In various places in the city, the Lava Team was chased by the elite trainers of the Alliance.

Forced to do so, the members of the Lava Team could only flee to the museum.

"...Sir, this is what happened."

Learning about the current situation from a member who had finally escaped here, Li Ya, who had a thousand plans in her heart, couldn't help but frown.

"It seems that your plan has failed, give up."

"How did you find out?"

Li Ya asked expressionlessly.

"Don't be silly, after you made such a big thing in Fuquan Town that day, do you think the Alliance would have no reaction at all?"

Furong sneered.

"In fact, according to the speaker's speculation, I think you will hide in the Cliff City. However, it doesn't matter where you hide, because now all the cities in the Middel region have at least one master-level trainer or above leading multiple elite trainer teams on standby, waiting for you to take the bait."

"If I wasn't very interested in a certain rumor, I would have brought people to your door and caught you long before you took action."

Hearing Furong's words, Liya looked noncommittal.

"Then, it's my turn to ask questions."

Furong slowly walked forward surrounded by her elves, then raised the dark elf ball in her hand and asked in a serious tone.

"What exactly is this thing of yours?"

Whether it is the black flaming bird that appeared in Yangyan Volcano, or the dark Lugia that appeared in Jingshui City in the rumor, or the dark Regis Chilu and dark Articuno that Daigo encountered in Yinye City, these legendary beasts and spirits are inseparable from a common factor - that is, they are all infected by darkness, becoming more ferocious, and the extraordinary wisdom that belonged to the beasts in the past is gone.

Among them, the strange dark elf ball plays a very important role.

Unlike all the existing elf balls, this dark elf ball, from the name, can make people feel a little chill.

In this desperate situation that seems to be impossible to turn around, Liya still has a cold expression and seems very calm.

She glanced at everyone present, and then showed a strange smile.


Liya pressed a button.

On the first page of the trainer's survival code, there is a sentence that has always been regarded as the truth by all trainers, that is:

"If you encounter something very sudden and unpredictable, don't hesitate, use the protection move to protect yourself as soon as possible."

When seeing the strange smile on Liya's lips, the alarm bell in Furong's heart has quickly sounded.

"Everyone, use [Hold]!"

[Hold] is a universal move that can be learned by various elves. It can be said to be a must-have move for travel. It is more effective when used with the above warning.

At the moment when several emerald green grid barriers were unfolded, the group of members of the Lava Team instantly swelled up, and countless cracks tore their bodies apart, leaving them with only painful and hideous expressions on their faces but unable to make any sound.


"Boom boom boom——"

The sudden close-range explosion was so violent that it even shook the indestructible grid barrier.

At the same time, in the store in Goode City, the subdued Lava Team members also exploded suddenly.

On the street, the unconscious Lava Team members exploded one by one.

In the Elf Center, seeing the bad situation, Teguren relied on his rich experience to let the elves quickly deploy barriers.

"Boom boom boom boom", violent shocks broke out in all parts of Goode City.

The remaining flames from the explosion quickly began to spread.

Thick smoke billowed up and rushed into the sky.

The violent explosion caused a big hole in the ceiling of the museum. From the thick black smoke, a giant bird wrapped in black flames flapped its wings and took off.

"How about this gift?"

Under the protection of the Dark Flame Bird, the incarnation of flame, Liya and a dozen confidants survived the explosion, and the surviving team members also summoned flying elves and followed Liya who was riding the Dark Flame Bird to escape to the sky.


Furong was so angry that she was shaking all over. No matter how much she thought, she could not imagine that the people in this evil organization were so cruel as to use their own people as human bombs!

"Lava! Team!"

I thought that the last time they caused a volcanic eruption and created a disaster was the most evil thing this organization had done, but I didn't expect that this group of inhumane and cold-blooded guys would break their bottom line again and again. Not only did they turn a blind eye to the lives of the public, they even killed their own companions., can be used to commit this heinous crime.

Dark Flame Bird and Flying Pokémon flew away very quickly, but Furong's Ghost Pokémon, who are known for their speed, could catch up.

Furong immediately planned to drive the Pokémon to catch up and bring the group of people to justice.

But the screams and cries from behind forced her to stop her actions.

"Ah, my hand!!!"

"Xiao Wan, what's wrong with you, wake up!"

"Woo woo woo, Dad..."


As a king-level Pokémon trainer, Furong's reaction speed is really fast. In such a close and sudden explosion, Furong and her Pokémon were able to quickly deploy a protective barrier at the critical moment, blocking most of the damage and preventing everyone in the museum from being involved in the explosion.

Unfortunately, even the protective barrier deployed by multiple elves could not perfectly cover everyone. The inevitable gaps allowed the aftermath and sparks of the explosion to enter, and the tourists who were closer suffered as a result.

Some tourists rolled on the ground in pain because their arms were burned by the flames.

Some people kept calling out to their companions who were unconscious due to the shock of the explosion.

There were also children crying because their loved ones were hit by the rubble falling from the collapsed ceiling and their heads were covered with blood.


Furong clenched her hands tightly because of anger. Even though she was usually optimistic and generous, she was full of anger at this moment.

Du Juan and her assistant were helping people with emergency treatment. When they received the call, their faces became even uglier.

"Sister Furong, I'll go back to deal with the situation first."

Now the entire Goode City has fallen into chaos due to the attack of human bombs. As the core figure of the city, the owner of the elf gym naturally has to deal with this emergency.

But the current situation of this city is worse than imagined.

"Lady Liya, will we do this... "

The confidants who followed Liya to escape naturally knew that this explosion plan was the final choice.

They thought that they would sacrifice their lives to contribute to the ideals of the Lava Team. They witnessed the death of their former "companions" at close range. Even the most cold-blooded people could not help but have some thoughts.

At this time, holding the feet of the Fiery Arrow Eagle and flying in the air, looking down, the whole Goode City was covered with smoke and fire everywhere, and many buildings collapsed due to the explosion. The whole scene was like after a disaster.

No, to be precise, this was a disaster, a disaster created by them, and the purpose was just to mislead the world so that their leader could act smoothly and undisturbed.

There were more than a hundred members of the Lava Team deployed in Goode City. Now, including the cadre Liya, there are only less than twenty people left who have escaped. The rest are all...

Some people forced themselves not to think about it anymore.

"In this world, there is no such thing as gaining something without paying."

Liya sat on the back of the Dark Flame Bird, without a trace of emotion in her tone.

"Their sacrifice is to enable our great Lava Team to realize the ultimate ideal, and our ultimate ideal is to give all mankind a greater development space and a happier future."

"This is a sacrifice made for the future of all mankind!"

The faces of the team members all became firm.

"Yes, what we do is for all mankind."

"So, even if there are some sacrifices, it is just a hardship to achieve a great cause."

Everyone muttered.

"May the land be endless."

The dark flames of the Dark Flame Bird illuminated Liya's face in an uncertain way.

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