At the same moment when Leo, the wolfhound and the ice demon began to fight, Kirlia and Eevee also began their first collaborative battle.

"Eaaaa. (Elf language) Eevee, we have to work hard!"

Lulu had followed Asuka when he entered the academy. With her intelligence and unique talent for telepathy, she also mastered a lot of knowledge from Asuka in the academy, and her judgment of battle can be said to be no less than some novice Pokémon trainers.

Originally, Lulu just wanted to tell Eevee and didn't expect a response, but she didn't expect the latter to open his mouth and spit out a word after a long time.

"Eevee. (Elf language) OK."

"Eaaa. (Elf language) Hmm... Eevee, you can talk???"

Kirlia and Asuka shouted in shock.

Eevee shrank his neck, frightened by the surprise of one person and one Pokémon.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, Lulu, Bubu, get ready for battle!"

Feeling that he had been ignored for a long time, the long-haired pig hummed.

Before the black-clothed man gave an order, he charged on his own.

"Damn guy... Long-haired pig, use [Slam]... Forget it, let's use [Freeze Fang]."

As if he was not familiar with the long-haired pig, the original move was changed by the black-clothed man halfway.

But for the long-haired pig, it was charging anyway, so it didn't make any difference whether it used [Slam] or [Freeze Fang].

"Hum hum", a layer of cold ice blades condensed on the two protruding fangs, and the long-haired pig's body of more than 1 meter long was like a charging chariot.

"Bubu, use the fire move [Burning Fire]."

The flames suddenly ignited, extending from the tip of the tail to the ears, and the whole Eevee was instantly wrapped in flames.

The fluffy tail swayed in the flames, and even dyed a bright red on the furry scarf.


It seemed that the fierceness of the flames gave Eevee courage. The little guy gritted his teeth and rushed towards the long-haired pig with flames all over his body.

However, Eevee's size of 0.3 meters was too small compared to the long-haired pig.

The difference in body size brought about a huge difference in strength, and even in the scale of energy released. Even though the ice system was suppressed by the fire system, the ice on the long-haired pig's fangs was not affected by Eevee's flames at all.

But don't forget that there is Kirlia preparing on the side.

Asuka Teru will not be stupid enough to let two elves with obvious differences in size collide head-on.

"Lulu, [Telekinesis]."

Seeing the moment when Eevee and the long-haired pig were about to collide, Asuka Teru asked Lulu to use her best trick.

The spiritual power that has been tempered for thousands of times is the killer of the psychic elf Kirlia.

"Buzz buzz buzz", the invisible and intangible power spread out, and the only thing that can be sensed is the slight vibration and light sound in the air.


The long-haired pig put all his strength into pushing the small thing in front of him!


Who knew that he only pushed the air!

Eevee suddenly disappeared in front of him.

"Hum hum?"

The long-haired pig was puzzled, and even the small eyes hidden under the hair were exposed to look for Eevee everywhere.

Until he heard the sound of breaking through the air from above.

"Bububububu! (Elf language) Take my move!"

Eevee, who was thrown into the air by Kirlia's power, shouted in a jumble, but his body covered with flames fell down without hesitation!

The body structure of the elf like the long-haired pig determines that it is difficult for him to look up and see the situation above, so he can only adjust his position through the changes in the sound of the wind.

"Hairy pig, hide to the left."

The man in black outside the field could see where Eevee was falling, so he quickly warned the hairy pig.

But in the ears of the hairy pig, he clearly heard that it was falling from the sky on the right. If it were other elves, they would obey the command of their trainers. But since the hairy pig was forcibly captured by the man in black with a dark elf ball, even if he could not disobey the man in black's order to fight, he still had a rebellious mentality in his heart, and this rebellion became stronger under the infection of darkness.

He decided to believe in his own judgment.

Twisting his fat body, the hairy pig jumped to the right at the moment when the flames burned his body.

"Boom", Eevee hit the left side of the hairy pig like a small cannonball.

Seeing this scene, the man in black frowned.

Although he was wearing a cloak on his head, the open hood did not affect his vision. And heI clearly saw that the direction where Eevee fell was to the right of the long-haired pig, but how could this happen...

Looking more carefully, you can find that in addition to the flames, Eevee is also entangled with pink telekinesis.

"It turned out that after hearing my command, he temporarily changed the direction with telekinesis. Fortunately, the long-haired pig dodged it... But even so, long-haired pig, why didn't you listen to the order!"

Compared to the long-haired pig dodging the attack, the man in black was more angry at the long-haired pig's self-willed decision.

The long-haired pig glanced at the man in black with his small eyes, thinking that the command of this human just now was not as good as my own judgment.


The long-haired pig snorted twice in disdain, and decided to decide how to fight by himself.

As the ice-blue energy light lit up, the cold wind was blown out by the long-haired pig.

【Frozen Wind】 is the most commonly used special attack move of ice-type Pokémons. It is also relatively simple to perform. All the Pokémons need to do is to gather the frost energy in their mouths and then spray it out in one go to generate a cold wind that is enough to freeze any creature. It is precisely because of this that 【Frozen Wind】 has another hidden effect: it can make the Pokémon's movement speed drop significantly due to the freezing of the body when it is hit by the cold wind.

The freezing wind covered a large area in front of the long-haired pig, not only the Eevee on the ground, but also Kirliam floating in the air.

Moreover, the crystal frost that was blown out had a hint of black, which seemed to make the frost even colder.


Kirliam also landed and leaned on the Eevee whose flames had not yet completely extinguished to keep warm.

Although Asuka Teru was standing behind, he was still stimulated by the slight cold wind that blew over and shivered.

"Damn, it's really cold... Lulu, use [Illusion Ray] to control him!"

Circles of telekinetic rays shot straight at the long-haired pig.


The long-haired pig, who was originally thought to be clumsy in action, suddenly rushed to the side with an unexpectedly flexible posture.

Then, the running Pokémon did not stop, but turned a corner forcibly, rushing head-on with a full-powered and courageous momentum!

"Boom boom boom boom", like a thousand horses galloping, a Pokémon seemed to have set off a violent wave of 100,000 horsepower.

At this time, it was impossible to command Chirulian to send Eevee to the sky again to avoid it, because the speed of the long-haired pig's impact became extremely fast under the blessing of the fierce force.

Asuka took a deep breath.

"Bubu, use [Bad Field], Lulu, [Shadow Clone]!"

Eevee instantly switched to the evil attribute state, with dots of light flashing on the dark hair, and soon a wall of light stood up in front of him.

Lulu moved quickly, and countless phantom clones appeared on the field.

The long-haired pig's momentum did not decrease. The powerful charge plus the two sharp fangs, the double superposition can predict how explosive the damage of this move is!

The wild pig's charge, and the resistance of the light wall and the phantom clones seemed to collide with thunder and fire in the next moment!

But what no one expected was that it was not the elves on the field, nor Asuka Teru, who stopped all this, but...

"The beast is worthy of being a beast, and the disobedient garbage should be destroyed!"

The man in black cursed, then picked up the dark elf ball and was about to put the long-haired pig back into the ball.


The long-haired pig's actions were stopped instantly, but he didn't want to go back to the Poké Ball, so he struggled on the spot, resisting the recall of the Dark Poké Ball.

"You dare to resist!!!"

The man in black was even more furious, shaking the Dark Poké Ball more violently.

More black air that could not be detected by the naked eye floated out of the Poké Ball and then drilled into the long-haired pig's body.

The black light burned more vigorously.


The long-haired pig roared to the sky, and the thick black air that seemed to be substantial came out of his body, as if his entire Pokémon was going to be dyed black.

The small eyes that were originally hidden under the long hair now revealed a fierce light mixed with black and red.

"Lulu, Bubu, be careful!"

Amorizhao felt uneasy and quickly asked his two Pokémons to be on guard.

The long-haired pig glanced at the two Pokémons and Asumizhao, and in his eyes, the only remaining trace of spiritual light that had not been completely polluted revealed an envious look.

Then, the long-haired pig arched its fangs, turned around and charged at the man in black!

No one expected this, even the man in black was very surprised. He didn't expect that under the control of the dark elf ball, an elf would turn around and attack him.

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