Asha beside him also shook her head secretly.

After being trained by two trainers, Asumi's Chirulia and Moonlight Pikachu were already on par in strength. There was no big gap in level or moves, so it was hard to say who would win or lose.

But the slight difference in the trainer's command made the whole battle situation completely different.

The criterion for determining the outcome of a battle is to determine whether the Pokémon is in a state where it cannot fight - such as fainting, falling asleep and unable to wake up, completely exhausted and unable to fight again, or completely losing the will to fight, etc., which can all be used as the key points to determine the outcome.

Of course, there are items that can instantly restore the Pokémon from a state where it cannot fight to a full state of resurrection, such as the precious "Full Recovery Medicine", etc., but generally, such powerful items will basically not appear in regular battle events.

First of all, frequent medication is not good for the body of the elves themselves. As the saying goes, medicine is three-point poison. Elves who rely on taking medicine to fight for a long time will not only become drug-dependent, but also the residual toxins that cannot be removed by the medicine will cause damage to the elves over time.

Secondly, some magical drugs are very precious. If their use is not restricted in the competition, the competition that originally showed the command level of trainers and the level of elves cultivation will become a bottomless pit-like drug-taking competition to compete for financial resources, and even prolong the battle time indefinitely. I wonder if those audiences will like to watch this kind of elf battle where drugs are taken and pestered?

So in this battle, the traditional rules are also followed, and medication is prohibited.

So, if Kirliaan falls into a state of being unable to fight in this attack, then the first game will be lost by Asuka.

Thinking of this, Asha raised the flag and was about to announce the result.

"The first round is won by Ye Yueyao..."

"No, Sister Yasha, wait!"

Ashiro interrupted Yasha's announcement.

"Take another look!"

The girl showed a mysterious smile.


Ye Yueyao's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling.

"It's impossible. Under the impact of Pikachu's speed, it is impossible to dodge. Moreover, the damage of the previous [Electric Speed] hitting the vital point, plus the damage of [Lightning] this time, will definitely defeat Kirlia."


The boy thought of something and squinted at the battlefield covered by the dust.

The dust cleared, revealing a surprising situation.

Pikachu's [Lightning] did hit "Kirlia", and the figure of "Kirlia" was still disappearing...


Everyone reacted instantly.

"Is this, the phantom of the clone???"

Feng Ling couldn't help but shout in surprise, calling out everyone's thoughts.

Possessed by electricity and falling from a high altitude, under this double blessing, Pikachu's [Lightning] move became very powerful, this is beyond doubt, but no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to completely crush a living Pokémon, so there is only one possibility left.

That is, the Pokémon that was hit is not the real body.

In the big pit that was blown up on the top of the mountain, Pikachu was panting a little tiredly. This is the characteristic of electric Pokémons - the burst is very fierce, but the endurance is not so outstanding.

She didn't know what happened yet, thinking that she had successfully defeated the opponent, but she was very curious why her trainer hurried to issue the next order.

Pikachu subconsciously looked back.


The next second, she screamed.

Because next to her, Kirlia, who had been "defeated", suddenly appeared.

"Ah! (Elf language) It's my turn to fight back!"

That being said, seeing Kirlia sweating and looking weak, Pikachu didn't think she could use any powerful moves.

"Pika Pika! (Elf language) Come on!"

Pikachu got on all fours and looked at the other party cautiously.

Ye Yueyao, who saw the battle scene clearly, was also relieved.

"Your Kirlia, shouldn't have much vitality and mental strength left, right? I guess she can't use her best telekinetic moves, right?"

Ashiro Asuka showed no weakness.

"Humph, I think your Pikachu is the same."

That being said, Asuka Asuka knew that although the two Pokémon had little energy left, Kirlia, who was hit hard at the beginning, had a great disadvantage in terms of health.

It all depends on whether that move can be reversed successfully...The girl was thinking in her heart.

How can two elves who have exhausted their energy fight?

When the elves have enough energy, they can use all kinds of cool and gorgeous moves, but once the energy is exhausted, the only thing left is to compete with each other in physical strength and mental will. The simplest and most primitive one is collision!



"Collision!" x 2

Super Girl and Electric Mouse looked at each other with a determined look, and then launched a charge.

"Bang bang bang", the two elves collided with each other, and both were knocked to the ground, but their stubborn character of not wanting to give up made them stand up again and collide with each other again.

However, Lulu suddenly showed a struggling look, and her movements became extremely stiff.

Seeing that Kirlia was becoming more and more dizzy, and Pikachu was becoming more and more fierce, it seemed that the victory and defeat had been completely decided.

Not only did Asuka have a little calculation in his heart, Ye Yueyao also knew clearly where his advantages were.

"The static electricity characteristic will paralyze your Pokémon! I won this round in the end."

The boy turned the hat on his head and showed a winning gesture. Although there were some twists and turns, the final result was still in his favor.

He thought so confidently until Asuka's command came.

"Lulu, activate the characteristic 'synchronization'!"

Just like humans have special superpowers, Kirlia's characteristic "synchronization" is a rare superpower of psychic and evil Pokémons. It does not consume any energy and cannot be explained by any science. When Pokémon with this characteristic fall into abnormal states such as "poisoning", "paralysis", and "burns", the opponent who is fighting with it will also fall into this state synchronously.

Therefore, Pikachu, an electric Pokémon, suddenly froze.

It's not over yet.

"Lulu, this time the opponent is also a sister, don't be shy, use that trick quickly!"

Asuka shouted at Kirlia with a strange look on her face.

What moves depend on the gender of the elves?

Fengling and Yasha, who were watching the game, had a puzzled look on their faces, only Leo laughed out loud with a look of sudden enlightenment.

He had already thought of what moves Asuka and Lulu would use.

Don't forget, in addition to the psychic attribute, Kirlia still has the fairy attribute!

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