The might of the legendary super beast can be seen from the performance of the elves present.

On the side of the Ocean Team, the Megalodons swimming in the water should have been fearless and ferocious, but now they were in close contact with the Dark Lugia that exuded a strong aura. The whole elf was so scared that they dared not even show their heads above the water. If it weren't for their trainers who were still riding, it is estimated that these Megalodons would have wanted to dive into the water as quickly as possible and leave here as far as possible.

On the side of Jingshui City, there was a certain distance from the Dark Lugia, but most of the elves also behaved very badly. The timid ones sat on the ground with weak legs and feet, trembling, and the few brave ones just howled restlessly on the spot, but did not dare to move a step.

No matter who they are, they all need to be awed.

Only a few elves behaved relatively normally.

The elves in Shuiguanhai, perhaps because of their higher levels, had some resistance to the Dark Lugia's aura, but they also swam away silently for a few meters, seeming a little cautious.

As for Adam and Genji's elves, they also suppressed their discomfort with the oppression of the super beast's aura and stood firm in their positions, but their expressions were full of vigilance.


The Tyrannosaurus was forced back by the roar of the Dark Lugia, and felt a little embarrassed. The elves, who were originally hot-tempered, roared back without showing any weakness. However, he was very cautious, and did not rashly launch an attack without Genji's order.

Genji took the pipe in his mouth in his hand, and looked at the Dark Lugia wrapped in black smoke with his eyes, thinking.

"Could this dark Lugia be one of the dark elves that the alliance seized after attacking the Shadow Team headquarters? Over the years, apart from the Shadow Team's dark elf plan, I have never heard of any organization that has this technology."

Compared to the power of the super beast, Genji was more surprised by the dark aura of this Lugia that was different from ordinary elves.

Perhaps ordinary people don't know, but as a senior member of the alliance and a top-level trainer who has been in office for more than ten years, Genji knows a lot of inside information and unknown information about the Elf Alliance.

The Dark Elf Plan is one of them.

More than ten years ago, some strange elves began to appear on the continent. The common point of these elves is that they are all black and extremely closed in their hearts. Whether it is a superpower who is good at communicating with thoughts or a forest ranger with a purified mind, they cannot communicate with this kind of elves. And these elves are extremely aggressive. Regardless of time or place, as long as they see other creatures, they will attack violently.

This type of dark elves caused a lot of riots. In order to solve these incidents, the alliance traced the origin of the dark elves and finally found an evil organization called the Shadow Team that created this kind of dark elves with cruel means and smuggled them on a small island far away from the central continent. The champion of the alliance at that time led the team to break through the headquarters of the Shadow Team and seized a large number of dark elves.

These dark elves were placed on a small island under the alliance, and various methods were tried to purify the hearts of these elves.

According to the information obtained by Genji, a large number of dark elves were purified and lived peacefully on the island called "Purification Island". However, it seems that the person in charge of Purification Island did mention something happened in the internal meeting last time.

"So, it was your Ocean Team's good deed?"

Genji pulled back his thoughts.

While the four kings in front of him were thinking, Shui Guanhai did not rush to launch an attack, but sat leisurely on the back of the powerful crocodile, looking up at the sky from time to time.

As if waiting for something.

"Hualala", the rain was getting heavier, and the continuous rain lines seemed to draw a pearl curtain between the sky and the earth.

The ocean's temper is sometimes good and sometimes bad. When it is good, it is calm and quiet like a sleeping virgin, but when it is bad, there are violent storms and huge waves, vowing to swallow countless lives.

As the master of the ocean current, even Lugia, who has fallen into darkness, is also so unpredictable.

Shui Guanhai was waiting leisurely here, and Dark Lugia could no longer hold back and flew straight into the sky.

"Not good!"

Genji, who came back to his senses, changed his face.

"Get out of here!"

He warned the group of trainers in Jingshui City behind him loudly, and at the same time quickly summoned several other elves.

Dark Lugia flew to the air, and its wide wings slowly closed. Suddenly, the sound of the wind whistling rang in the air.

On the sea, whether it is AdamThe Thorny Dragon King, the Iron Claw Lobster, the Emperor Fang Sea Lion, the Frog King, Lapras and the Catfish King, or Genji's Dragonite, Tanabata Bluebird or Desert Dragonfly, all those who can use guard-type moves, use them with their lives, and those who cannot use guard moves, or use auxiliary moves to enhance the strength of other elves, or use ice-attribute moves to build ice walls to enhance defense.

Why are they so cautious?

Because what they are about to face is...


Dark Lugia's body was shining with black light, and his wings suddenly spread out. In an instant, countless water tornadoes that penetrated the sky and the sea surged between heaven and earth!

The storm rolled up the sea water and swirled wildly!

It's not over yet!

The countless small water tornadoes seemed to be pulled by some force, gradually gathering together, and at the end, a super giant tornado appeared in front of everyone.

The sharp wind blade ravaged the whole scene like a knife.

If this terrifying water tornado is allowed to hit, not to mention the trainers behind who didn't have time to leave, even the Shizuo City with its tall rock walls may not be able to stop this surging giant tornado!

"Genji the Heavenly King!"

Faced with this terrible natural disaster, Adam couldn't maintain his usual elegance and looked at Genji anxiously.

"Stop it!"

Genji took a deep puff of pipe smoke and said so.

The reason why super beasts are feared by humans is because they are basically moving natural disasters.

A simple [Storm] move, if used by elves such as Pidgeot or Longwing Gull, will only stir up a small wind to attack the opponent.

But when it is performed by Dark Lugia, who is good at controlling ocean currents, it is such a terrifying scene of destruction!

The tornado was still raging forward. The members of the Ocean Team had already retreated out of the range of the storm. They were all watching closely, like a yellow bird watching a mantis.

And with the efforts of the elves in Jingshui City, a huge emerald green barrier stood in front of the trainers and Jingshui City.

A huge storm, VS, a huge barrier.

Between heaven and earth, there was only the sound of the roaring wind.

In a place where no one noticed, a jet-like black shadow flew out of Jingshui City.

Faintly, you can see that in that black shadow, there are also strands of strange indigo light.

The next moment, the storm and the barrier collided!

"Squeaky", although the barrier did not happen, the people who were blocked by the barrier couldn't help but think of the sound of the barrier being unable to bear the load when they saw the barrier crumbling and seemed to be broken in the next second.

Everyone's heart was lifted.

"Bang bang bang bang bang", the storm still does not stop.


It has been a while since the Yangyan volcano eruption.

Asuka, Fengling, Leo and other people and the elves are still stranded in Fuquan Town.

Not only to assist the alliance in investigating the Lava Team and help the citizens of Fuquan Town deal with the disaster, but also to obtain the Fire Pokémon Gym Badge, the most fundamental purpose of being in Fuquan Town.

But because Asha has too many things to deal with, the gym challenge has been delayed again and again.

It was not easy to deal with things, and Asha was free to arrange the gym challenge.

However, this gym challenge can no longer be as large-scale as before. In order to save trouble, Asha simply simplified the challenge process. There is no need to defeat many gym assistant trainers. As long as the challenge to Asha is successful, you can get the badge.

However, before challenging Asha, an unexpected but reasonable opponent appeared.

On this day, in Leo's room at the Pokémon Center in Fuquan Town.

The TV in the room was inexplicably turned on, and the sound of the news broadcast came from the TV.

"...After the Yangyan volcano eruption, a new evil organization emerged in Jingshui City - the Marine Team. They organized a large-scale city invasion and mobilized the power of mysterious elves, causing great disasters. Fortunately, with the full efforts of the Four Heavenly Kings Master Genji and the Jingshui City Gym Master Adam to stop it, the invasion of the Marine Team did not succeed."

"...The current alert level in Jingshui City has reached the highest level, and martial law measures have been implemented with only entry and no exit. It is said that an extremely important object was lost in the city, so an emergency blockade was taken. No specific news has been heard yet, and the specific date of unblocking is still unclear. Citizens are requested to be cautious when going to Jingshui City unless there is something special."

"...In response to recent events, some experts have severely criticized the alliance's precautions. The Marine Team has been severely criticized for the recent events.Will the resurgence of the two evil organizations, Team Ocean and Team Magma, repeat the disaster of ten years ago? And how will the alliance deal with it? For all the questions, please pay attention to the news at 9 o'clock tonight. We will invite the most professional analysts to answer your questions. "


The sound of the news kept coming into Leo's ears.

Lucario, who was sleeping, couldn't help but rub his itchy nose with his claws.


Leo, who had been practicing his new moves all day yesterday, still felt a little tired even in the morning. Although the sound of the TV woke him up, he thought about it and simply closed his eyes and continued to rest.

The itchy feeling in the nose came again.


Leo scratched it and didn't pay much attention to it.

After a while, it was the turn of the cheek to feel the same itch.

Leo continued to scratch his cheek and turned over.

After a while, it seemed that something sharp and thin was scratching himself.

"Ahhh, what is it! "

Leo yelled in frustration, feeling as if something was bothering him all the time, making it impossible for him to stay in bed.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

What he saw was...

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