In the elf world, the Central Continent is the largest landmass in the world.

But even the largest landmass only occupies a small part of the world, and the rest is mostly endless ocean.

The Middel region is already the largest living area for humans in the Central Continent, but even so, a large part of it is still the ocean.

There are countless small islands scattered in the ocean, and most of the islands have special products. Some of these marine specialties can be used for food, some have extremely high ornamental value, and even some rare seafood has great medicinal value.

It is precisely because of this that many marine-related industries have emerged in the two coastal cities of Kyle and Jingshui. On the ocean, you can often see a large number of sailors and fishermen shuttling between the seas. They drive their own ships to catch fish and search for seafood for a living.

"Aoshun" Marine Industry Group is one of the more famous ones.

They call themselves the guardians of the ocean. Although they also profit from the ocean, they take precious seafood in a proper way and never take too much. They advocate the harmonious coexistence of humans and the ocean.

This concept has also been supported by many fishermen and sailors.

A large number of businesses have also established cooperative relations with this group.

But no one knows that behind this group is actually...


On a plain ship, several people wearing sea-blue sailor suits gathered in the captain's room.

The cadres of the Ocean Team, a blonde woman with a slender figure - Shuiying, a dark-skinned old fisherman who can be seen at a glance that he has experienced wind and rain - Bud, and a carefree and strong sailor - Achao.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

There is no strict hierarchy in the Ocean Team, so as soon as Achao entered the captain's room, he sat on the chair with his limbs stretched out and asked casually.

Everyone knew the character of this big guy, so they were not surprised by this behavior that could be considered as overstepping. The other two cadres also found a chair and sat down.

The leader of the Ocean Team, Shui Guanhai, stood behind the captain's table, holding a crystal blue gem in his hand, admiring it by himself.

"This gem is so beautiful."

Shui Ying, with a flashing look in her eyes, couldn't help but look at the gem with an unusual attraction, and exclaimed in admiration.

Although she stole it from an ancient sacrificial temple, she didn't look at it carefully because she was in a hurry to escape. After returning to the ship, because the gem was kept by the leader, she had the opportunity to appreciate the gem again until now when the leader gathered the cadres.

Looking closely, a thin mist of water was rippling inside the orb, like the breath of life, rising and falling rhythmically, and in the ear, there seemed to be a subtle and rhythmic fluctuation of "clattering", which would attract people's minds and souls...


Bade held a pipe and coughed twice intentionally or unintentionally.

Shui Ying instantly woke up and was immediately scared.

The feeling of losing her mind just now was too terrible. She dared not stare at the orb again, and quickly moved her sight away, as if the orb was a beast that would eat people and could not be avoided.

It seemed that Shui Guanhai was reminded by Bard's cough and came back to his senses.

He carefully put the orb into a special sealed box, then turned around and talked to his subordinates.

"The last operation was very successful, thanks to the efforts of everyone present."

"Especially Shuiying, your actions are the key to our success."

Shui Guanhai cast an admiring look at the woman, and the latter nodded slightly, indicating that it was her honor.

"If that 'person' is right, as long as we have this treasure, we can let Kyogre return to the super ancient state. In this way, even if the bastards of the Magma Team awaken Groudon, they will definitely not be our opponents."

Achao said eagerly.

"Leader, what are you waiting for? Let's wake up Kyogre right away and let the whole world be covered by the ocean. Just thinking about it is very exciting!"

"Don't worry, Achao."

Shui Guanhai comforted the excited subordinates.

"Although the treasure is in hand, we still don't know where Kyogre is sleeping."

Shuiying recalled the last words of the mysterious man last time.

"So we have to go to that weather research institute to find the source of the recent heavy rain?"

When it comes to that mysterious person, everyone is always a little afraid.

Everyone knows that there is no free pie in the sky. But what is in front of them is the naked temptation of intelligence.In addition, according to the first intelligence of the mysterious man, they also successfully obtained the indigo orb, which was enough to prove the authenticity of the mysterious man's intelligence.

Therefore, the next step is whether to believe what the mysterious man said. As long as the origin of the rainstorm is found, Kyogre's sleeping place can be found.

However, the cadres saw that Shui Guanhai still lurked for a while before summoning everyone after getting the orb, and they knew that their leader should have made a choice.

"Believe that person or not, it's not a problem for us."

Shui Guanhai looked at several cadres.

"However, for the sake of safety, we can't invest all human resources in it, lest there is something strange in it. In addition, our action in Jingshui City that time was very high-profile. Although it was a cover for Shui Ying to sneak in smoothly, it has made the Elf Alliance more vigilant. The Four Heavenly Kings and even the Champion may appear to stop us."

"So, in order to better carry out the next plan, I decided to split the three parties this time."

"Shui Ying."


Shui Guanhai instructed the woman.

"You are very good at stealth operations, and with that extremely fast Pokémon, I believe no one can stop you, so I decided to send you to investigate the actions of our mortal enemy, the Lava Team. After all, from the news, I saw that group of guys have obtained the same type of orbs as us. It is hard to say whether they will have the same plan as us."

"If there is a chance..."

Shui Guanhai's eyes showed a sense of hostility.

"...I allow you to use the power of that Pokémon to disrupt the actions of those guys, and finally you can snatch the orb they hold, so that we can have one less worry."

Taking a dark Poké Ball from her waist, Shui Ying nodded, feeling the restless shaking of the ball.

"Secondly, before we set out for Chaokong Town, we must not let the Elf Alliance know our purpose. So, Ah Chao, your mission is to lead the team to sabotage the surrounding towns, attract the attention of the Elf Alliance, and allow us to sneak into Chaokong Town smoothly."

Ah Chao slapped his strong pectoral muscles until they banged.

"Don't worry, leader, leave this to me."

As he spoke, the burly man's desire for destruction could not help but boil, making him feel itchy.

"By the way, this is for you."

Shui Guanhai seemed to have thought of something, and threw a black Elf Ball to Ah Chao.

"Shua La La", "Shua La La", inexplicably, several people could hear the sound of ocean currents surging from the Elf Ball.

Ah Chao shouted excitedly: "This, this is Dark Lugia!"

"Yes, your sabotage actions should attract many powerful trainers from the alliance to attack you, so I will give you Dark Lugia so that you have enough combat power to contain those elite trainers."

If you ask people who have been making a living on the sea for many years, the most admired elves, in addition to Kyogre, who is known as the god of the sea, is the super beast that can control ocean currents, Lugia.

Although what he held in his hand was not the real Lugia, but a replica of the dark version, Ah Chao was still very excited.

Finally, Shui Guanhai cast his eyes on Bard, who had been smoking quietly.

"Bard, this time we will go to Chaokong Town together."

The old fisherman's face full of ravines had no expression, he just took a big puff of cigarette, and then slowly exhaled white mist.

As the most taciturn but strongest trainer in the team, Shui Guanhai asked him to follow him, and the other two cadres had no objections.

After completing the task assignment, Shui Guanhai waved his hand and decided the final time of action.

"You go back and prepare first, the time of action is set in a week."

The three cadres left one after another, leaving Shui Guanhai staring out the window.

"... Wait, Shui Wutong, let me create this new world!"


Outside the city of Goode, a young man who looked a little dusty after a long journey rode a motorcycle into the city.

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