Without the cable car, the only way to get to Buquan Town on Lumin Mountain is through the Lumin Cave.

Lumin Cave is located in the area halfway up the Lumin Mountain. It has a three-story structure. You can reach the other side of Lumin Mountain by following the road and stairs opened by the Alliance.

The day before entering the Lumin Cave, Ming Rizhao and his group (elves) camped and rested beside a rare small lake in the rocky area.

After dinner, they rested for a while. Seeing that the sky had darkened, everyone went into the tent to rest.


Lulu, who was in the Poké Ball, felt a little uneasy and jumped out of the Poké Ball.

She glanced at Ming Rizhao who was sleeping soundly, tucked in the quilt that she kicked open, and walked out of the tent.

The night was still very quiet, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the small lake, rippling with sparkling waves.

Looking at the moonlight, Lulu felt that her heart was at peace again.

Just as she was about to go back to the tent, she suddenly found a dark figure sitting on a rock by the lake, looking up at the sky in a daze.

She approached quietly, and a low murmur came.

"Why can't I punch?"

There was a hint of confusion in Leo's words.

"No matter which one, the crazy leader of Pidgeot, the domineering Nidoking, the super beast Mewtwo, the steel pillar Regis Chilu, I have the courage to give my fist, but why couldn't I do it then?"

It seems that Leo is still troubled by the opponent he met at the cable car station?

Lulu thought to himself.

"My master once taught me that the brave are fearless and the fearless are invincible. So, in my fighting career, no matter what kind of opponent I am, whether it is a world-famous boxing champion or a rising super fighting rookie, I have always been fearless and brave enough to punch."

"But why, a flaming roaring tiger of only level 45 made me completely lose the idea of ​​punching?"

Leo recalled the previous scene, and the blazing roaring tiger's malicious eyes made him tremble all over.

"Is it because of my fear that I can't evolve?"

After the evolution was interrupted, the magical power seemed to be dormant in the deepest part of the body, and no matter how hard Leo tried, he couldn't wake it up.

"Unparalleled..." Leo chewed on the word he saw on the panel. "The Evil Unparalleled Roaring Tiger, what life class is this unparalleled?"

He stood up and said fiercely: "It must be that my strength is not enough. Since I came to the Middle Region, I have been slack in my training, so when I faced the Blazing Roaring Tiger, I was overwhelmed by the opponent's momentum."

"Starting today, increase the amount of training."

"Next time I face the Blazing Roaring Tiger, I must deliver that punch!"

After that, Leo ran around the lake frantically.

But this running, whether it is to better exercise the body or to vent the unspeakable fear, Leo himself can't say.

Lulu stood a little further away, watching silently.


When passing by the Lumen Cave, unlike the expected dimness, the various lighting lights installed by the Alliance in the cave made the cave bright, and there were also many trainers who came out to experience and some ore mining workers in the cave, making the Lumen Cave not so gloomy and scary.

However, the girls were still frightened by the sudden appearance of Zubat and Zubat from time to time.

Facing the challenges of the trainers in the cave, Leo always stood up silently. Most of the trainers in the cave used rock-type Pokémon. Fighting-type Pokémon had the advantage of attribute restraint against rock-type Pokémon, which allowed Asuka to win most of the battles smoothly.

However, during the battle, Leo's fierce fighting style of risking his life made Feng Ling, who had been watching the battle, also notice that something was wrong with him.

"Xiao Zhao, is Leo a little bit wrong?"

Feng Ling asked Asuka in a low voice.

The latter had a sad face.

It's not that she didn't communicate with Leo, but Leo often talked about other things and refused to say what he thought in his heart.

Only then did the girl realize how happy it was to have a Pokémon with a high sense of autonomy, but sometimes, how troublesome it was.


Leaving the Luminous Cave.

After passing a large plain, you can reach the town of Kabuki. Because this plain is close to the volcano, a lot of volcanic ash will fall on the plain, making this place look gray everywhere.

In such a place, there is actually a Pokémon Center. It really cannot be said that the Alliance takes great care of the trainers.

In the Pokémon Center, Miss Joy handed the Poké Ball after treatment to Asuka.At the same time, she whispered, "Hello, your Pokémon has recovered."

She thought about it and couldn't help but give the latter a few words of advice.

"By the way, it may be that I am too talkative, but I suggest that you should pay a little more attention during training. Your Pokémon's overall body is a little overtired. If you overtrain, it is easy to get injured."

Asuka sighed. She thought it was the problem caused by Leo's desperate fighting style.

So she thought to herself that she should avoid fighting with other trainers at this stage.

It's not that she doesn't want Leo to rest and not fight. Once, facing the challenge of the trainer in the cave, Asumiya wanted Leo to rest and planned to send Lulu to fight, but she didn't expect Leo to enter the Poké Ball first, and then jumped out on his own, fighting with the opponent on his own initiative. Afterwards, listening to Asumiya's complaints, Leo nodded perfunctorily, but the next time he still jumped out to fight, which made Asumiya a little dissatisfied, and the relationship between the two was a little stiff for a while.

And Lulu knew more.

Every night, that little figure would train constantly in a place far away from the resting place of the crowd (elves). Even several times, the stone used for pushing was not held firmly and hit Leo hard, causing him a lot of pain. Then, after a rest, he continued to train.

Lulu, not far away, had been watching silently, wanting to help, but didn't know what to do.

Asuka, Leo, and Lulu, each of them had their own worries.

Only Eevee, since following Asuka and his group, has been eating and sleeping happily every day, and seems very happy without worries.

"Xiao Teng, do you have any ideas?"

Feng Ling also naturally felt this weird atmosphere. She didn't know how to intervene, so she could only hold her Teng Teng Snake and asked.

"Teng Teng. (Elf language) I can't do anything. I don't know what that guy is doing..."

Teng Teng Snake spread his hands.

Although Feng Ling didn't understand what Teng Teng Snake said, she also felt that her elf was powerless.

To be honest, Teng Teng Snake was just an elf who had just left his place of life and didn't have enough experience to persuade these three people (elves).

Moreover, people with discerning eyes (elves) could see that the source of the problem was mainly with Leo. As long as his worries were solved, all problems could be solved.

If there was a very experienced person or elf to persuade them at this time, the problem would probably be solved.

Unfortunately, all the people in this team were just starting out.

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