflies watching from behind,He couldn't just leave like that, or else, as the leader of the firefly elves here, where would his face be?

Under Asuka's urging, Leo reluctantly stepped forward.

Riolu and the fireflies looked at each other like this.

Suddenly, Leo had an idea.

The two elves who were whispering to each other suddenly broke out into a violent quarrel.

Then the leading firefly chirped very angrily.

"Firefly! Firefly!"

Accompanied by more intense insect chirping.


Leo was directly hit by [Insect Chirping] at close range, and his eyes showed pain.

Kirlia, who was standing behind him, was a little anxious, and wanted to use [Charming Voice] again to help Leo, but for some reason he stopped.

In the loud chirping, Leo covered his head, stepped back step by step with a painful expression, and then his eyes rolled back and he fell directly to the ground.

Seeing his opponent knocked to the ground by himself, the leading firefly called a few times to the sweet fireflies behind him proudly, and then flew away in the admiring eyes of the sweet fireflies.


Asuki Teru didn't understand why they suddenly started fighting when they were talking so well.

He just looked at Riolu lying on the ground motionless, and immediately picked him up anxiously.

"Leo, are you okay... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Leo patted his butt and climbed up as if nothing had happened, still complaining: "This guy, I told you that you don't need to act so hard, this [insect chirping] almost broke my eardrum."

Looking up and seeing Asuka Teru's puzzled eyes, he scratched his ears.

"I just interrupted this guy's flirting with girls, now I'm just giving him a chance to show his masculinity."

Leo laughed.

"Look at the expressions of those sweet fireflies, the fireflies are going to be so happy tonight, tut tut tut..."

Teng Teng Snake looked disgusted with this guy.

Feng Ling looked at Ming Rizhao with an "O_O" look in her eyes: "Are all elves like this?"

Ming Rizhao looked back at Feng Ling with a "←_←" look in her eyes: "No, this guy is special..."

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