The ancient sacrificial temple in Jingshui City is a relatively new temple. Behind the temple, there is a cave that goes deep into the vast underground of the seabed, and what is exposed on the sea surface is just a small cave.

However, although this sacrificial temple is named after the ancient times, it has only been named recently by the public, and it is not its original name.

Its original name is "Awakening Temple", and it is also called the cave of the origin of life.

It forms a contrast between life and death with the Yangyan Volcano, which is called the "end of life" in the southeast of the Middel area.

And here, ten years ago, it was the sleeping place of the super ancient beast Kyogre.

Just ten years ago, the leader of the Marines forcibly invaded the Awakening Temple and awakened Kyogre from his slumber. After Kyogre started the battle of the mythical beasts in the Middel area, he disappeared from the world with Groudon. In the Awakening Temple, there was only an empty altar and a huge and deep sea cave.

In the dark seabed tunnel, a flickering searchlight lit up.

"By the way, the road here is really difficult to walk."

Wearing a unique blue headscarf and a full head of golden hair, Shuiying, a cadre of the Marine Team, held a searchlight in her hand and groped forward with difficulty.

"The boss is attracting attention up there, so no one else should come here to intercept me."

Shuiying said words of fear, but there was no fear in her tone.

On the surface, the Ocean Team's action was led by the leader of the Ocean Team, Shui Guanhai, and several other cadres, who planned to forcefully break through the defense of Jingshui City to achieve their goal. However, in secret, they arranged another cadre, Shui Ying, to sneak underwater and go to the Awakening Temple to retrieve the item that was of great significance to the Ocean Team.

This calculation was not unwise.

And the fact was indeed as they expected. A large number of Jingshui City's garrison forces all went to the entrance and confronted the large force of the Ocean Team, so Shui Ying was able to sneak into the destination quickly.

Even if the tunnel was difficult to navigate, it was not difficult for the agile woman. Soon, she came to the altar that was used for sacrificial ceremonies and saw the deep cave where the super ancient elf Kyogre, known as the sea beast, once slept.

Ten years ago, Shui Ying had not yet joined the Ocean Team, and she had only seen the super ancient elf Kyogre from a distance on TV.

Now that she had come to the cave, Shuiying could not help but gesture and secretly smacked her lips.

"As expected of a super ancient elf, look at its size..."

The diameter of the cave entrance was more than ten meters long. For Shuiying, who was only 1.6 meters tall, just standing on the edge of the cave, she felt that it was already too wide.

She carefully looked down. The cave was covered by a silent blackness, and it was bottomless. In the distance, the sound of the waves could still be heard.

And in her eyes, she saw the darkness below the cave, as if it was going to surge out in the next moment and swallow her whole...

"Hu... He!"

Shuiying suddenly came back to her senses and retreated in a panic with sweat all over her head.

Even though the super ancient elves were no longer here, the aura of the abyss, like a prison, still remained, and tried to swallow up everything that peeped.

Stimulated by the remaining momentum, Shuiying shuddered in her heart and dared not look around anymore.

"Let's complete the purpose of this time first."

She turned and walked towards the altar that had been vacant for a long time. As she walked, she took out dozens of water stones from the backpack behind her.

When she arrived in front of the altar, with the help of the light of the searchlight, Shuiying saw that even though it was very old, it was still very complete. There were many mysterious mechanisms installed on the altar, and on the top of each mechanism, there was a disc-like thing.

The woman placed the water stones she brought on the disc of the mechanism one by one.

When the last water stone was put down, suddenly, those water stones lit up with dazzling light.

"Buzz buzz buzz", the altar seemed to be activated by something and made a low hum.

Shuiying stepped back a few steps and waited patiently.

She was also thinking secretly in her heart.

"Sure enough, what the boss met before was right. The thing was placed in this altar by Shui Wutong after his defeat. As long as the abundant water energy is used, the mechanism can be activated to take the thing out."

Just as she was thinking, a few sharp shouts suddenly came from behind Shui Ying.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The woman curled her lips.

"I knewThings won't be that simple."

Turning around, she found that a white-haired old woman and several people were rushing in from the passage.

It was the chief priest of the ancient sacrificial temple in Jingshui City, Grandma He Liang, and the guards of Jingshui City.

"I say, can't you guys change your opening remarks? Every time you see someone, you ask who they are and what they want to do. Do you think others will tell you these things honestly?"

Shuiying couldn't help but complain.

However, despite complaining, she still reached into her backpack and took out four Poké Balls.

"Iron Claw Lobster, Snorkeling Weasel, Giant Claw Crab, come out! "

Three elves were summoned, and the fourth elf ball was quietly hidden in her palm.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals - the lobster elf Ironclaw Lobster, whose whole body was red and whose two front claws kept opening and closing, and the crab elf Giant Claw Crab, which was rampant and had a pair of terrible giant claws raised wildly. In addition, there were three elves of the weasel type that looked like they were wearing a swimming ring.

"Take her down!"

Grandma He Liang was also a hot-tempered person. She saw the activated altar at a glance, and she didn't bother to say anything more to the invader. She immediately waved her hand to signal the guards behind her to go to battle.

"Bang bang bang bang bang", multiple elf balls were thrown out.

White Sea Lion, Mosquito Frog (although I like to call it Fast Swim Frog, but I still use Mosquito Frog to respect the official translation), Thorny Shell, Swamp King, Maril and a large group of elves were summoned to the scene.

The people of Jingshui City are particularly fond of They are interested in water-type elves, so it is not surprising that the elves held by the guards of Jingshui City are basically elves with water as the main attribute.

After a large number of elves were summoned, a burst of elf calls rang out at the scene.

Shuiying covered her ears with a headache because of the noise.

Looking back, the light on the altar was still increasing, and the thing she expected had not appeared in the center of the altar.

She sighed.

"Although I don't want to fight, it seems that I have to fight."

A fierce light flashed in the woman's eyes.

"If that's the case, then, Iron Claw Lobster, use [Sludge Bomb]!"

The Iron Claw Lobster used its two front claws to quickly scratch the ground, and gradually grasped a large ball of stinking sludge in its two claws.

"Shrimp! "

Feeling that it was almost time, the lobster aimed at the group of water elves, and then threw the sludge high in great excitement.

Although the elves of the guard team were not too weak, a large group of elves suddenly appeared together, and they still seemed a little overwhelmed, causing a mess on the scene.

At this time, the lobster's sludge fell from the sky.

"Roar!", "Lulu!", "Frog--", "..."

The water elves made various calls and ran around in panic.

It was just that the submarine passage was not a big place, so the sludge fell suddenly and directly affected most of the elves.

"Sizzle", the powerful corrosive power of the poison-type moves made the elves who were hit show painful expressions.


Grandma He Liang pushed the ceremonial stick in her hand to the ground.

"Calm down, what's the situation now! "

Reminded by Granny He Liang's harsh criticism, the members of the guard team took back some of the Pokémon as if they had just woken up from a dream, leaving only a few Pokémon in good condition to continue the action.

Granny He Liang was puzzled.

"These little guys are usually very smart when performing tasks, why are they so reckless today?"

Not only Granny He Liang didn't understand, even Shui Ying, who was the target of the arrest, frowned.

The woman tilted her head with a barely visible movement to look at the big hole.

"Could it be..."

The remaining breath of Kyogre still seemed to escape from the big hole.

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