In Goode City, today is the opening day of the Ancient Artifacts Museum.

Tourists who came here excitedly stood outside the museum and took photos with their mobile phones.

"It's finally today."

The curator looked up and looked at the museum that had condensed his countless years of hard work with satisfaction.

There was no overly complicated opening ceremony. After only the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the door of the museum was officially opened to everyone. Tourists who bought tickets early lined up to enter the museum. Even though the museum had added three floors to accommodate more tourists, it was still crowded with enthusiastic tourists and archaeologists from all sides.

"Director, let's go in too."

The owner of the Elf Gym, Du Juan, also invited the curator of the museum to go in together.

"Miss Du Juan, who is this?"

The curator naturally wanted to enter the museum. You know, for a collector, seeing others show surprise at their collections is one of the best enjoyments in their collecting career.

The curator was a little confused. In addition to the assistants that Du Juan was familiar with, there was also a mysterious woman.

The woman was wearing a veil and had dark skin. Seeing the curator's curious eyes, she smiled and shook hands with the curator.

"Hello, I am..."


Ajun and Xiaowan lined up, waiting to enter the museum.

Originally, they planned to buy tickets for the Kyle City Gorgeous Competition, but they did not expect the sales to be beyond imagination. On the day of the ticket rush, before Ajun entered the official website, the tickets were sold out. Fortunately, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. When Ajun participated in the activities of the shopping street, he accidentally got two tickets for the opening ceremony of the Goode City Museum. What was even more surprising was that Xiaowan, the object that Ajun wanted to reconcile with, was also quite interested in ancient cultural relics. So under Ajun's soft and hard persuasion, the awkward couple came to Goode City.

After entering the museum, all kinds of ancient cultural relics came into view.

There are several experienced and knowledgeable guides in the museum. Whenever tourists are interested in certain cultural relics, the guides will come forward to explain them in detail.

"...Everyone, please look, this is something found in the ruins excavated from the Central Mountains."

The guide stretched out his hand to let everyone focus on a rusty nameplate in the glass cabinet. It can be seen that the nameplate has been around for a long time. The body of the nameplate is full of rust, but under the mottled traces, a pentagonal pattern can be vaguely seen, which looks like a diamond.

"...According to the archaeological community's research on ancient times, this nameplate is the identity certificate of the members of the Kong Team, an organization in the ancient Xiancui area of ​​the Middle region. In that era, humans and elves were far from the harmonious coexistence they have now. The Kong Team and several other ancient organizations protected the safety of humans."

I didn't expect that there was such a long story on a small nameplate. For a moment, the tourists suddenly felt that the vast breath from ancient times was blowing in their faces.

"Ajun, look, what is that thing?"

Xiaowan was visiting everywhere with great interest. When she saw a display cabinet, she hurriedly dragged Ajun over.

Enjoying the happiness of his girlfriend holding hands with him again after many days, Ajun was laughing foolishly on the side, and didn't pay much attention to the things in the display cabinet until Xiaowan pushed him impatiently and woke up.

"Okay, let me see... uh..."

To be honest, in college, Ajun's major is related to water conservancy and hydropower, and it is really too difficult for him to recognize the origin of these cultural relics.

A guide happened to pass by, and Ajun hurriedly asked him for help.

In the display cabinet, there was an old and somewhat tattered black belt, and a long strip made of unknown material, which looked like... a scabbard?

Even the knowledgeable guide could not recognize the origin and origin of this black belt and the strange thing that looked like a scabbard for a while.

"Maybe it's some kind of tool used by people in their daily lives in ancient times?"

Xiao Wan, who originally thought she could hear another story, left the display cabinet somewhat disappointed.

Other tourists thought that even the guide thought that this thing was nothing special, and they were unwilling to waste time to come and take a closer look, and put more energy on those ancient objects with greater origins.

But no one noticed that in these two neglected ancient objects, there was a subtle blue color flowing quietly.


The first floor of the museum is a variety of cultural relics excavated from the ruins.

ToOn the second floor, there are a large number of ancient books and documents. These precious materials were sorted out by the curator over decades, and it is not an exaggeration to call them treasures. These treasures, which should have been placed deep in the library for collection, were opened to the general public after the curator argued for them, so that everyone can not only appreciate the ancient style from the antiquities, but also understand history from the texts.

Compared with cultural relics, those archaeological experts prefer the various classics on this floor. Experts and researchers can be seen gathering together everywhere on the floor, engaging in various heated discussions.

However, for pure enthusiasts like Ajun and Xiaowan, the dense and boring texts on the second floor are not so interesting.

So they quickly went up to the third floor, which is the highest floor of the museum.

The layout of the third floor is very simple, and the most eye-catching thing is the large glass exhibition stand placed in the center. There is a row of various strange-shaped stones in the exhibition stand.

No, in addition to this, there is also a large machine in the corner, which is also very eye-catching.

At this time, many tourists on the third floor were already looking around curiously. Among them, there was a large group of people wearing the same uniform and ID cards, which seemed a bit out of place with ordinary tourists.

"Ajun, what do you think those stones are?"

Xiao Wan leaned out her head and took a look, pulling her "ex" boyfriend with her hand and asked.

"I don't know, but since they are so important that they use a separate floor to display these things, they must be relatively valuable cultural relics, right?"

Many tourists have such guesses and conclusions.

The curator who came slowly from behind saw so many people looking at the things here with curious eyes, and couldn't help but said excitedly: "Welcome everyone, let me explain to you what is placed on the third floor of the museum."

The curator walked forward and looked at the stones in the booth with the eyes of looking at a treasure.

"These are not ordinary stones, these are fossils excavated from various ruins!"

Fossils? !

Unlike the ancient artifacts on the first floor, because those things are just some dead things, the fossils on the third floor represent more of a kind of life form from ancient times, which once lived on the same land.

"We named each fossil differently according to its appearance."

The fossils lined up in a row were introduced by the curator from left to right.

"Shell fossil." A fossil with a broken shell inlaid.

"Crust fossil." A fossil with some shell debris left.

"Secret amber." Amber fossil with some unknown substances in the orange-yellow interior.

"Root fossil." A fossil that condenses what seems to be the rhizome of a plant.

"Claw fossil." A fossil with sharp claws.


There are more than a dozen fossils on display here, and some fossils are not just one. Multiple fossils are placed together, which seems to make people feel the mystery of ancient life.

"Oh, it would be great if I could see these ancient creatures."

A tourist couldn't help but sigh.

The curator's eyes lit up.

"Yes, this is also a dream we have been trying to realize in our decades of archaeological career, and today..."

The old man strode towards the mysterious machine.

"...We will make this dream come true."

That is to say...

Everyone present couldn't help but get excited.

"This is a machine made with the strong support of the alliance, and with the financial and technical support of two large companies, Silver and Devon..." The curator suddenly lifted the cloth covering the machine. "...Fossil resurrection machine!"

The machine is not very gorgeous, on the contrary, it is a bit simple and plain, but no one will underestimate the value of this machine.

Under the burning gaze of everyone, the curator took out a piece of "secret amber" and placed it in the machine.

As the button was pressed, the machine made a "buzzing" sound.

It takes a certain amount of time to revive fossils, so no matter how interested the tourists are, they can only continue to visit the museum to kill time.

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