After leaving the Weather Research Institute in Chaokong Town, the Ocean Team came to Springfield Town without stopping.

As for why they came to this quiet and remote town, the reason is also very simple.

Because Springfield Town is the nearest point of departure, and for the urgent Ocean Team, going out to sea as soon as possible and reaching the destination is their primary goal. Everything else is not important now that they are ready.


In order to meet the Ocean Team, Ah Chao had been waiting for a long time and was a little bored. At this time, seeing Shui Guanhai and his group walking hurriedly but smiling, he knew that this time must be a fruitful harvest.

Shui Guanhai was not polite either, and signaled Bud and a group of Ocean Team members behind him to board the ship anchored by the strait, while he and several confidants entered another place.

That was the submarine, Haiyuan No. 1, which was towed by the ship with a tow rope and followed closely behind the ship.

This submarine, which was originally built by Devon Company with a lot of resources, was originally built to better explore the resources on the seabed. It has a solid shell and an advanced transmission system. At this time, it has become the best means of transportation for the Ocean Team to go deep into the abyss.

Shui Guanhai put on his diving suit and took the hood in his hand.

"Achao, I'll leave it to you next!"

In the information obtained from the Weather Research Institute, in addition to knowing the sleeping place of Kyogre, we also got the sleeping place of Kyogre's nemesis, Groudon.

The latter is located in the thousands of continuous mountains behind Springfield Town.

For the Ocean Team, in addition to awakening Kyogre, they naturally don't want Groudon to wake up.

Therefore, the task that Shui Guanhai gave to Achao was to intercept all the members of the Magma Team who went to Springfield Town to try to awaken Groudon, so as not to let them take advantage of the opportunity.

"Boss, is it okay for me to make a big fuss?"

Achao showed a cruel smile, holding the Dark Elf Ball in his hand and turning it constantly.

Shui Guanhai naturally knew the temper of his subordinates, but he didn't care. Whether it was Achao who killed innocent people wantonly or let him control Dark Lugia, it was just an insignificant matter for him who was about to gain the power of Kyogre.

He waved his hand, then entered the submarine and closed the hatch.

Achao followed his team and watched the Ocean Team's ship slowly start until it left Springfield Town.

With a turn, Achao strode forward, and as he walked, he summoned all his elves.

"Little guys, it's time to revel!"


The Ocean Team makes a living on the sea, and all the team members have superb sailing and ship driving skills.

And the ship they are on is a solid and reliable ship built with the team's years of funds and the hard work of technicians. Based on the above two reasons, even if it is sailing on the ocean where the environment has become extremely harsh, it is still as stable as a rock and sets off firmly towards its destination.

"Lord Bard, we are about to reach the target sea area."

On the display of the ship's console, a marked light spot became brighter and brighter.

As the ship's schematic diagram approached the light spot, even with the best balancing device installed, the ship was still shaken by the waves on the sea, causing the marine team members in the cabin to complain.

However, they also knew that the worse the environment, the more it meant that they were about to reach their destination.

Suddenly, a vigorous and powerful voice came into the cabin through the noisy sounds around.

"Enough, that's it!"

Hearing this voice, Bard stopped smoking his pipe.

He signaled the team members behind him to take over the rudder in his hand, and then walked out of the cabin slowly.

When he came outside the cabin, he felt the unrest in this sea area:

Endless wind and rain fell from the sky, and thunderous lightning crossed the sky.

Waves came one after another, and the sea water even showed a terrifying black color, as if there was an unfathomable abyss that wanted to swallow everything.

And right in front of the ship, the man standing on the Tyrannosaurus remained motionless despite the heavy rain and the rustling of the captain's uniform on his body by the strong wind.

Genji, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Middel, a dragon-type elf trainer.

Yes, the Weather Research Institute analyzed the sleeping places of the two super ancient beasts. As the first elf alliance to obtain the information, how could they not make arrangements? Genji, who is strong and good at air and naval battles, is the best candidate to guard the sea area where Kyogre is.

In addition, the last experience in Shizuo City made this strongest king still unable to understand what the Ocean Team did.To let go.

At this moment, the Quasi-God Spirit, the mount, the Tyrannosaurus, and several powerful dragon-type spirits lined up beside the Ocean Team all demonstrated the strength of the king.


Genji bit his pipe and said without emotion.

On the ship of the Ocean Team, Bard stood on the deck, looking at the lofty Dragon-type King, and his face hidden under the straw hat flashed an uncertain look.

Finally, the old fisherman slowly took off his straw hat and looked at Genji.

"Long time no see, my brother."

Genji would never have thought that at this moment of intercepting the Ocean Team, the first person he saw was his brother who had been missing for more than 30 years.

"Bard, you..."

With all kinds of complicated emotions flowing in his heart, Genji was a little speechless for a while.

Bard threw it casually, and the dragon-type spirits who had accompanied him for a long time also appeared one after another, thinking of the group of fellow tribesmen in the sky exuding their fierce momentum.

In mid-air, on the deck, two groups of dragon-type elves were confronting each other without giving in.

"Go ahead, leave this to me."

Bard said lightly through the communicator.

The submarine behind the ship also suddenly disconnected the traction of the ship and sank rapidly.

"Don't even think about it..."

Genji wanted to order Dragonite to intercept, but was stopped by Bard's Dragonite with a faster reaction.

The two Dragonites started a fierce battle, and Genji stared at Bard.

"Why, why do you want to join the Ocean Team?"

Unfortunately, he didn't get an answer, but a coordinated attack from Bard's group of dragon-type elves.

“Boss, Lord Bard is actually the younger brother of King Genji?”

For many members of the Ocean Team, cadre Bard is a symbol of silence and power. No one knows where this old fisherman came from, and no one knows why he joined the Ocean Team. Today, the team members know that this cadre with a powerful dragon spirit is actually the relative of King Genji, the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings.

“Who is he? Is it important?”

Shui Guanhai chuckled, and then ignored the others, but closed his eyes and quietly waited for the arrival of that critical moment.

The submarine Haiyuan No. 1 continued to dive. Looking out of the cabin from the window, there was only darkness and the faint light from the searchlights around the hull.

There are countless mysterious creatures living in the deep sea. Sometimes the team members were shocked to find that several faint lights seemed to stare at the submarine for a while, and then quietly left. This short gaze made the team members dare not even breathe.

Going deeper and deeper, the surroundings became more and more quiet.

I don't know how deep they dived. When the submarine made a slight sound, they finally reached the bottom of the abyss.

It was pitch black outside, so a brave team member turned on a powerful searchlight.

In the depths of the endless and deep sea, this area suddenly became bright.

Countless seabed rock walls stood everywhere. If you look closely, you can even see mysterious symbols carved on them. There were no creatures around, whether elves or ordinary creatures, all disappeared.

However, these were not what the ocean team cared about.

The tides on the seabed seemed to be attracted by the inexplicable breathing, surging back and forth slightly.

And in front of the submarine, there was a motionless behemoth lying.

"Finally, finally..."

Shui Guanhai lay in front of the window of the submarine, greedily and excitedly looking at the huge black shadow.

Even though he couldn't see his appearance clearly, the trembling feeling in his heart was enough to let Shui Guanhai know that this was the target he had been looking for.

The leader of the Marine Team took out an indigo orb from a wooden box.

As soon as the orb left the wooden box, it shone with a dazzling blue light.


A roar like waking up from a dream resounded throughout the sea.

The scarlet eyes suddenly lit up, and with it, the mysterious traces on the body that were emitting red light also lit up.

He woke up.

The ocean was boiling, the waves were rolling, the rain was pouring, and the thunder and lightning were roaring.

Everything seemed to be welcoming the return of the true master of the ocean.

The God of the Ocean, Kyogre.

Wake up!

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