Unique in the world, unrivaled in the world.

The extremely evil and unrivaled Blazing Roaring Tiger, the extremely flaming and unrivaled Charizard.

Feeling the oppressive aura of the other party, the two unrivaled elves with the same fire attribute, the flames of fighting spirit burned in their eyes and deep in their hearts.

Without waiting for the two trainers to give orders, Blazing Roaring Tiger and Charizard started fighting in an instant.


Charizard bit Blazing Roaring Tiger with fire in its mouth. The latter had a ferocious face, did not avoid or give way, and stabbed Charizard's abdomen with both claws.

If we look at the elf race values, the total race values ​​of both sides are not much different, but Charizard is strong in special attack and speed, while Blazing Roaring Tiger is strong in more prominent physical attacks.

This difference in racial bias made Charizard react much faster. In an instant, he realized that if he bit down, he would be stabbed by the sharp claws of the Blazing Roaring Tiger. Therefore, he made a prompt decision, stopped biting forward, and spit out fire, trying to burn the opponent in front of him with fierce flames.

"Tiger! (Elf language) I'm excited!"

Although the Blazing Roaring Tiger was not fast, its well-trained body had already sensed the gushing flames ready to go. Under the instinctive reaction of the body, it forcibly retracted its claws, adjusted its body posture, and kicked forward with its strong thighs!

"Boom boom boom", the flames spewed out by the dragon were as thick as pillars, breaking through layers of air. Fortunately, the kick of the Blazing Roaring Tiger kicked the body of the Charizard backwards, so that the fire pillar just brushed the hair on the head of the Blazing Roaring Tiger, and did not cause much damage to him.

Seeing the flames finally fall to the ground, the land was charred black in a moment, and we knew how terrible the power of [Jet Flame], which had reached such a high level of Lv7, was.

Blazing Roaring Tiger scratched a small tuft of burnt hair on his head, and Charizard retreated in time to relieve the dull pain in his abdomen after being kicked hard by his opponent.

Logically speaking, it was normal for two powerful elves to fight each other in the round of testing, and each had a win or loss. But Fire Wing was very dissatisfied.

"Roaring Tiger, show your true ability. It's not easy to have a strong opponent. You can't play around like before."

Blazing Roaring Tiger's eyes flashed with excitement.


He exhaled a foul breath.

"Boom boom", a sound like a beating heart sounded, and suddenly, all the people and elves present felt a great terror descending in their hearts.

The faint black light emanated from the Blazing Roaring Tiger, and the invisible wave swept across the whole place.

Horror, everyone's subconscious fiercely resisted the great terror in the dark.

Fear, fear, shrinking, timidity, fear, panic, timidity, all kinds of emotions called fear flooded all creatures like a tide.

"Ah ... "What is it?"

He had a feeling that as long as he understood the mystery, the fog covering his path would be dispelled.

The induction in his heart was like lightning, and Asuka Teruya could feel it instantly.

The girl glanced at Leo.


The only person in the audience who was not affected by the Blazing Roaring Tiger was his trainer, Fire Wing.

It was only after this momentum suppressed the whole audience that the Magma Team leader, who was always known for his calmness and stability, also showed an evil smile.

"That's it, that's it, Roaring Tiger, this is the strongest front we are going to pursue!"

Fire Wing was laughing wildly.

Old Akagi sighed suddenly.

"Dude, don't worry about me anymore, use your strongest power, otherwise, it will be too late."

Charizard looked at Old Akagi.

"Roar? (Elf language) But you..."

The old man laughed heartily.

"What's wrong? When did you and I become so timid? You know, we used to be the 'strongest Charizard and the strongest Charizard trainer'!"

"Come on!, show your power, the king of flames! "

People often say that there is always a mysterious power between words.

And at this moment, the pride of old Akagi awakened a king of flames who had been sleeping for thirty years.

"Roar! ! ! ! "

With a roar that shook the sky, the fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and slowly flew into the air.

In an instant, it was as if a golden sun was hanging in the sky, the brilliance could not be looked at directly, and the heat could not be touched.

This dazzling light tore through the darkness of fear, like the sun shining on the earth, warming the hearts of all creatures.

No more fear, no more timidity, just because -

I am the king of flames!

The golden flames burst and bloomed!


Speechless for a moment, Leo stared at the fire-breathing dragon with golden flames flowing all over his body, and an unspeakable touch stirred in his chest.

"【Dragon Dance】! "

The golden flame spread wantonly, and old man Akagi was illuminated by the dazzling light, and issued the first command of the trainer.

"Whoosh", the fire-breathing dragon hovering in the air danced a mysterious dance, and it was visible to the naked eye that the muscles all over the body swelled and engorged, which greatly enhanced the physical strength.

[Dragon Dance]-also known as "Doragen Swing", can greatly enhance the attack and speed of the elves, and can be regarded as one of the powerful auxiliary moves!

As opponents, Fire Wing and Blazing Roaring Tiger naturally felt the huge threat above their heads.

"Humph, it's just an enhanced move, we are not bad. Roaring Tiger, [Bodybuilding]!"

The Blazing Roaring Tiger held back his strength and posed like a bodybuilder. The special enhanced energy made his already thick arms even stronger, and it was obvious that his strength and trunk strength had been improved.

"[Shining Charge]! "

Golden flames gushed out in large quantities, instantly covering the body of the fire-breathing dragon.

With a long roar, the giant dragon that descended from the sky was wrapped in a fireball, extremely fast and powerful.

Amid the roar, the fire-breathing dragon fell with a momentum that overturned the world!

"Tiger! (Elf language) Come on!"

Although standing on the ground to fight the impact from the air was a disadvantage, the blazing roaring tiger had no fear at all, and then as his excitement continued to rise, the navel on his waist sprayed black and red flames, wrapped around his waist like a belt.

The fiercely burning flames naturally also meant that the blazing roaring tiger was outputting its strength at full strength at this time.

"Roaring tiger, [Flame Fist]! "

With his wide claws clenched, his fist was no smaller than a giant hammer. With the red and black flames burning from his waist to his arms, this punch was equally powerful.

"Boom", golden fire fell from the sky and hit the iron fist.

It shook out endless air waves.


Whether it was the trainers, the elves, or the members of the Lava Team, they were all knocked to the ground.

But even if the bright light stung their eyes and made them cry, their nature of worshipping the strong still made them watch this unparalleled battle intently.

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