The continuous heavy rain has lasted for two days, and today, the rain gradually subsided, and the long-lost sunshine reappeared on the earth.

It was morning, and the sun was not strong.

A ray of golden light shone through the gap in the curtains, and the boy lying on the bed frowned.

Just then, the old woman downstairs shouted: "Xiao Rang, get up quickly."

The boy turned over lazily, muttering: "Well... I'll get up soon... Huh..."

Habitually wanting to stay in bed, suddenly, the boy shuddered and his eyes widened.

"No, I can't be late today!"

Jumping out of bed at an unprecedented speed, the boy quickly washed up, and then wolfed down the breakfast on the table. The momentum of the wind and cloud swept the old woman stunned.

After giving birth to this idiot for 16 years, it was the first time I saw him move so quickly.

The boy wiped his mouth hastily, then ran back to his room and opened the closet.

He solemnly took out the neatly ironed clothes in the middle of the closet and put them on, then buttoned them one by one with his hands trembling with excitement and nervousness.

"Son, you are great!"

The old woman's eyes lit up and she gave the boy a thumbs up.

The boy put on his hat and called his friends.

"Let's go, Xiaodie."

In the garden outside the cottage, a hunting swallowtail butterfly flew out happily and landed on the boy's arm.

One person and one elf, facing the sunshine, strode towards a certain direction of the city.


The bad weather in the past two days did not dispel the enthusiasm of tourists to travel around.

Especially today is the opening day of the Kyle City Gorgeous Competition.

Kyle City is still so lively, with pedestrians coming and going on the road, and the merchants in the shopping street also took the opportunity to display their products in large quantities, thereby attracting customers to spend their wallets. Some smart merchants have already purchased a large number of products related to the Gorgeous Competition some time ago, and now they want to make a fortune by relying on the popularity of the Gorgeous Competition.

"Please let me in, thank you."

To the Gorgeous Competition venue in the south of Kyle City, the only way is the commercial street in the central area. In the crowd of people, Xiao Rang finally squeezed out and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's so lively."

The various strange but trendy and interesting products displayed in the shops on the commercial street also attracted Xiao Rang's attention, but when he thought that today was his important day, Xiao Rang quickly suppressed his extra thoughts.

"Uncle, I want this telescope, the cheering hand card, oh, by the way, give me a few of these light sticks."

Many tourists stopped in front of the shops selling products related to the Gorgeous Competition.

Xiao Rang couldn't help but turn his head to look.

A girl was wearing a white felt hat with a Poké Ball pattern, followed by several Pokémons, and a furry Eevee on her shoulder. The heavy Eevee always couldn't help but slide down, and then the girl habitually supported Eevee's butt with her hand to let her lie down firmly.

"Haha, so cute."

No one can resist furry things, and Xiao Rang is no exception. He once thought of taming Eevee as his own Pokémon, but after something happened, hunting swallowtail butterflies became his best friend and his best partner on the road to the future.

As if sensing a prying gaze, a humanoid Pokémon next to the girl turned his head and scanned with a blue light in his eyes.

Xiao Rang quickly retracted his curious gaze, looked at his watch, and then quickened his pace.

While walking, he unconsciously thought of the Pokémon in his mind.

"I've never seen this Pokémon before, but it's so handsome. If I could have a Pokémon like this, it would be so cool, and it would definitely surprise everyone at today's Grand Contest."

"However, Hunting Swallowtail and I also have a secret weapon."

Feeling the excitement in his trainer's heart, Hunting Swallowtail rubbed the boy with his little head affectionately.

Yes, the boy Xiao Rang is a Pokémon coordination trainer.

Strictly speaking, he is a fledgling novice coordination trainer.

Today's Grand Contest in Kyle City will be the first Grand Contest in his life, and it will also open the first scene of his career.

If everything goes well.


"Hello, your qualifications have also been verified. Please bring your Pokémon to the preparation room to prepare. Before the competition begins, there will be staff to guide you to the corresponding stage for the competition."

The front desk of the venue checked Xiao Rang's coordination trainer card, and then several staff members led Xiao Rang into a huge room..

As soon as he entered, the noisy atmosphere hit him.

Xiao Rang's eyes lit up. He didn't feel noisy at all. On the contrary, he enjoyed this warm atmosphere very much.

What he feared most was that after entering, everyone would be cold and silent. That would make him feel extremely awkward.

In the preparation room, there were rows of long tables around, and behind the tables were large mirrors. There was a large area in the middle, and various equipment was placed in the corners, including water dispensers, small refrigerators, snack vending machines, elf food makers, etc. There were even medical kits and sewing machines that were not often used. The complete equipment allowed the players and elves to be fully prepared.

"Hey, cat, don't pick those things. They look very expensive. We can't afford to pay for them if they are damaged!"

In a certain direction, a coordinating trainer was busy cleaning up, while his naughty cat was happily pushing various bottles and jars under the table with his claws.

"Jianjian, Zizi, Zihua, don't, don't, be too nervous."

One of the elves, Jianzihua, didn't know if she was nervous or what, her whole face was red, and her trainer was rushing to comfort her elf.

Onlookers: I think you are more nervous than your elf (squinting).

"Hello everyone, I am... I am glad to meet you all, oh, hello, hello, it's such a nice day today, hahahaha."

Some of the coordinating trainers who were not afraid of the stage were greeting people enthusiastically everywhere, and the carefree Guoran Weng behind him was also saluting everyone everywhere.

Guoran Weng: "Guoran~∠(°ゝ°)."

"Hahaha, it's really interesting."

Xiaorang looked at these interesting scenes, and the tension in his heart began to ease.

In this preparation room, there are a group of novice coordination trainers like Xiao Rang. If they are senior coordination trainers, they have a good understanding with their elves. At the same time, they have been tempered by many competitions, so there will be no situation where the elves are disobedient or too nervous before the game.

However, who can say that this "chaotic" scene in front of us is not a good memory that someone here will smile knowingly when they think of it in the future?

The hunting swallowtail butterfly holding the boy's arm was also trembling a little, and silver powder fell from its big wings.

"Don't be nervous, Xiaodie, we just need to show our best side."

Xiao Rang found a stool to sit down, put the hunting swallowtail butterfly on his legs, and comforted her.

At the same time, the corner of his eye saw a girl in a dress and glasses preparing very calmly in a corner of the preparation room, and a vine snake next to her was also using vines to help her trainer in an orderly manner.

The calmness of this person and Pokémon formed a sharp contrast with the nervousness of the other coordinating trainers in the room.

We can't lose either.

Xiao Rang thought to himself, and then took out the Pokémon food that he had prepared long ago, and let the hunting swallowtail use the food to divert his nervousness.

Time passed quickly.

Under the guidance of the staff, a group of novice trainers took their Poké Balls and arrived at the back of the central stage.

On the side of the stage, a small staircase extended to the back to facilitate getting on the stage.

In front of this group of rookies, that short staircase was the starting point for them to embark on their professional journey!

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