
Unlike Eevee who likes to lie on Asuka's head, Charmander still likes to lie on Leo's shoulder even after being captured by Asuka.

After seeing the "big monkey" in front of him, Charmander couldn't help but stick his head out and looked at Infernape curiously.

"This is..."

After an unintentional glance, old man Akagi couldn't take his eyes off.

That familiar appearance, that familiar breath, and that familiar feeling.

Although he knew that his deceased partner would never come back, he was already in tears before he knew it.

He bent his hunched back and walked slowly, step by step, to Leo and Charmander.

All the people and elves in the audience quieted down, even the noisy Eevee was sighed by the atmosphere, blinking his big eyes and watching without saying a word.

Leo touched Charmander's head with his hand, and then handed him to Akagi, who looked confused.

As if he was holding a very precious jewel, Akagi held Charmander very carefully.

Just like thirty years ago.


Charmander did not show a scared expression, but felt an indescribable intimacy with the human holding him.

He used his short hands to pull it, adjusted his position, and then let himself lie comfortably.

Watching this scene, Asuka opened his mouth, and then, as if he had made up his mind, he whispered to Akagi: "Grandpa Akagi, if... if Charmander is willing, I am willing to let him be taken care of by you."

It can be said that everyone present was saved by the unparalleled Charizard. Although Asuka himself was reluctant, Charmander would be a powerful and reliable partner after evolution. You know, this kind of elf is not something you can meet casually. But Asuka also knew that the love that old man Akagi had for Charmander like this spirit was deeper and more sincere than anyone else.

Old man Akagi was startled, then he looked down at the Charmander in his arms, and the little guy just looked up and looked at him with innocent eyes.

Finally, old man Akagi breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had let go of something in his heart, or in other words, he had sunk something to the bottom of his heart.

The old man smiled with some relief, and handed the Charmander to Asuka.

"Xiaozhao, this is your Charmander, this is your spirit, and you should nurture and take care of it."


The girl wanted to say something.

Old man Akagi looked at Charmander, but it seemed like he was looking at the past.

"The old man followed his own beliefs and protected everyone, the people he loved, the elves he loved, and the home he loved. I am old now, and it is time to put an end to our story."

His eyes were bright, and his face showed the vigor and vigor he once had.

"It is time to give the stage to you young people, and I believe that Charmander will also like to write your story with you and create your own history!"

Charmander also called a few times in a crisp voice.

Asuka held Charmander, and her heart became firm.

She looked at her elves: Lucario, Kirlia, Charmander, oh, yes, and Eevee who kept shaking his tail to show his presence.

This is her elf partner, and also a fellow traveler who pursues his ideal together!


Old Akagi left temporarily, and only Infernape stayed, so there were only four people left on Yangyan Volcano: Asha, Yeyueyao, Asuka and Fengling.

"Sister Yasha, let's start the gym challenge battle!"

Ashiro didn't hesitate for long, and immediately challenged the fire-type Pokémon gym leader of Fuquan Town, Yasha.

The red-haired woman laughed and spread her hands: "If you are a guiding gym leader, just because you can defeat the unparalleled level Blazing Roaring Tiger alone, it proves that you have the strength that exceeds the guiding gym. If I use that level of Pokémon to fight you, it won't make much sense."

"Originally, I was going to give you the badge directly."

Yasha nodded at a certain boy.

"But a certain little guy said that he wants to continue the battle you failed to complete at that time, and then decide who gets the badge based on the winner. What do you think?"

Ye Yueyao also came up at this time, stretched out his hand to put his hat on backwards, and then said with a serious expression: "Yes, Xiaozhao, let's have a battle, and the winner will get the Fire Badge. What do you think?"

The boy's eyes were also full of fighting spirit.

Nothing can be compared to training.The battle between trainers is even more exciting. There is nothing that can make elves grow better outside of battle. A qualified trainer should be brave enough to accept challenges and constantly break through himself.

Ye Yueyao thought so, and Ming Hizhao was no exception.

The two sides hit it off and quickly prepared for the battle.

Standing next to him, Yasha, who was intent on watching the fun, acted as the referee of this battle.

Ye Yueyao quickly decided which elf to send out first, and the Pikachu beside him turned into a white light and was collected into the elf ball.

Ming Hizhao looked back at his elves:

Lucario stood aside with his arms folded, looking cool. He looked interested in the undisguised fighting spirit of the opposite frog. When he saw Ming Hizhao looking at him, he pretended not to see it and looked at the opposite side.

After all, Leo was quite interested in the degenerate form of the legendary Greninja with a bonded form, the frog.

"This guy, since he evolved, he is not as cute as he was when he was a child."

Ashiro rolled his eyes.

Although the evolved Lucario is handsome and capable, perhaps because he has become a little more mature after evolution, Leo also seems a lot more stable, so Asuka still occasionally misses the Riolu who complained to him.

Alas, the evolution under the sunset, that was the youth that he and I lost...

"What the hell are you thinking about? You are only 15 years old and you are reminiscing about your youth? I am only over 1 year old, there is no youth to lose!"

Feeling the extremely rich sadness in his trainer's heart, Leo couldn't help but make some complaints.

Well, the familiar complaints have not changed.

Having satisfied his desire to be complained (Leo: No, what kind of weird habit is this? Asuka: No, why do you say no?), Asuka looked at other Pokémon with satisfaction.

Jiligua La Wuwa Wuwa...

Eevee finally got close to Charmander, and then the two little heads touched heads and kept whispering. I don't know what they were talking about, but they were talking happily and ignored Asuka.

Okay, the children's group, pass.

Then, in the end, there is only...

Asuka cast his eyes on Kirlia and Lulu. Lulu is worthy of being the big sister of everyone, and nodded to indicate that she would be the first to fight.

"You are worthy of being my Lulu, come, hug me."

The "old mother" who was "miserably" despised and ignored by her "children" was moved to hug Lulu.

"Aiya! (Elf language) You should reflect on why you spent money indiscriminately before!"

Lulu rolled her eyes at Asuka, ignored her funny behavior, and returned to the Poké Ball on her own.

Obviously, Lulu, who carefully calculated everyone's living expenses, has been angry about Asuka's lavish spending on a bunch of messy things.

It's over, even Lulu doesn't love me anymore.

Asuka took Kirlia's Poké Ball in his hand with a "sad" look.

Ye Yueyao, who witnessed the whole scene, also smiled sincerely: "By the way, Xiaozhao, you and your Pokémon have a really good relationship."

"Ahaha, it's okay."

The girl laughed dryly and prepared for the battle.

Ye Yueyao stroked Pikachu's Poké Ball and said seriously: "This kind of trust bond between you will make you and your Pokémon more powerful, which is something that many trainers cannot do, so you are an excellent trainer."

After praising his opponent, the boy himself finally showed a confident look.

"But we're not bad either."

The time has come, and Yasha waved the command flag in her hand.

"Battle, begin!"

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