"Bang", the ground not far away broke, and Leo and Lulu were revealed.

"Lulu, [Illusion Ray]!"

[Dig Hole] was only used by Leo for displacement, not for attack. After all, he had done this many times and was very skilled at digging holes.

As a displacement tool elf, Leo sent Lulu out in an unexpected direction for the Coal Turtle and the Duck-billed Flame Beast.


Lulu also cried out very rarely, and the super-powered telekinesis spiraled towards the Duck-billed Flame Beast in a cluster.

The light showed an illusion-like texture under the refraction of the sun.


More and more people were watching, and they all held their breath, fearing that they would interfere with this extremely exciting battle.

In the eyes of the crowd, it seemed that the illusion ray would hit the Duck-billed Flame Beast in the next second.

"It's useless!"

Mi Village laughed wildly, and the duck-billed fire beast on the field jumped back and raised the shell of the coal turtle.

"Pop", the illusion light hit the shell and spread like foam.

Leo and Lulu seemed to have expected such a scene, so Leo continued to dig out the cave and hid underground again.

The familiar plot kept repeating.

The duck-billed fire beast jumped on the shell to avoid [digging a hole], Leo and Lulu suddenly appeared and fired [illusion light], then the duck-billed fire beast carried the shell of the coal turtle as a shield, and occasionally shot a [spark] back at the opponent, while Leo quickly dug a hole and repeated the above actions with Lulu.

Of course, the coal turtle, which was constantly used as a shield to take the attack, was constantly declining in health, so Mi Village threw out a few bottles of wound medicine and healed the coal turtle's injuries.

It was just that this behavior of constantly injuring his own elves made the onlookers uproar.

"Using your own Pokémon as a shield again, this is too despicable!"

"That's right, this kind of trainer doesn't care about his Pokémon at all!"

"Even if there is medicine for injuries, continuous injuries like this will leave a lot of sequelae for Pokémon."


Although they are more afraid of the mysterious organization that occupies the cable car, facing such a game, people still can't help but express their opinions.

Mimura heard people's discussions and veins popped out on his forehead.

"Shut up!"

He yelled at the crowd, and then looked at Asuka Teru with a bad look.

"You like to drill around, right? If you can't hit it, what can you do!"

Mimura gave different instructions to the coal turtle.

"【Smoke Screen】!"

The coal turtle stretched out its head and limbs from its shell, and the holes in the shell kept spewing black smoke, instantly covering the entire battlefield.

Leo and Lulu emerged from the ground on the other side, and a pink telekinetic light shot out.

But it didn't hit anything, it shot through the black smoke and went far away, and finally dissipated in the air.

This thick black fog directly blocked the sight, and there was no way to shoot accurately at the target.

Leo and the others continued to try a few more shots, but still missed.

"You can't hit it now... Hehe, it's not over yet, Duckbill Flame Beast, [Flame Vortex]!"

Balls of rotating flames appeared in the hands of Duckbill Flame Beast, and then he threw them one by one.

Suddenly, in addition to the extremely black and thick smoke spreading on the battlefield, there were also rotating flames scattered everywhere.

"Let's see how you hide!"

The flames burned the earth. Although they couldn't directly hurt the two elves lurking underground, how to get out became the biggest problem. In addition, even if they jumped out from the ground, the black smoke that blocked their sight would make Lulu's attack fail.


Mimura didn't see the smile on Asuka Teru's face.

"Finally, I've lured him to use these moves."

The three little ones who were in tune with each other thought so.

"Leo, Lulu, start to act!"

Many things need to be viewed from both sides.

The black smoke generated by [Smoke Screen] blocked Leo and Lulu's sight. On the other hand, the Coal Turtle and the Duck-billed Fire Beast, who had no vision in the fog, could not see Leo and Lulu's movements clearly in the black smoke.

Mi Village also thought of this, so he used the [Flame Vortex] all over the ground to prevent the opponent from getting close. After all, long-range attacks are not good, so only melee attacks can hit accurately.

The reduction in hit rate is indeed a very helpless thing, because it means that your long-range moves will not take effect, which is also Mi Village's wishful thinking.

But what if it is a long-range move that is sure to hit?

Don't forget that Leo has a trick that is sure to hit.

"(Telepathy) Lulu, in a moment, your telekinesis, follow the guidance of my waveguide.""(Telepathy) Okay!"

The two elves hiding underground quickly decided on a tactic.

Just as the Coal Turtle and the Duckbill Flame Beast were looking around, trying to see through the black smoke to find their opponents.

The two elves broke out of the ground with flames.

Although he couldn't see clearly, Asuka still felt the familiar breath of his partner, so he shouted without hesitation: "[Illusion Ray]!"

The pink super-powered telekinesis gathered again.

"It's useless, it's useless, you can't hit it, just waste energy in vain, and then the victory will be mine, hahahaha!"

Leo rolled his eyes in the black smoke.

"I just like your unrestrained and free-loving self-confidence."

The azure waveguide energy rotated and gathered into a ball.

Leo pushed with both palms.

"[Waveguide Missile]!"

The waveguide energy ball rushed out flexibly.

"What's the point of not hitting it... What?!!!"

Mi Village widened his eyes.

The [Wave Guide] left a dashing blue light trail in the black smoke, then suddenly turned and crashed into a certain place in the black smoke.


The duck-billed fire beast cried out in pain.

Then, the pink super-energy light followed the blue trajectory and hit the same place fiercely.

"My [Wave Guide] is sure to hit!"

Leo pointed at the opponent, squinted his eyes, and aimed like a sniper rifle.


He blew the smoke that didn't exist on his claws.


Lock the opponent's waveguide, and then control the waveguide energy ball, and hit it with one shot!

Even the super beast Mewtwo couldn't dodge at the limit of its speed at that time, so tell me how the two elves dodge?

Coupled with Lulu's powerful super-energy mind control, the [Illusion Light] also drew a ghostly arc and hit the opponent.

"Come again!"

The successive [Wave Missiles] and [Illusion Rays] made Infernape scream.

It wasn't that Infernape didn't want to fight back, but all the moves he used randomly couldn't hit Leo who had already pulled away. The black smoke that was originally used to block the opponent's vision now became an obstacle for him.

Even the black smoke made Infernape and Coal Turtle unable to dodge, after all, they couldn't see clearly which direction the attack would come from.

In this situation where the opponent could hit accurately but he couldn't fight back, the situation was one-sided.

Mimura listened to Infernape's shouts getting lower and lower with a sullen face.

As a pure auxiliary and interference spirit, Coal Turtle could release a lot of black smoke, but there was no way to disperse it. Infernape, which only had attack means, had no room to play in the blind state.

His most proud double spirit combination was broken just like that.

What made him even more resentful was that he fell on his own moves.

"The final blow, [wave missile]!"

An unprecedented azure light shone, shining through the black smoke, and the huge energy that followed directly blew away the extremely weak coal turtle and duck-billed fire beast after being bombarded by [wave missile] and [illusion light].

The [wave missile] that was sure to hit became the key move to determine the outcome!

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