In the central conference room of the Elf Alliance Middel branch.

"Pa", a huge table slapping sound resounded throughout the conference room.

This irritable table slapping sound also represents the voices of all the staff in the conference room.

And what bothers them is naturally the picture displayed on the monitoring monitor.

"Report to the Minister, the super ancient beast Kyogre has been confirmed to have awakened in the deep sea abyss of the North Sea and is currently heading to Stillwater City!"

"Minister, Groudon has also been confirmed to have awakened in the Springfield Town Mountains and is now heading to Stillwater City!"

The intelligence agency belonging to the Elf Alliance is operating at full capacity at this time. In this conference room with the final decision, countless information is constantly circulating.

The head of the branch, Landon, ignored his red palms from slapping the table, but frowned while reading various information and thinking quickly about countermeasures.

"First, contact the Heavenly King Genji and the Champion Dantei. I want to know the current situation of the two beasts in the Land of Resurrection."

On the monitor, the screen was split in the middle, with the left and right showing the two people being contacted.

The Heavenly King belonging to the Middle Region has not been contacted yet, but Dantei, who came from the Weston Islands to support, quickly answered the contact signal.

"Sorry, Mr. Landon."

Dande's figure appeared on the screen, but his confident and steady voice in the past also carried obvious apology at this moment.

The reason for the apology was naturally that he received a request for support from the Pokémon Alliance, and he and the Dragon Heavenly King Genji were responsible for guarding the sleeping place of Kyogre and Groudon to prevent the Ocean Team and the Magma Team from succeeding. However, they did not expect that the Ocean Team had a powerful pseudo-mythical beast Pokémon, which made it impossible for Dantei to escape easily, so that the Magma Team took advantage of the opportunity to sneak into the depths of the mountains and awaken Groudon.

Of course, the alliance personnel in the conference room would not blame the champion, because for the busy champion, just dealing with various emergencies in the Weston Islands - a region as wide as the Middle Region - is enough to make it difficult for any champion to get away easily. In this case, Dandi came to support the Middle Region in person, which was really a great honor.

As for the powerful trainers in other regions, such as the champion or the Four Heavenly Kings, or even some well-known trainers, it was not that they were unwilling to lend a hand when the Middle Region suffered a major disaster, but each had their own difficulties - for example, the East Region was facing a more severe situation at this time, and the Flot Continent had deeper reasons.

Let's skip these digressions for the time being, and people's attention is still focused on the live pictures shown by Dandi through his mobile phone.

When the camera was cast to the sky, you could vaguely see the bright and dazzling sun that was almost impossible to look directly at, hanging high in the sky, and the clouds that could block the sun disappeared without a trace in the sky around the scorching sun.

As the screen was pulled down, the first thing we saw was thick smoke rising from every corner of the earth. The land of Springfield, which was considered fertile in people's impression, had become a mess. The bulging and cracked land destroyed various buildings and fields, and the red-hot magma was flowing everywhere. Although the speed was not fast, everything turned to ashes wherever it passed.

Suddenly, the screen shook violently.

"Dan Di, are you okay?"

Landon asked anxiously.

After a while of spinning, the other side of the camera finally stabilized.

"It's okay, mainly because that big guy is too difficult to deal with... Charizard, avoid his attack and use [Jet Flame]!"

"Is it... that Lugia?"

"Yes, that weird black guy... Wow, Charizard, fly up and avoid it!"

It can be heard that Dan Di is still communicating with the Alliance while fighting.

Thanks to the strong strength of Dantei and his Charizard, they did not lose out even in this situation of multitasking.

"By the way, the battle between me and Dark Lugia is not the point, the point is that..."

Dandi took advantage of the gap in the battle and pointed his phone at the distance.

"Hiss", everyone in the conference room took a breath of cold air.

Landon's pupils shrank quickly, and he muttered in disbelief.

"Impossible, when will Groudon become so huge?"

The battle between Kyogre and Groudon ten years ago caused the Middel region to suffer. As the Pokémon Alliance, how could they not do enough homework at that time and thoroughly collect the information of these two super ancient beasts?

But in the information Landon got, although Groudon is a giant-level Pokémon, it is alsoIt is only about 4 meters high. Even if it will be further strengthened as it awakens, according to historical records, the strongest Groudon will only reach a height of 6-7 meters. In the human world, it is only a little more than two floors high. Although it is considered giant for tiny humans, it is also within the psychological tolerance range.

But the Groudon in front of him, from the perspective of the mobile phone, is estimated to be as high as 10 meters. The lines on his body are flashing red light, as if flowing with magma. In the direction of his advance, all obstacles are ruthlessly destroyed.

What's more terrifying is that this behemoth is still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If Landon didn't know that there is only one Groudon in the world, he would probably doubt that the super ancient beast in front of him is not the one that appeared ten years ago.

"And, in addition to this guy, we have a lot of big troubles."

The words of the Dan Emperor hit people's hearts like adding insult to injury.

"Quick, turn on the monitoring satellite."

A new window popped up on the screen.

From this angle of looking down from the sky, it can be clearly seen that a large number of ground-type, rock-type or fire-type elves, as if responding to the call of the God of Land, are pouring out from their respective places of life.

The drought caused by Groudon, the destructive power of the beast itself, and even the riots of a large number of elves.

For the entire Middel region, a great disaster has come.

However, when Landon saw the picture of the still unconnected Genji Tenno, it seemed that there was a hand in his heart just grasping his heart.

However, being the leader of a region's alliance, he would naturally not be defeated so easily by setbacks.

"It's not the most desperate time yet."

Landon took a deep breath, then lowered his voice and said to his deputy.

"Pass the order down, order all regions and cities..."

He paused, his expression solemn.

"...Launch the 'Super Disaster Avoidance Plan'!"


The deputy responded with a stern look, and then quickly directed the relevant departments and persons in charge to issue a warning to avoid danger to the entire Middel area.

In order to deal with the recurrence of the incident ten years ago, the Alliance, together with major institutions and city conquests, has already prepared multiple levels of emergency plans, and the highest level of these emergency plans is, super!

"Connect me to Safiya, Daigo, Zhulan, the remaining kings, all gym leaders in the Middel area, and all master trainers."

Since the super emergency plan has been activated, the top priority is to summon the most powerful forces in the Middel area to make the next arrangements.

It didn't take long, and it is estimated that everyone knew that a major crisis was coming. Soon, the virtual avatars representing everyone lit up at the other end of the conference table.

Safiya, the current champion of Yuanqi City, and Naqi, the former gym leader of the flying system.

Ruby of Yinye City and Qianli, the gym leader of the general system.

The Electric Gym Master Tiexuan and former champion Zhulan in Zidian City.

The Fire Gym Masters Asha and Akagi in Fuquan Town, and the Heavenly King Daye.

The Heavenly King Furong and the Rock Gym Master Dujuan in Gude City.

Mikoli, former champions Daigo and Akin in Kyle City, and the Insect Gym Master Luo Ying.

The Steel Gym Master Donggang in Shanya City.

The current Flying Gym Master Yulian in Chaokong Town.

The Water Gym Master Adam in Jingshui City.

The Heavenly King Wusong who was returning from Middle West District.

There were also many powerful trainers with master certification.

The most powerful force in the entire Middle West District showed up.

Among them, Ruby, Akagi, and Mikoli were also master trainers recognized by the alliance, so they received the notification of the alliance like other master trainers. In addition, they were already with some relevant personnel, so they simply joined the meeting.

As for Ajin, he simply couldn't bear to see the disaster happen in front of him without being moved, so he followed Daigo and others into the meeting.

For Landon, powerful trainers are naturally very welcome, even if they are from other regions, but in this emergency, a little more strength will be more beneficial to the whole thing.

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