"A long time ago..."

"Grandma, how long exactly?"

The little boy lying on Grandma He Liang's knees asked curiously, and the little girl beside him tilted her head cutely to one side, as if waiting for her grandma to answer their questions.

The old hands kindly stroked the soft hair of the little boy and the little girl, and Grandma He Liang raised her head slightly and looked out the window.

Jingshui City, a city built on the North Sea far away from the land in the eastern part of Middel. This city named after water is surrounded by the ocean and has a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere like water.

"Boom boom", but what you see outside the window is half of the sky gradually eaten away by black clouds, and there is a faint thunder.

It seems that a heavy rain is about to fall?

Grandma He Liang thought so.

As the chief priest of the ancient sacrificial temple in Jingshui City, she has been in this city for more than 60 years. The ocean is like a child with an unstable temper. When it is quiet, it is silent, but when it is noisy, it can be turbulent, with thunder and lightning and heavy rain. All of this is not surprising.

However, at this time when autumn is about to begin - it should be a season when ocean currents are stable, such a huge storm is about to come, which makes her mood, which should be calm, vaguely uneasy.

"Grandma, grandma."

The little girl saw her grandma looking out the window in a trance, and did not respond for a long time. She pouted her mouth and pushed her grandma's legs with her little hand to try to call her attention back.

Grandma He Liang came back to her senses and gathered her strange emotions.

She turned a page of the storybook in her hand and continued to tell the distant story softly.

"A long time ago, when nothing was born, the world was in chaos, without up and down, left and right, time and space, land and sea, and even less life and death. One day, or at that moment, in this void, a magical creature was born."

"The creature that emerged from the egg of nothingness could not stand the chaos of the world, so he created time, space, and the positive and negative sides of the world. In this way, the world established its initial form and bid farewell to chaos."

"But this is not enough. Even though the world has begun to take shape, the emptiness inside makes this magical creature feel as if something is missing."

"He wandered in every space in the world, thinking back and forth in the long river of time, and finally he was delighted to find that what this world lacked was the power of progress."

"So, he used himself as a reference, and transformed the will that could become an independent individual, the knowledge that could continue to grow, and the emotions that could be infinitely derived into light and cast it into the world."

"This is the original light of creation."

The little boy and the little girl listened very attentively.

"At this time, the world began to evolve, from a big world, to countless small worlds. Magical creatures incarnated in thousands and slept in countless small worlds. The sleeping place appeared, giving the world a prototype, and the light of creation spread, creating countless new lives."

"The ocean and the earth began to be constructed. In the deepest trench of the deep sea, the God of the Ocean was born. In the deepest magma of the earth, the God of the Earth appeared. In the outer space of the planet, the King of the Sky appeared."

"The expansion of the ocean and the expansion of the earth will eventually produce collisions and frictions. As a result, the God of the Ocean and the Earth will eventually collide and rub. The gods finally launched a shocking decisive battle. "

"Countless lives died, and countless lives were born. In the end, the king of the sky calmed the dispute. "

"The land was broken into countless pieces, and the giant king pieced the pieces together. Finally, he created several legendary giants to manage the continent he created, and he himself slept in the "Spine of the World" mountain range. "

"After that, a large number of lives were born, and the world became rich and colorful. "

Grandma He Liang closed the book and said to her grandchildren with a smile.

"This is the story of the super ancient times."

The little boy clapped his hands "Pa Pa Pa", with an excited look on his face.

The obviously older little girl thought for a while before she asked curiously, "Grandma, what about those super ancient magical creatures now?"

"They, in addition to being in myths, are also..."


Before Grandma He Liang finished her words, she was interrupted by a hurried report.

A man in a guard uniform hurried in.

"Master Priest..."

The guard stopped talking when he saw the two children.

Seeing the guard's faceThe look was very anxious. Granny He Liang also knew that something urgent must have happened, so she gently raised her hand, signaling her grandchildren to play by themselves first, and then followed the guard out.

As soon as she walked out of the door, the guard said anxiously: "Master Priest, at the entrance of Jingshui City, a large group of trainers from nowhere have gathered, and they seem to have bad intentions from the aggressive look they are coming."

Granny He Liang frowned.

"Does Adam know about this?"

"Yes, Master Adam has led the trainers stationed by the alliance to the entrance, and it seems that many trainers sent by the alliance have also come to help."

Hearing that the owner of the Water Pokémon Gym in Jingshui City, Adam, had already rushed to the scene, Granny He Liang's expression was still a lot more relaxed.

The guard looked around vigilantly, then leaned close to Grandma He Liang's ear and whispered, "Master Priest, Master Adam asked me to tell you: Be careful of the ancient sacrificial temple."

As the most important place in Jingshui City, it is natural for Adam to be so worried.

However, Grandma He Liang felt that this matter was not that simple.

"Boom boom", the thunder above the head became louder, and sparse and fine raindrops gradually fell from the sky.

The person who came was not kind.

The rich life experience made Grandma He Liang think of a lot at once.

She thought for a moment, and finally, she calmly told the guards: "Gather the guards immediately and go to the ancient sacrificial temple with me. I am worried that something might happen."

The strength of the Pokémon Gym Master is unquestionable, and there are also a large number of Alliance trainers to help. I believe that in a short period of time, there will not necessarily be a big event at the entrance of Jingshui City. It is just that a large number of living forces in the town are mobilized to the entrance, which will inevitably cause internal emptiness. If a thief invades from the inside, things will easily become out of control.

Granny He Liang narrowed her eyes.

Not to mention, in the ancient sacrificial temple, there is something that a certain organization is extremely eager for.


As mentioned above, Jingshui City is located on the ocean and is an island. And the composition of this island is also very magical.

There are high rock walls around Jingshui City, and various buildings in Jingshui City, such as residential areas, commercial areas, and various ports, are built on the land under the rock walls.

From the sky, it looks like a C-shaped opening facing downward, and this C-shaped rock wall is the best natural barrier for Jingshui City to block the huge waves on the ocean. There are many waterways between the rock walls to facilitate the entry and exit of merchant ships.

In the center of the C-shaped rock wall is a smaller island. On the central island, important buildings such as the Elf Gym and the ancient sacrificial temple are built.

There is also an ocean between the central island and the C-shaped rock wall. Therefore, the main means of transportation for people in this city is various types of ships. Because they are surrounded by water all the time, people living in Jingshui City like to call themselves "Sons of Water".


The opening of the C-shaped rock wall is the entrance and exit of Jingshui City.

At this time, a large number of people gathered outside Jingshui City. They were silent, but their eyes were fixed on the city standing in the ocean.

When Adam arrived at the scene, he felt an unspeakable silence.

He carefully observed that this group of uninvited guests were all wearing sea-blue sailor suits. Regardless of gender, they all had black headscarves on their heads and rode on megalodon sharks. Looking at the uniform clothing and uniform elves, it is not difficult to know that this group of people are from the same organization.

Moreover, it is not a good organization.

Because the eyes of the group of megalodon sharks contain the evil spirit of devouring people.

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