The frog was not careless for a moment and was always paying attention to the opponent's actions.

"Will he smash the boulder directly? Or will he use his speed advantage to dodge?"

The frog quickly calculated various possibilities in his mind:

If Leo used brute force to smash the rock, he could take advantage of the opponent's exhaustion to launch a wave of attacks and gain an advantage; or if the opponent chose to dodge the boulder, he could use his skills in the direction that the opponent might choose to dodge and catch him off guard.

His eyes had already fallen on the various directions that could be avoided behind the boulder. The frog was thinking about what moves to use, but saw an incredible scene.

Facing the boulder, smash it directly? Or dodge it?

Leo did not intend to fight back according to the rules.

"【Metal Claw】!"

The silver metal brilliance that symbolized extreme hardness appeared on Leo's claws.

Don't get me wrong, this is not to use the [Metal Claw] to scratch the rock, this move is just to strengthen the toughness of his claws.

"In fighting techniques, there is also a way of using softness to overcome hardness and using four ounces to move a thousand pounds!"

Facing the menacing boulder, Leo stretched out his palms directly, and gently placed his strong claws on the edge of the boulder. On the side of his body, his coordinated limbs emitted a soft force, which made the boulder go away incredibly.

However, it is a rare opportunity, and Leo will not let it go.

The boulder pushed out by Leo's soft force should have been smashed forward by inertia, but Leo pulled it back with his backhand, and then rotated on the spot. The boulder actually made a 360-degree turn in the air, turning from facing Leo to facing the direction of the frog.


With his palms suddenly retracted to his waist, Leo tightened his horse stance, exhaled turbid air, and then pushed hard!

Fearing that the boulder's impact speed was not fast enough, Leo even filled his palms with blue wave energy, using it as a propulsion force to make the boulder go faster.

The scene was reversed instantly. The boulder originally thrown by the frog with [Throw] was actually used by Leo, and in turn rushed towards the frog with a faster speed and more violent momentum!


The frog was caught off guard and did not react for a while.

By the time he reacted, the boulder was less than one meter in front of him.

"Quack! (Elf language) Danger!"

With the fragile body of the frog, it was definitely unable to withstand the heavy fall of the boulder. Moreover, the weak body of the frog meant that he could not simply use his own strength to smash the rock!

So the frog could only dodge.

But then, a loud shout followed.

"[Break the Rock]!"

A pair of iron fists broke the rock!

"Boom", the boulder was blasted, countless sharp and sharp stones were scattered, and the flying stones were scattered towards the frog like a dense rainstorm!

"Pah pah pah pah", at such a close distance, no matter how fast the frog is, how can it avoid such dense stones? Naturally, the frog can only passively take this "scattered stone rain" with its body.

Even if the elves are tenacious, it is estimated that they can hardly bear the pain of hundreds of stones hitting themselves.

"Quack quack quack..."

The liquid mixed with blood, mucus and sweat on the frog's body kept dripping on the ground.

The body was emitting pain signals everywhere, but the frog was still holding on and refused to fall down.

"I respect your will, but..."

Leo jumped forward.

"I want to win this time!"

In an instant, he had arrived beside the frog, and the sharp claws popped out from his palm again, ruthlessly cutting towards the frog.

However, when the claws with a metallic light were about to fall on the frog, Leo keenly noticed that the frog showed a weak but somewhat triumphant smile.

"Quack, quack! (Elf language) You are careless!"

The heart was shocked, and Leo subconsciously felt that it was not good, and instantly wanted to withdraw his moves.

However, the frog, who had finally caught the opportunity, would not let the opportunity go to waste.

"Hua La La...", "Hua La La..."

The few people who were watching the two elves fighting fiercely heard a strange sound in their ears.

Ming Ri Zhao quickly pricked up his ears, but found that the mysterious sound was getting more and more urgent.

It was like... a turbulent wave rolling and surging.

"Xiao Ling, did you hear that? That strange sound!"

She tugged at the sleeve of her friend.

Feng Ling raised her glasses with interest, as if she had thought of something.

"The sound of water... the sound of waves...The characteristic of the frog... That's right, that's it!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their eyes to the frog covered with scars in the battlefield.

"Splash", "Splash", the sound became louder and clearer.

It was visible to the naked eye that several cracks suddenly appeared under the feet of the frog, and a large amount of clear water gushed out crazily, and the swirling waves swept the frog and Leo into it!

"What is this...??? !!!!!! "

It's no wonder that Asuka Teru exclaimed in a somewhat inappropriate manner. You know, this is the hottest and driest place in the world - Yangyan Volcano. It's incredible that it can attract such a huge source of water.

The waves swirled in place, and the quack frog was swimming back and forth in it leisurely.


Suddenly surrounded by a large amount of water, Leo had no good way for a while. He could only hold his breath with the strength of his elf body, subconsciously protecting his torso with his hands and feet, responding to changes with the same, and then acting when the opportunity arises.

The quack frog in the waves really perfectly illustrates what it means to be like a fish in water.

In the short time that Leo approached, the energy hidden in the body of the quack frog seemed to be aware of the crisis and instantly erupted, activating the The characteristic is called "torrent", and the torrent characteristic draws out the water energy deep in the earth, so even in an area like a volcano, such a huge wave is formed in an instant.

The energy in the body of the frog, who has not been in the water for a long time, has become extremely vigorous. The degree of activity makes him have an illusion that his water-based moves can not only defeat the opponent, but even extinguish the remaining flames of the entire Yangyan Volcano.

Of course, this is just his illusion.

However, illusions are illusions, and the increase is real.

Therefore, he took advantage of the situation to use his best water-based moves.

[Water Wave]!

The power of the elf's moves depends not only on the amount of energy in their bodies, but also on how much energy they can attract from the outside world!


The frog pushed with both hands, and the waving water waves surged, and Leo, who was caught in it, couldn't even avoid it!

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