"Wow, it's spectacular!"

Leo and Takuma sat on the back of the bird, flying in the air, watching the vast forest of trees flashing by at high speed, which made them exclaim in amazement.

The flying speed of the leader of the bird was extremely fast. Even with an elf and a human on board, he still sent them to the north of the forest in a very short time. This is the exit of the Crescent Forest. The closer to the exit, the trees around them became sparser and roads full of traces appeared.

After putting Leo and Takuma down, the leader of the bird agreed with them on the gathering time and turned to fly deep into the forest. In the battle with Leo and his men just now, the leader of the bird was also seriously injured and needed to find a place to heal his wounds in preparation for the upcoming battle.

"Leo, let's go!"

Takuma often came to the edge of the Crescent Forest to play since he was a child, but he didn't go in as deep as he did this time. Now he saw the familiar view of the forest exit again, and he was excited. He called Leo and ran to the town that was vaguely visible not far away.

"Finally, we are going to enter the human world!"

Leo was also very excited. Since he was reborn in this world, he has been living in the world of elves. When he occasionally came into contact with human items picked up in the forest, he suddenly remembered that there was another absolute protagonist in this world - humans.

In the Crescent Forest, it is rare to see traces of human existence. Occasionally, when you hear a trace of human movement, the elves around him always ask him to avoid those movements and repeatedly tell him to have less contact with humans, because in this world, humans are not all friendly.

As the Queen Flower said, a long time ago, there were always some evil humans who entered the Crescent Forest and captured elves wantonly. In order to resist the invasion of humans, the powerful elves led the other elves to live in groups, so the major elf tribes that are now distributed in various parts of the forest, as well as several leaders who can protect the elves, were born.

Many humans have been defeated many times in the face of the group attacks of the elves and the intimidation of the powerful leaders. In addition, the elves in the Crescent Forest are not rare elves. Gradually, humans gave up the confrontation with the elves in the forest. The two sides formed a tacit understanding. The elves have their own living space, while humans will consciously avoid the living area of ​​the elves and look for the necessary resources and conquer the lonely elves in other places.

Some older elves often tell this history to the young elves with a sigh.

"I wonder if there are still those gyms, the four kings, or the regional champions in this human world? Are they some familiar faces (referring to the game or animation) or completely strangers?"

Just when Leo was thinking about it, Takuma, who had run a distance ahead, turned back again with a grunt.

"Here." Takuma hung the language translator worn on his ear on Leo's head and proudly raised his thumb. "I won't use this thing after I go back, but it's just right for you."

"By the way, do you want to enter the Poké Ball?"

Takuma took out a round, red and white Poké Ball with a button in the middle from his small backpack.

Looking at Takuma's hopeful eyes, Leo thought about it carefully and shook his head.

Leo is not unfamiliar with Poké Balls. As one of the biggest black technologies in the Pokémon world, it is a bridge connecting the human world and the Pokémon world. There are many types of Poké Balls. You can click the button in the center to enlarge and shrink. The reduced form is easy to carry, and the enlarged form can be used to capture Pokémon.

And this kind of capture is not mandatory. Pokémon can only be collected in Poké Balls if they are willing. According to them (those Pokémons who have been captured), the Pokémon in the Poké Ball is in a wonderful state. The size of the Pokémon in the ball will be reduced in proportion, and the consciousness can still perceive the external environment. It can also have telepathy with the trainer who captured them. This is why even if the Pokémon language is very different from the human language, the Pokémon captured by the trainer can understand the trainer's instructions.

A Pokémon captured by a Poké Ball cannot be captured by another Poké Ball until it leaves the previous Poké Ball and becomes free again.

Although Leo was very curious about what it was like to be in a Poké Ball, his consciousness as a human in his previous life was still potentially unwilling to be bound in such a small sphere.

Seeing Leo refuse to become his Pokémon, Takuma was slightly disappointed. He knew that the Pokémon in front of him was different from other ordinary Pokémon.

"Then ICan we still be good friends?" Takuma looked at Leo eagerly.

As the first human friend he met in this world, Leo naturally didn't want to lose this friendship, so he nodded readily.

But Leo had a question that he had been holding back for a long time.

"By the way, Takuma, why didn't I see your Pokémon? Where is your initial Pokémon?" He couldn't help asking.

Takuma shrunk the Poké Ball again and put it back into his backpack.

"I only have this Poké Ball, because I haven't met a suitable partner, so I don't have the opportunity to use the Poké Ball."

Takuma, who was chattering all the way, unknowingly took Leo to the gate of the town.

Back to the familiar place, Takuma relaxed, turned around and smiled at Leo: "Welcome to Chubai Town. "

Leo looked out. The town was not big. As its name suggests, most of the houses had white walls on the outside, and a few houses were scattered around the town. It was dusk, and the smoke from the chimneys on the roofs, symbolizing the smell of fireworks, came out, and there were bursts of rice fragrance.

What surprised him was that among the ordinary houses, there were two buildings with special shapes: one was red and white, similar to ordinary Poké Balls, with a flat Poké Ball pattern hanging in the middle of the red roof. The transparent glass door at the entrance of the white house opened and closed from time to time, and some people with hurried expressions could be seen coming in and out. The other one was a white-roofed, three-story research institute.

"Is that the Pokémon Center?"

Leo saw the familiar red and white building and couldn't help pointing at it and asked Takuma.

"Hey, you actually knew it. Yes, that is the Pokémon Center under the jurisdiction of the Pokémon Alliance. It can treat the injuries of Pokémons and has other services. It is also the place we will go to later. After all, you still have many wounds on your body that need to be treated first. "

It would be better if he didn't mention it. As soon as he mentioned the wound, Leo felt pain all over his body.

"Then the other building is... eh, wait..."

Before Leo could ask the question, he was excitedly dragged to the door of the Pokémon Center by Takuma.

"Swish", the glass door of the Pokémon Center detected that someone was about to enter and opened automatically.

"Sister Joey, my Pokémon is injured, please help me! "As soon as he entered the door, Takuma dragged the half-dazed Leo with one hand while yelling.

The interior of the Pokémon Center that came into view made Leo quite familiar:

The Pokémon Center is divided into two floors, the upper floor is an overhead floor. From the door, you can vaguely see many people waiting in front of some machines, and the center of the ground floor is a fenced counter. On the left side of the counter is a recovery machine, and on the right side are several computers for people to use. Above the counter is a large screen, which displays the list of trainers and their Pokémons waiting in line for treatment.

Outside the counter, on the left are rows of bookshelves filled with magazines and books, and there are several benches for rest. On the right is a huge map. At this time, several people are standing in front of the map as if they are looking at something. One of them is wearing a black hat, and a few strands of golden hair are sliding down from the edge of the hat.

Several old people sitting on the benches drinking tea laughed and said, "Little Takuma, where did you pick up the injured Pokémon for treatment? You won't sneak off to play in the forest again, right? Be careful that your mother will find out and teach you a lesson. "

Takuma smiled a little embarrassedly.

At this time, a lady with pink hair, a nurse's cap and a nurse's apron walked out of the Pokémon Center and came to Takuma. Following her was a round, pink, cute Pokémon, the iconic character of the Pokémon Center, Miss Joy and her Pokémon Jigglypuff.

Miss Joy bent down in front of Leo and said with a little surprise and distress: "Oh, how could this Pokémon be so seriously injured? It needs to be treated quickly, otherwise it is easy to leave sequelae."

It would have been better if Miss Joy didn't mention it. When talking about her own injuries at this time, Leo's physical weakness and fatigue surged up like a tide.

"Leo, you stay here to receive Miss Joy's treatment. I'm going home first. You can find me in the research institute later."

After speaking, Takuma whispered beside Leo, then waved goodbye to Leo and left the Pokémon Center.

"Okay, I'll take you to the treatment room at the back for treatment. "

After that, Miss Joy picked up Leo with both hands and took him to the interior of the Pokémon Center.

By the way, even if Leo is one of the taller Pokémons like Riolu, he is only the size of a large doll in front of an adult woman, so she can easily pick Leo up.

Feeling Miss Joy's bodyWith the refreshing fragrance and warm embrace, Leo's tense spirit instantly relaxed, and as soon as he relaxed he fell into a deep sleep.

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