This gentle singing voice seemed to have an irresistible magic. The originally furious Gyarados calmed down slowly after hearing the singing voice, and the bloodshot eyes slowly faded. A hazy sleepiness surged over the three elves on the field, bringing them to sleep.

Before falling asleep, Leo heard a gentle voice in a daze: "Ah, I accidentally put them all to sleep. Forget it, let them rest for a while..."

Swish, swish, swish

In his sleep, Leo felt like he was floating on the water, rising and falling with the waves.

Water, on the water?


Leo woke up instantly and sat up.

He saw that he was sitting on the back of a plesiosaur-like Lapras. Lapras was swimming in the water while chatting happily with the arm force beside Leo.

And the Gyarados that had fought with him disappeared.

"Our leader is waiting in front, please sit tight."

Noticing Leo's awakening, Laplace stopped talking to Armstrong and swam towards the huge rock in the center of the lake at a faster speed.

With Laplace's extremely fast forward speed, Leo and his team still took some time to get close to the center of Crescent Lake. The huge rock standing in the lake was only one meter above the water surface. The whole rock was washed into a crystal blue-black color by the water flow. The cross-section above was extremely spacious. Even if the elves stood in a circle, there was still a lot of space left.

In the middle of the elves, a duck-shaped elf sitting firmly on the rock protrusion closed his eyes at this time. His momentum was as broad as this calm Crescent Lake. The red gem on his forehead reflected dazzling light in the sun.

It was the leader of the water elves in Crescent Lake - Godard Duck.

Leo carefully climbed up the smooth rock from Laplace's shell while quietly opening the [Illustration] to observe.


[Illustrated Guide]

Encounter Progress: 26 / 50

Battle Progress: 9 / 10

[Real-time Analysis]

Elf: Leader - Golduck (Male)

Level: Lv33

Attribute: Water

Features: Free and Easy Swimming (Speed ​​Increases in Rainy Weather)

Leader: Crescent Lake (When the elves of Crescent Lake gather around Golduck, the power of water-based moves can be greatly increased)

Moves: Predict the Future (Lv4), Mental Power (Lv4), Meditation (Lv4), Surfing (Lv2), Water Waves (Lv2), Immobilization (Lv1), Ice Beam (Lv1)


3 Lv4 Moves? ! It has one more high-level move than the previously surveyed Squirtle Boss and Snorlax Leader, and all of them are psychic-related moves. On the contrary, Golduck's own water-based moves are inferior in terms of move level.

This move set is so different? Leo secretly smacked his lips.

In his memory, although Golduck is a pure water-attributed Pokémon, it can also learn a lot of psychic-related moves, and the special attack data in Golduck's original racial attribute values ​​is indeed better than other data, so it is expected that it can master these psychic skills skillfully.

Perhaps he noticed something, and the leader of Golduck frowned slightly, opened his eyes and looked in Leo's direction.

Could it be that he noticed that I was peeking at their data? Leo felt the scrutiny of the leader of Golduck, and immediately pretended to be calm and hid the light curtain in front of him.

The leader of Golduck felt it silently for a while, but did not find anything unusual. He may also think that he had an illusion, so he ignored the strange feeling just now.

"Leader, the guests from Chaoyang Valley have been brought here."

Laplace waited until Leo and Armstrong climbed onto the rock from their back shells, nodded slightly, swam to the side and waited quietly.

Armstrong's expression became serious, and just as he was about to speak, the slightly low voice of the Golduck leader suddenly sounded.

"I already know your purpose. Do you have any clues now?"

"No, not really. To be honest, we are also very confused. With the relationship between our valley and Snorlax, there is no contradiction that will cause a conflict. And Snorlax's state that day was quite strange, it was like a beast without reason. In addition, our Squirtle leader also said that the same situation occurred in the Pidgeot tribe, and it seems that this abnormal situation has spread in the forest again." Armstrong said.

"At that time, it was found that the state of the Pidgeot tribe was the same as that of the Snorlax leader that day, with red eyes and scarlet energy all over the body. This energy is very powerful and can even greatly enhance the power of Pokémon.'s strength. And these Pokémon that are in abnormal states have one thing in common, that is, they all become very irritable and will attack Pokémon within the attack range regardless of friend or foe. "

Leo also described his observations in detail.

Wrist Strength continued his words.

"Yes, so after repelling Snorlax, our leader ordered us to go out and investigate this abnormal incident. And the purpose of our coming to Crescent Lake is to ask you to cast [Predict the Future], hoping to obtain relevant clues. "

Leo was a little surprised. He never expected that the purpose of coming to Crescent Lake was for Golduck's move [Predict the Future].

[Predict the Future] is just an ordinary psychic attack move in the game. The effect is that after a few game rounds of using this move, the opponent will be attacked by psychic thoughts. Now in the real elf world, this simple attack move seems to have a different effect, and with the cooperation of Golduck's high-level moves, it seems that it can play a role in prediction? Leo guessed uncertainly.

"[Predict the Future] is not something that can be used casually. Are you ready?"

The Golduck leader said lightly.

"Yes, I will use my memory as the 'past' and these furs dropped from the Snorlax leader as the 'present' to ask you to predict the 'future'. "

Wrist Strength took out a bag of gray-black fur wrapped in leaves and a pink crystal-clear gem from his backpack.

"This super-powered gem is the reward for your help."

Seeing the super-powered gem, the Goduck leader showed a little surprise.

"This is a very rare thing. It seems that you are really well prepared this time." The Goduck leader looked up at the sunny sky. "But now is not the right time. You should rest first and wait until the evening. Leave it to you, Laplace."

Laplace swam forward: "Come on, I'll take you to the resting place first. "

Watching Leo and Armstrong swimming with Lapras towards the waterfall, the Golduck leader closed his eyes again and sat cross-legged. The red gem on his forehead flickered, and energy was floating faintly on his body. The whole elf seemed to be lifted by an invisible force and slowly floated in the air.

The thoughts around the Golduck leader kept fluctuating.

Seeing that their leader had entered the state of [meditation], the other elves around did not dare to disturb him and swam into the water to disperse.

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