Very strange, really very strange.

This is how Leo felt after reading the information of the two fire-type Pokémon.

Elite-level Platyblade is not rare, but in the hands of such an arrogant guy, there is actually a common-level Pokémon, which makes Leo feel surprised.

However, this difference in life class is not the reason why Leo feels particularly strange.

But those almost opposite Pokémon moves.

First look at Coal Turtle.

Among the many moves he learned, only one move [Smoke Spray] is of his own fire attribute, and what's even more strange is that [Smoke Spray], which belongs to this attribute, is only Lv0, as if it has basically never been used. It is exactly the same level as the grass-type [Sun Beam] and the fighting-type [Pounce], which are the lowest level. Instead, those weird moves have the highest level.

Let's look at the Platypus again. It's level 30, but it only has 5 moves. What's outrageous is that none of these 5 moves are auxiliary moves. They are all offensive moves, and the level is all Lv3.

"What kind of moves are these?"

Leo was stunned.

Unconsciously, the sweat on his forehead flowed down his cheeks.

Don't get me wrong, this is not cold sweat from nervousness or fear, but purely from heat.


Thinking of this, Leo realized that at some point, the scorching sun in the sky became particularly clear, and the scorching flames that were emitting kept burning the earth. Originally, this place was close to the Yangyan Volcano, and the temperature was high. In addition, the scorching sun made it hotter.

Wiping his sweat, Leo cheered up.

With the crowd watching, the battle began.

As always, Asumi plans to play to Leo's speed advantage.

"Leo, use [High-speed Movement]."

In her opinion, the speed of the Platypus is not bad, not to mention the Coal Turtle. If the opponent's speed prevails, the situation will be more passive.

So she started with a move that enhances speed.

"Then [Lightning Flash], the target is..."

Ashiro weighed it and thought that the Coal Turtle with a hard shell on its back would not be able to be knocked down quickly, so she set her target on another Pokémon.

"Knock down the Platypus first!"

Feeling her whole body become lighter, Leo used her most skilled move [Lightning Flash].

"Swoosh", a flash of lightning suddenly rose from the ground, and in an instant it had rushed to the middle of the two Pokémons.

The crowd of onlookers exclaimed in amazement at the speed of this mysterious Pokémon.

"Lulu, prepare to use [Telekinesis]."

Asuki Aoi stared closely at the route Leo was advancing, and at the same time told Kirlia to accumulate telekinesis, intending to use psychic telekinesis to support Leo when he encountered obstacles during his advance.

The purpose of the elf doubles is to allow the two elves on the field to form a connection with each other and help each other. This kind of team coordination is the essence of doubles.

For Asuka Aoi, Kirlia, who is good at psychic telekinesis, and Riolu, who is good at close combat, can just form a combat combination of long-range support and close combat.

Seeing the lightning attacking at high speed, the young boy Mimura was also slightly surprised.

"I have never seen this elf before, and its speed can be so fast."

Mimura waved his hand and directed the coal turtle who was lying on the ground calmly.

"Coal turtle, [Clear Smoke]."

The coal turtle raised its head leisurely, stomped its forelimbs on the ground, and at the same time, it sprayed a lot of smoke from its nose.

The land was cracked by the stomping of the coal turtle, and several mud blocks flew out, and these mud blocks were wrapped in the sprayed white smoke and thrown towards Leo who was moving forward.

"Here it comes, Lulu!"

Kirlia, who was almost synchronized with Asuka, burst out with pink super-powered telekinesis.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang".

Mud blocks were shattered in the air one after another, but did not hit, leaving only wisps of white smoke covering Leo.

Asuka breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next scene was a sudden change.


Leo, who was charging headfirst, suddenly felt a sense of emptiness inside his body, stumbled, and fell to the ground.

And as Leo stopped, the lightning also dissipated.

"What's going on?"

Not only Asuka didn't understand, even Kirlia was surprised.

[Lightning Flash] How could Leo, who had mastered the skill to perfection, be tripped while performing the move?

"Duck-billed Flame Beast, [Spark]."

Yimura sneered, and the duck-billed Flame Beast in front of him locked onto Leo, spewing out balls of fire from its mouth. There was even a hint of blue light in the bright red flame.

"Is this the different-colored flame? There is blue fire in the red flame, and the temperature is estimated to beThe plan will be higher."

Lying on the ground, Leo was sharp-eyed and soon discovered the abnormality of the flames.

Before the ejected fireballs came close, Leo had already felt the blazing heat. He quickly supported the ground with both hands, turned over and jumped, avoiding the fireballs that hit the ground.

"Hiss, this flame really burns my claws."

Although he avoided the flames in time, the tiny sparks that burst out bounced on Leo, and he still gritted his teeth because of the burn.

"I understand!"

Asukasa recalled a little and reacted immediately.

"Leo, the move [Clearing Smoke] will use smoke to clear the abilities of the elves, so our initial move to accelerate with [High-speed Movement] was invalidated."

No wonder he felt like his body was suddenly rusty, Leo seemed to have realized something.

"Then, don't come into contact with the opponent's flames. ”

Asuhiro pointed at the blazing sun hanging high in the sky.

“The opponent’s fire-type moves will be very terrifying under the blessing of a sunny day.”

“Next, switch tactics and focus on Lulu’s long-range combat!”

In doubles, the advantage of being able to send two elves is that you can flexibly switch tactics.

Facing the duck-billed fire beast with [Flame Body], which means that close combat is easy to be burned by flames, after the initial tactic of quickly solving the duck-billed fire beast with speed was cracked, Asuhiro did not choose to keep Leo close, but decisively switched to a combat method centered on Kirlia’s long-range attack mode.

“Elu! (Elf language) Leo, I’m going to start accumulating energy, help me stop the opponent’s attack.”


Kirlia closed her eyes, and at the same time, a powerful super-energy wave emanated from her body.

“Coal Turtle, use [Instant Amnesia] and [Smoke Screen]. "

"Puff", a large cloud of black smoke was sprayed out from the hole in the shell of the Coal Turtle and spread out. After that, the expression on the face of the Coal Turtle became dull, as if it had forgotten something.

"Duck-billed Fire Beast, [Spray Flame]."

A column of fire gushed out from the black smoke.

"I've seen a lot of tricks like this!"

I don't know if it's the usual tactics of the trainers. In the battles that Leo has fought, many trainers like to use sudden moves in such scenes that block the vision, trying to catch the opponent off guard. It was really difficult to deal with at the beginning, but later, with more and more combat experience, Leo can already judge the direction of the opponent's attack very keenly.

The sprayed flames naturally went straight to Kirliaan without hesitation.

It must be said that the super energy fluctuations that Kirliaan was concentrating on accumulating at this time made Leo, as a companion, a little frightened.

"[Wave Missile]! "

Facing the blazing flames, Leo rubbed his claws together, and a large azure energy ball condensed.

Leo held the waveguide energy ball with his right claw and pushed it forward: "Hey, let's go!"

"Bang", the flames were directly dispersed and scattered on the ground into clusters of sparks.

"Leo, left."

Asuhiro reminded in time.

Leo's left claw had already held a small [wave missile], and he smiled slyly at the drake that thought he had sneaked into the left side of his body without anyone noticing: "Surprise!"

The drake's [Flame Fist] and Leo's [Wave Missile] suddenly collided.

"Bang", the aftermath of the close-range energy collision directly bounced the two elves away.


Seeing that his sneak attack tactics had failed, Mimura curled his lips.

At this time, Kirlia's super telekinesis was ready.

"[Telekinesis]! "

"Boom——", the pink super-powered telekinesis spread out as if to shatter the air, and the energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye rolled forward in a fan-shaped manner, with a large range that completely covered the coal turtle and the duck-billed fire beast.

It seems that the opponent has no way to avoid it and can only take this move head-on?

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