"... and these three, Mushroom, Swallowtail, and Shaking Spot, are the Pokémon companions that I just captured."


At this point, Asuka hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "Dad, I have a request."


"Can you raise three more Pokémons in your Pokémon ranch?"

Asuka's father knew what his daughter wanted to do as soon as he heard it. After all, compared to Kirlia, Riolu, and the unknown Pokémon egg, Mushroom, Swallowtail, and Shaking Spot seemed relatively ordinary.

For a trainer who wants to embark on the road to becoming a champion, the latter three are undoubtedly Pokémon that require more effort and more resources to cultivate.

The other end of the phone shook, and then it showed the vast pasture behind Asuka's father:

The pasture was covered with green grass and lush green plants. Maeli sheep, braided sheep, and Kentaro were scattered in groups of three or five around the pasture, nibbling on the grass leisurely. On the trees stood bird elves such as Muk'er and Natural Sparrow, and on the grass ran various elves playing and playing.

"Do you want to teleport Mushroom, Hunting Swallowtail and Shaking Spot? No problem, I believe the elf ranch must be very suitable for them to live."

"But you must ask for their opinions. Only if they are willing can they be teleported. Just like I told you before, you must learn to respect every elf you have conquered. If they don't want to come to the ranch, and you don't want to cultivate them, remember to release them all and let them return to nature."

The man's voice came from one side of the screen, serious and solemn.

Mingri Zhao nodded.

She turned around and squatted in front of the three elves, and also showed them the ranch displayed on the phone very seriously.

"Would you like to live in my ranch? There are many elves there, and they will definitely be happy to have new friends joining."

Mushroom looked at the ranch blankly, and seemed a little uninterested.

Shaking Spot was still spinning in circles, and did not show much enthusiasm.

Only hunting swallowtail butterflies, when seeing the large flower field in the southwest of the ranch, the round eyes showed a longing look.

The final result is that Mingri Zhao took the Poké Ball containing Mushroom and Shaking Spot in his hand, pressed the button in the middle of the Poké Ball for a long time, and two yellow lights shot out from the Poké Ball, and the Magic Mushroom and Shaking Spot appeared in front of him - this action can reset the Poké Ball back to an empty state, and the originally captured Pokémons are released and allowed to return to nature.

"Goodbye, Mushroom, Shaking Spot, nice to meet you!"

Mingri Zhao smiled and waved goodbye to Mushroom and Shaking Spot.

In this world, there are many encounters and acquaintances, but more are separations and goodbyes.

Whether it is between humans and humans, between humans and elves, or even between elves.

Mushroom jumped up and down, then moved his short legs and got into the grass.

As for the wobbly madara, he stopped circling and rubbed against Asuka's hand, then staggered away.

Only the Poké Ball for hunting swallowtail butterflies was left in Kirlia's hand.

"Lulu, thank you for your help."

Because Pokémon teleportation devices are only available at Pokémon Centers, most Pokémon trainers will buy a portable portable teleporter to facilitate teleporting Pokémon captured in the wild to Pokémon Ranches to avoid carrying too many Pokémon. However, this portable teleporter is quite expensive, and Asuka did not buy one. Fortunately, there is Lulu who has learned [Teleportation], so he can teleport back to the Pokémon Center to transfer the Pokémon, and then teleport back to Asuka.

Here is a side note: the Psychic-type move [Teleportation], after Asuka and Kirlia and Lulu tried it many times, they found that this teleportation move is very magical, but it is somewhat different from the [Teleportation] in the game that Leo knew. In the game, [Teleport] allows the trainer to immediately leave the battle with wild Pokémon, or in the trainer Pokémon battle, the Pokémon using this move can be immediately exchanged with the backup Pokémon. In the wild, it can directly return to the Pokémon Center that has been visited recently (before the seventh generation, the seventh generation and later have no such effect).

However, in reality, [Teleport] is even more powerful. Regardless of the effect in battle, just in the wild, it can allow Lulu to take a group of people to the place that Lulu remembers deeply. The more profound the impression of that place is, the easier it is to reach it. This can be regarded as a necessary skill for travel-although it cannot directly go to a place that has never been to, it is unknown how much travel expenses can be saved by returning to a place that has been passed before, which makes the money-loving Asuka's eyes sparkle with gold.

However, Ming Rizhao still plans to buy a portable teleporter later.

Because [Instant Teleport] is not without restrictions, for example, when performing it, you must concentrate highly and not be distracted at all, and you cannot teleport too many creatures at a time, etc. For example, you must remember a lot of details about the teleportation location in order to teleport successfully - otherwise it is easy to fail to teleport to an unknown place, just like the last time when the poaching team leader was caught, he wanted to teleport to the Pokémon Center in Yuanqi City, but accidentally teleported to the Pokémon Gym in Yinye City. Although it is a mistake, if the teleportation fails and falls in front of Groudon, and everyone present cannot fly and cannot leave, the outcome is unimaginable given the bad temper of the super ancient elves.

So Lulu is still very cautious. Every time he only chooses the Pokémon Center to teleport. After all, everything may change, and the probability of the Pokémon Center changing is much smaller. Moreover, if there is only Lulu, it is okay. If the teleportation fails, he can immediately teleport back to Ming Rizhao's side, and the probability of accidents is greatly reduced.

"Swoosh", Lulu flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Leo watched Asuka release Mushroom and Danghuang Ban with admiration.

Respecting the will of the elves is easy to say, but in fact many humans cannot do it. After all, in the elf world, humans are the world's overlords in today's era. For other intelligent creatures, humans will inevitably treat them with a condescending attitude. What's more, they just treat elves as tools to realize their ambitions.

Therefore, it is rare among humans to be able to respect and treat elves well like Asuka's family.

I didn't feel it when I was a human in my previous life, but now that I have become an elf, I feel deeply about this.

Leo silently apologized to the elves that he had captured in the game before and kept in the computer box without paying attention to them.

I don't know what the situation was like when humans were not the world's overlords...

As always, Leo began to wander in the sky again.

However, he suddenly remembered a very critical thing.

"Xiaozhao, what does your father do for a living?"

"Huh? My dad is the owner of an elf ranch."


"Yes, those mountains behind my house and those elf ranches are all managed by my dad."

Leo almost jumped up.

So your eldest daughter is actually a hidden rich woman?

Then you don't even want to buy good medicine for wounds? ?

You even go to work in person? ? ?

Fengling chatted with Mingri Zhao with some envy: "Xiaozhao, your ranch is so beautiful, my ranches are more ordinary, mainly because my parents don't like to take care of them, only my grandparents usually go to take care of them."

Leo looked at Fengling with disbelief.

How come you are also a rich man who owns several ranches? ? ?

There are actually two invisible "rich women" beside me? ? ?

Arceus, I, Leo, will have a day when I can live off my wife!

Facing the two "rich women", Leo already had the urge to hug their thighs tightly and shout "Rich women, please support me, I want to be their steel wool" and so on.

If it weren't for the vine snake next to him looking at him with contempt as if he was a "country bumpkin"...

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