"Swoosh", a flash of light passed, and Asuka and Kirlia used [Teleport] to bring a group of people to the entrance of the Pokémon Center.

This was the last group of people in the gorgeous venue.

"Huh, huh..."

Even Lulu, who had an outstanding level of telekinesis, looked a little depressed after using [Teleport] at a high load to transfer a large number of people many times.

Asuka felt distressed, and quickly took out a few apple-like tree fruits - apple wild fruits, and asked Lulu to eat them to restore his energy, and also took Lulu back into the Poké Ball.

Fengling, who was guarding the entrance of the Pokémon Center, hurried forward and handed over a bottle of water.

"Xiaozhao, you've worked hard."

Asuka drank water while looking into the Pokémon Center.

"Huh, I didn't expect there were so many people in the venue... Have most of the people in the Pokémon Center been evacuated?"

"Well, let's go quickly, the situation is a bit grim."

Fengling pointed to the west of Kyle City.

At this time, Ming Rizhao found out where the oppressive feeling of impending storm came from.

"Sea, tsunami!!!"

The girl was a little panicked. The high wall between the sky and the earth suddenly made her seem to see the terrible memory of the volcanic eruption again.

"Xiao Ling, let's go!"

Only those who have faced natural disasters can understand the horror of such disasters. Ming Rizhao didn't want to stay for a moment, and pulled Feng Ling to run out of Kyle City.

"This way!"

Leo came out from a corner and waved to the two girls.

Under Leo's leadership, the group quickly came to the outside of the city. They saw various pink lights of super-powered thoughts outside the city lighting up one after another. Trainers in league uniforms were walking around busily, and Miss Junsha and the police were constantly maintaining order.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't dawdle, come here quickly."

After Miss Junsha found Ming Rizhao and Feng Ling, she anxiously pulled the two to the side of a group of people lined up.

Leo also consciously returned to the Poké Ball.

Just as he returned, Leo seemed to have sensed something and looked back in the direction of the coast of Kyle City.

"Strange, in addition to Mikoli and Daigo's waveguides, how come there is another person's waveguide?"

But there was no time to think about it, because the transferred psychic waves began to vibrate in the air.

The trainer of the alliance counted the number of people, and when the time was right, he hurriedly gave instructions to his several natural sparrows.

"Natural sparrow, use [Teleport]!"

Yes, in the suburbs of Kyle City, a large number of psychic elves were performing [Teleport] to transfer the citizens of Kyle City to Cliff City. This is why so many people can retreat smoothly in a short period of time - the psychic elves have made an indispensable contribution.

After various events happened some time ago, the alliance carefully studied how to quickly carry out tactical transfers or allow citizens to take emergency shelter, and specially prepared a large number of senior psychic elf trainers to form this transfer force. This time, this newly formed force has achieved unexpected outstanding results.

The telekinesis became more and more intense, and then the space fluctuated. Asuka and Fengling mixed in the crowd and teleported away from Kyle City.

On the coast of Kyle City, Daigo and Mikoli watched the tsunami waves rising higher and higher, getting closer and closer to the coastline.

And next to the two of them, there was a young man with a rather lazy temperament.

"I knew that Boss Chihong would not come to me for good."

A Jin said unhappily with a ruffian look on his face.

Even though he was fearless, he was also frightened when he saw the huge tide that seemed to swallow up the entire city.

"Sorry, Jin, I thought you could be used as a secret weapon to deal with certain situations, but I didn't expect to ask you for help in advance now."

Daigo explained to Jin apologetically.

For some reasons, Daigo has been traveling to other areas non-stop during this period - mainly the East region where he has a good relationship, and has found some familiar friends to make a lot of back-up arrangements to prevent future developments. But he didn't expect that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the so-called backhand had to be used here now.

After all, behind him was not only his hometown, but also the hometown of many people, or the only place where people could survive.

Not to mention, at the forefront of all things, there were also lives that were too late to evacuate - whether human or elf.

Ajin scratched his face helplessly.

"Forget it, anyway, I don't know where that guy Yin went, and Chris and Boss Red were busy dealing with some things in the East region, so I had to come to help."

As the top elf trainers in their respective regions,Trainers or special people, Ajin and Daigo Mikoli have also cooperated in some events. Although they can't say that they have a particularly good relationship, they are not strangers to each other.

"Then our mission is to stop this tsunami, right?"

Without further gossip, Ajin quickly got to the point.

"Such a scale... I'm afraid we can't do it with our strength alone."

Even if it is a champion or master trainer, it is probably a delusion to stop this tsunami that is like a mountain toppling.

"Yes, so this time I'm afraid I have to rely on the power of 'them'."

Mikoli squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, then took out a round little bead, and the bead was rippling with crystal water mist like smoke.

Seeing this, Daigo also took out a pure white feather.

Ajin dug into his pocket and took out a crystal that flashed aqua blue fluorescence.

"Hey, this is... the feather of that big guy?"

Ajin, who had experienced the masked man incident, was naturally not unfamiliar with the pure white feather.

"This is collected in the Alliance's treasury. It was a gift the Alliance received after helping 'Him' in the past."

Dawu simply explained the source of the treasure in his hand.

In such a long history of the Elf Alliance, how could there not be times when they had to deal with those special beings? Speaking of which, it was thanks to the tacit understanding between the Alliance and those beings that the world was not plunged into earth-shaking turmoil. Those beings either have extraordinary wisdom or are extremely powerful, and each of them has at least one power that can influence the world.

The Elf Alliance has always been committed to maintaining harmonious coexistence between humans and elves to avoid angering those beings. However, some humans are too ambitious and always use many means to use their power, and some beings are not without selfishness, taking the opportunity to "cooperate" to bring a lot of damage to the world. Only their power can deal with them. During this period, the Alliance also established contact with many legendary elves, and had the opportunity to obtain precious objects to summon them for help.

The Alliance's treasury? Ajin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Let's make a deal. After we solve the problem, let me visit the Alliance's treasury. You see, I borrowed this thing from that woman with great difficulty. You don't know how badly she exploited me..."

Daigo couldn't help interrupting Jin's chattering and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll ask the branch chief for permission when the time comes, but let's solve this matter as soon as possible now."

Jin, whose plan succeeded, put away his smile and started to be serious.

The three looked at each other and started to summon at the same time.

"Prince of the Sea, Manaphy, please respond to my call and appear."

"Master of the Ocean Current, Lugia, please respond to my call and appear."

"Incarnation of the North Wind, Suicune, please respond to my call and appear."

The beads, feathers, and crystals all lit up with dazzling water-colored light.

In the history of the Middel and East regions, three legendary elves - specifically elves with powers related to water and the ocean - were summoned by Daigo, Mikoli, and Akin using their possessions.

A light but not weak breeze suddenly blew, and an elf with a blue gem-like headdress and two white ribbon-like tails appeared.

"Pop, pop", a small head quietly emerged from the bursting bubble beside the beach, and He looked at the three people standing on the coast with deep blue eyes, his eyes full of curiosity.

Suicune and Manaphy appeared one after another, leaving only the most powerful elf, who had not yet appeared.

Daigo was a little anxious, because in his plan, that elf was the most core existence.

Suddenly, the three people felt the sky darken.

Looking up, a bird-shaped elf with wings like palms and a momentum like a deep abyss and a prison, descended from the sky with heavy power.

"What are you doing?"

Manaphy and Suicune, although one is called "Prince of the Sea" and the other is called "Incarnation of the North", under the pressure of the real Lord of Ocean Currents, they can only remain silent and obey orders.

Lugia stood on the ground, the shadow cast by his huge body covered the front, and the figures of the three people were reflected in his indifferent eyes.

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