In that mysterious building.

The building was no longer what it used to be. The researchers who were seen everywhere in the building were nowhere to be seen, and the mysterious people wearing black cloaks who were guarding the exits were no longer in their positions.

There was only a thin figure left on the wide first floor of the building, holding a spherical object covered by black smoke.

"It will be mine soon."

The thin figure was wearing a cloak, and his face under the hood was pale, but the black light that passed through his eyes was chilling.

He dragged his feet and walked to the top floor of the building.

What was left behind were piles of black dust that looked like human figures scattered on the ground, which dissipated when the wind blew into the building.

There was only a dead silence in the building.


Back to the tree house surrounded by green vines.

A human boy and three elves.

"Hello, I'm Leo, my elf race is Riolu, this is Armstrong and Mosquito." Leo introduced the human child in front of him after hearing that he could communicate.

"Wow, what kind of elf is Riolu? I haven't seen it on my computer at home."

The human child Takuma was extremely interested in Leo, a strange elf, and asked excitedly. Without waiting for Leo to answer, he pointed to the headset on his head and asked Armstrong questions non-stop: "Hello, Armstrong, is this a language translator? Does it collect the waves generated when speaking through the components inside, and then convert them into a language that humans or elves can understand through the converter? How wide is its frequency range? Can the upper and lower limits of the threshold be customized..."

The rapid-fire questions made Leo's head hurt.

It was just these professional questions that aroused Armstrong's interest. He squatted down and started a detailed question and answer with Takuma who was sitting on the ground, not caring at all that the human in front of him was just a child.

"@_@", Leo, who was dizzy, glanced at the silent Mosquito, only to see that the latter had already walked aside and sat with his eyes closed to rest.

After patiently listening to the discussion between Armstrong and Takuma for a while, Leo couldn't help but interrupt them.

"Okay, let's talk about these things later. You are, um, Takuma, right? How did you faint in this place?"

Takuma stopped the discussion with Armstrong with some reluctance, but when he thought of what happened not long ago, a trace of fear appeared on his face: "I was kidnapped by several men in black to a place like an experimental base, and then locked in a room. Before, except for the three meals a day delivered by men in black, they didn't let anyone else contact me, but no one delivered meals for a long time yesterday, and I accidentally found that the door lock was broken, so I ran away. I was so hungry when I ran to this place that I fainted. Then I woke up and saw you guys.

The kid spoke clearly and logically. He saw the small backpack of the mosquito frog on the ground from the corner of his eye, and his eyes lit up: "Ah, I stole it from the test base, ahem, no, I took it out. I think there must be something good in it."

"The people who kidnapped me must be bad guys. It must be a good thing that I took their things away. I am not a thief."

Seeing the strange looks of the elves, Takuma smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Test base?" Arm force seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "Have you seen an old man with gray hair, a pair of black square glasses, and a V-shaped beard under his nose?"

"Grandpa, um..."

Takuma frowned and recalled, and suddenly slapped his thigh: "When I ran away, an old man also ran out of the next room. He looked the same as you said, wearing a white coat. After helping me open the door of the test base, he did not run with me, but muttered something like "We can't let such mistakes continue", and then ran to the upper level of the test base."

After listening to Takuma's story, Arm force was overjoyed and looked like he couldn't wait to set off.

"Wait, brother," Leo pulled Arm force. "Don't worry, I think things are a bit strange. Ask clearly before taking action. I have been looking for so long, and I don't care about this period."

"Yeah." Arm force suppressed his impatient heart, and after calming down, he also thought of a few points.

"Takuma, where is the test base you escaped from?"

"Probably in this direction? It's quite far away, and there are mountains around the test base." Takuma lay on the wall of the secret base and looked out, pointing in a direction uncertainly.

[Secret Power] The base built on the tree is like a tree houseThe wooden floor and the surrounding walls are all made of dense leaves. Although it is airtight, there are still some large or small gaps through which you can peek at the outside.

"You are pointing to the east." Comparing with the map, Arm Power and Leo studied together. With the elves' natural sense of direction, Arm Power quickly pointed out the approximate location of the test base on the map.

On the right side of the map, the east of the forest corresponds to the Chaoyang Valley in the west.

"Hey, brother, where is this place?" Leo pointed his claws at a large circle of red lines on the right side of the map.

Arm Power frowned: "Do you remember the poisonous swamp I told you about, where a group of poison and ground elves live?" He pointed to the place surrounded by a circle of red lines. "Well, this is it. In this case, if you want to go to the test base, you must first pass through the poisonous swamp here..."

"Toxic, this is troublesome." Leo scratched his head with a tricky expression on his face.

Poison is a very troublesome abnormal state. In the battle rounds in the game, the elves in the "poisoned" or "poisonous" state will lose a certain amount of life points every round. What's more troublesome is that in the non-combat rounds, life points will be deducted for each fixed number of steps. In the real elf world, "poisoning" is a fatal abnormal state. No wonder a red circle is drawn on the map around the poisonous swamp to remind people of its danger!

What's more dangerous is that there are many elves and a powerful leader living in the poisonous swamp. It is probably impossible to sneak in without alerting them.

However, Leo woke up instantly.

"Since you have to go through the poisonous swamp, Takuma, how did you escape?"

Hearing Leo's question, Takuma smiled and reached out to grope on his collar, and then seemed to click a button. With a "puff" sound, a mask inflated from the collar of Takuma's clothes and unfolded, covering his face.

"This is the 'all-environment adaptive equipment jacket' that I modified myself. It can be assembled into a gas mask, a diving oxygen mask and an infrared night vision device. Also," Takuma bent down and pointed at the shoe on his right foot. "As long as the speed is fast enough, no elf can catch up with me."

"Snap", a row of rollers slid out from under the sneakers that Takuma was wearing, and the mechanical structure behind the shoes deformed, extending two jet pipes, and a weak airflow was ejected from the nozzles.

"Look, as long as I increase the output power, I can... Wow!"

"Bang", the jet pipe of the sneakers ejected a strong cyclone, and the huge impact force slammed Takuma onto the wall of the base. Fortunately, the walls of the base are made of soft leaves and vines, which provided Takuma with a strong buffer and prevented him from getting hurt.

"Hehe, that's how I ran out."

Takuma smiled awkwardly while sitting on the ground.

Leo looked at Takuma's high-tech products speechlessly, and complained wildly in his heart.

Sure enough, are all 10-year-old children in the Federation... No, the elf world monsters? Like Xzhi, Xmao, Xhao (crossed out) and the like.

"Can you lend me this equipment?" Arm Strength's eyes lit up.

"Sure." Takuma agreed readily, not caring about the value of his equipment at all.

Leo instantly saw through Arm Strength's thoughts.

"No, brother, even if you break into the atmosphere alone...ah, the poisonous swamp, rush into the test base to find the doctor, how are you going to bring an old man back?" Leo felt that he had to be steady and persuaded Arm Strength.

"Let's talk about it later. After searching for so long, I finally got the clue of the doctor. I must find the doctor." The originally calm and steady Arm Strength has been affected by the mood of being eager to find the doctor and has become impatient.

"Ah, I still remember that many elves chased me at that time, their eyes were red, and it was scary. And there was a super large elf among them, and the ground shook when it ran, and it almost broke my running shoes." Takuma looked scared.

Hearing that the elves in the swamp were in such an abnormal state, Leo felt that things had to be considered carefully.

Leo and Arm Strength were arguing constantly, and Mosquito Coil, who had been leaning against the wall to rest, suddenly changed his expression.

"Stop making noise, be quiet!"

Mosquito Coil whispered, and after hearing the warning, the two elves and the child fell silent.

Only the sound of flapping wings was heard outside the base, "fluttering" from far to near, flying around for a while, and then the sound gradually disappeared in the distance.

"Huh." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I still think..."

Before he finished speaking.

"Ang——", a huge and violent bird cry suddenly sounded in my ears.

Then, a pair of scarlet claws flashing with sharp cold light broke through the wall of the base and grabbed the elves and Takuma with a fierce arrogance!

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