When fighting the legendary giant, Regis Chilu, it was Leo who stepped forward.

"I'll do it!"

The Gigantamax body stood in the front, guarding the Yinye City behind him, blocking the giant's steps to destroy everything.


The relentless poaching group robbed the elves, and Leo bravely rushed out.

Just to protect the captured ones.


The most vicious and evil Fiery Roaring Tiger, under his malicious oppression.

It was Leo who threw punch after punch of justice to protect everyone.


Afterwards, whether it was rescuing Eevee or protecting the mysterious girl, in the impression of the elves.

That figure with a straight back always stood in front of everyone.

The elves relied on his protection, but they never understood that now, without the protection of this figure, the two seemingly light words of protection, the responsibility they carried, turned out to be so heavy.


Looking at the stupid Swamp King, he did not hesitate at all.

His fat body twisted quickly with an agility that did not match his body size, and he swung his big tail like a raging wave to attack.

The thick water flow wrapped around the tail, combined with the big tail of Swamp King, also looked quite powerful.

"Aiya. (Elf language) [Telekinesis]!"

Without the trainer's instructions, Kirlia can only command himself.

He clasped his hands together awkwardly, and the pink super telekinesis unfolded a barrier to catch the swing of Swamp King.

"Bubu! Bubu! (Elf language) Be careful! Beside!"

Eevee suddenly shouted anxiously behind him.

Kirlia's mind was still on how to take the next step to counter Swamp King. At this time, he heard Eevee's warning, and before he could react, he felt a gust of cold wind rushing towards his head.

"Bang", a hard crab claw hit Kirlia directly, with such force that it even made a loud noise.

It was the lobster lurking nearby, and took advantage of the moment when the Swamp King attracted attention to attack with its claws.

Kirlia was swept away by a claw.

But her body was stopped by telekinesis halfway.


Kirlia covered her head with her little hand, crying out in pain, and a water-blue fluorescence lit up in her hand. As the fluorescence flashed, several drops of crystal water fell on the wound.

[Life Drop] can heal the damage suffered by living things.

But even though Kirlia had stopped her injury with the most appropriate reaction, the lobster claw still caused her serious damage.

In the eyes of Eevee and Charmander, the few strands of bright red blood on the elf girl's forehead that could not be covered slowly flowed down.


Charmander's eyes instantly turned red.

Although they were of different races, Chirulian was like Charmander's closest sister because of her gentle care for him for a long time. And now that he saw his "sister" injured, the surging anger made him even ignore the fear of water energy in his heart and rushed forward with his teeth and claws.

His throat rolled up and down a few times, and then a bright spark spurted out.

The color of the flame was extremely bright, and you could feel the high temperature just by looking at it.

How could the water-based lobster be afraid of such a small flame? He sneered and easily clamped it with his big claws.

The surging water energy directly extinguished the spark.

Seeing that his signature move [Spark] did not work, Charmander immediately chose to use his other weapon.

That was the claws on his body.

"Dragon! (Elf language) Look at my catch!"

The claws reflected the cold light and scratched the lobster fiercely.

…It only left a few white marks on the shell, and even the outermost shell was not broken at all.

“Pinch, pinch. (Elf language) Get out of the way.”

The lobster took a step forward, not even bothering to use its claws, and knocked Charmander away with its angular and hard shell.


Eevee hurried over to catch Charmander, but the inertia of the flying was too strong, causing the two little guys to roll into a ball.

“Pop”, the dazzling light shone throughout the venue, and the lobster, who originally wanted to deal with the opponent in one go, had to take a few steps back because of the sudden stimulation of his eyes.

Kirlia, who used [Magic Flash], returned to Eevee and Charmander.

Charmander was hit so hard that he almost vomited the elf food he had eaten last night.

He had never been attacked like this since he was born, and he immediately looked at Kirlia with tears in his eyes.

"Aiyaya. (Elf language) Okay, okay, stop crying."

Kirulian touchedCharmander's head comforted him.

Eevee was so anxious that she was racking her brains to think about how to help everyone.

At this time, Eevee regretted that she often lazily perfunctorily trained Asuka to give her special combat training, and when she needed to fight independently, she couldn't remember any combat skills taught by Asuka.

"Bu. Bu. Bu."

Eevee's furry tail slapped the ground, and suddenly, the scene of Asuka directing her to fight with different attributes in the past appeared in her mind.

She widened her eyes, glanced at the Iron Claw and the Swamp King, and then nodded affirmatively.

"Bu! (Elf language) These two blue ones must be water guys, so I'm going to use..."

The end of the brown hair instantly dyed bright yellow, and the tingling electric current swam actively on Eevee's body.


With Eevee's cry, the exploding electric light directly attacked the opponent.

Partner move, [Ma Ma Electric Shock]!

The lobster, who had looked down on everything, felt a little guilty in the face of the fierce electric current, and hurriedly hid behind the Swamp King. The Swamp King tilted his head, with a simple expression on his face, but did not move.

Electric moves are known for their fast speed and high hit rate, so [Ma Ma Electric Shock] hit the Swamp King hard in the joyful eyes of Eevee.



Eevee and Charmander happily clapped their little paws, celebrating their victory with a sense of satisfaction.

But if the sun was here tomorrow, he would definitely remind them anxiously that electric shock has no effect on the Swamp King.

In the light of the electric light, no Pokémon noticed that the iron fist with cold frost was swinging mercilessly.

No, there were still Pokémon who noticed it.


Kirulian dodged and returned to the front of his companions again. With a [Illusion Ray], he forced Swamplord back, making the latter's [Frozen Punch] ineffective.


Eevee was confused. What happened to the water-type Pokémon that was supposed to be restrained by electric-type moves?

Under normal circumstances, water-type Pokémon are indeed restrained by lightning, but among water-type Pokémon, there are also some special types, that is, amphibious Pokémon that take into account both water and ground attributes. Not only will this Pokémon not be restrained by electric-type moves, but it can even make electric-type moves cause no damage.

And Swamplord is a Pokémon with these two attributes.

The Ironclaw Lobster, which cleverly used Swamplord as a shield to keep itself unscathed, also walked out with its ferocious giant claws open and closed.

For a moment, Eevee and Charmander were a little anxious, and they threw out various energy moves with attributes such as sparks, frost, fairy tornado, lightning, etc., but for Swamp King and Iron Claw, although these low-level energies were harmful to them, they were also negligible. Therefore, the two of them casually avoided those randomly thrown moves while slowly approaching.

"Aiya. (Elf language) OK."

Just when Eevee and Charmander were panicking, two small hands, one on the left and one on the right, gently pressed on their heads.

Kirlia's gentle and firm words calmed Eevee and Charmander.

"Xiao Zhao is not here, and Leo is not here, so let me protect everyone!"

Reciting this sentence silently in his heart, Lulu's eyes showed a firm look.

But, what method should be adopted to defeat the arrogant opponent on the opposite side?

The composite attributes of water and ground...

Kirliain could not help but turn her thoughts to the somewhat bewildered Fujito Snake and Kaede Ling.

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