The reason why the Weather Research Institute was located near Chaokong Town is because it has a high terrain. High ground means a wide field of vision, so that various observation instruments can be used unobstructed to observe weather changes and conduct research.

Another reason is that from the top of the continent, it can be found that the Weather Research Institute is almost the same distance from the Beiyang Sea in the west and the Yangyan Volcano in the southeast, which brings convenience to the institute to study these two places that affect the weather.

At this moment, all researchers are concentrated on the second floor.

The movements of the group of people outside the institute can be detected by even the most dull people. Moreover, the people of the Ocean Team and the Lava Team relied on their strength and did not conceal their actions at all. They discussed the ownership of this place in front of the institute in a big way, which really made the people in the institute angry but helpless.

"Director, it is estimated that they have tampered with this area. Whether it is a computer or a mobile phone, there is no network or signal."

Knowing that his group of people had no strength to resist, the director of the institute's first reaction was to contact the alliance and apply for emergency rescue.

But this idea was impossible when all the devices lost their signals.

Now they were like fish on a chopping board, being trampled on by others.

"No, we can't just give up like this, Director, let's fight them!"

A passionate young researcher was full of indignation, holding his Poké Ball and wanted to go out and confront this group of evil people head-on.

"Don't think about it, what is your strongest Pokémon? What level?"

"...Lv20 floating bubble."

The young researcher's face was stiff.

"A Lv20 Pokémon, isn't this just delivering food to them? If you ask me, we should cooperate well. These people are evil embryos who kill without blinking an eye. If we resist, I'm afraid we won't be able to save our lives."

Other researchers said pessimistically.

As researchers, Pokémon are more like helpers, so most of the Pokémon they have are auxiliary Pokémon, and the levels are basically not high, not to mention the strength to fight.

The young researcher was also young and frivolous. After being poured cold water by others, he could only squat there helplessly and sulk alone. He was indeed passionate, but he realized that he was about to face villains who might threaten his life - those people were not the kind of people who could fight each other in a playful manner. He still knew very clearly how much he weighed.

For a moment, the institute fell into a dead silence.

Most researchers had the same idea in their minds: "Forget about cooperating well, it's important to save your life..."

Only the gray-haired director of the institute smoked a cigarette and stared at the computer screen in front of him for a long time without saying a word.

The fluorescent light of the screen reflected on the director's glasses. A researcher nearby took a casual look and found that what was displayed on the computer screen was a map of the entire East Midlands. This was not a rare thing, but with the large amount of data and annotations next to it, as well as the bright red and blue marks on two places, the researcher still felt that there seemed to be some secrets hidden in this ordinary map.

Others may not know, but the old director who has been developing this weather research institute from scratch knows very well that this institute is not just used to study weather changes. On a deeper level, this is specially established by the alliance for observation, no, or perhaps more precisely, to monitor the two super ancient beings that will have a huge impact on the weather system of the entire world.

The abnormal weather in recent times has allowed the institute to obtain a large amount of climate data. Coupled with the rich experience of the old director and the deep scientific research skills of his group of researchers, the final result is that the latest sleeping place of Groudon and Kyogre has been calculated.

And this is the result that led to the current situation.

However, the old director never expected that only he and the senior executives of the Elf Alliance Middel Branch knew how the top-secret information was known by the Ocean Team and the Lava Team.

However, now is not the time to investigate how the secret was leaked. A more important choice is placed in front of the old director.


He took a big puff of cigarette, and his eyes showed a firm look.

His fingers groped for the "Delete" button on the keyboard, and the old director was determined to press it.

"I can't let you do anything bad."

A hand grabbed the old director's arm, making it impossible for him to delete all the data.Go down.

"Who are you?"

Other researchers found that there was suddenly an unfamiliar person.

The man with an elusive smile on his face was looking at the information displayed on the screen with interest.

The old director knew that something was wrong and was about to force the delete button down.

"Really, I hate disobedient humans like you the most."

With a snap of his fingers, thick black fog emanated from the man, covering everyone present except him. There was no shouting, no movement, and when the black fog dissipated, only a few pools of light black ash were left at the scene.

The man walked to the window and watched the battle happening below.

"That's it. Try your best to wake those two guys up, and then dedicate all their power to our Lord."

"Because no matter how hard you struggle, whether the ocean covers the land or the continent expands infinitely, in the end, they will only become the nutrients for our Lord to create a new world."

"You mortals..."

The man turned around, walked into the black fog, and disappeared on the second floor of the institute.

Only the slight buzzing sound of the computer was left, as if foreshadowing something.


The battle between Bard and Dimiter is still going on.

"Come out, Double-Bomb Gas."

Double-Bomb Gas, with two gas bombs connected together, one large and one small, was the first to appear in a cloud of poisonous fog.


Seeing the appearance of Double-Bomb Gas, Bard just blew a smoke ring and threw out his Poké Ball.

Unlike the water-attributed Pokémons that the Marine Team generally possessed, the first Pokémon summoned by this Marine Team cadre was actually a dragon-attributed Pokémon.

"I didn't expect you to be a rare dragon attribute trainer."

Dragon attribute elves are quite powerful and mysterious. Ordinary trainers have little chance to encounter such elves, let alone to subdue them. Moreover, most dragon attribute elves are unruly. Even if they are subdued, if the elves themselves do not recognize their trainers, they will often not listen to instructions or even attack the trainers in return. Therefore, few people specialize in dragon attributes.

The large orange elf in front of him flashed the usual fierce light of dragon elves in his eyes. This fierce light was aimed at the double bullet gas, causing the latter's floating body to shake a little.

Dragonite, known as a quasi-god, does have a clear gap with the ordinary double bullet gas in terms of momentum and strength.

Strangely, when facing such a big gap between the elves of the enemy and us, Dimit still smiled and didn't care at all.

The old fisherman Bard didn't care about that, not to mention that the people in front of him were all enemies of the Marine Team.

Therefore, he chose to attack first.

"Dragonite, [Dragon Wave]."

Facing a pure poison-type Pokémon like Tron, avoiding close combat and falling into a poisoned state is the most standard combat strategy. Although Dragonite is known for its strong physical attack, its special move [Dragon Wave] with dragon attributes can also exert powerful attack power at a long distance.


Dragonite roared, and what followed was a shock wave that was enough to break any solid defense.

"Tron, go ahead."

Unexpectedly, facing the wave full of dragon energy, Dimiter did not choose to let Tron avoid it or use defensive moves, but let Tron go straight up seemingly "blindly".

"What the hell is that?"

Only when he got closer did he realize that there were several crystal stones hanging on the double-bullet gas. As the double-bullet gas floated and moved, they collided with each other, making a clanging sound.

Bard narrowed his eyes and observed carefully.

"Fire Stone??!!"

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