After entering the institute.

Leo took a rough look at the place where Takuma and his parents lived.

The space inside the institute was actually very large, but more than 70% of the space was occupied by books, documents and some unknown machines piled up everywhere, and there were only some slightly empty places to walk.

"Ah, this is really the norm of a standard scientist's institute." Leo complained while carefully dodging the books placed everywhere.

After finally avoiding the various sundries scattered on the ground, Leo finally came to a work table. There was an open computer on the table, and the computer displayed a series of surveillance records. Takuma should have been looking for the surveillance entry and exit records here just now.

Next to the computer was a cup of black coffee that was only half drunk. Because it had been placed for a long time, it exuded a slightly sour smell. Next to it was a box of biscuits with a few bites left. It was probably because of the moisture that it looked soft and did not feel puffy and crispy at all.

There were some printed documents scattered on the table. Some parts of the documents were circled in red pen, and there were many opinions and ideas written on them.

"On the Structure of Organisms", "Theory of Energy Aggregation and Connection", "Conjecture of Super Ancient Elves", "Study of Biological Genetic Information Factors"... "

After flipping through the documents, Leo unexpectedly discovered that the words in this elf world were similar to the English in his previous life. In his previous life, Leo often went abroad to participate in some international competitions, so he practiced English well. So now looking at these words composed of the familiar 26 English letters, he can still see clearly what is written.

However, the content of the article made Leo frown, because he couldn't understand it.

Obviously, he could roughly guess what each word meant, but he didn't know what to say when they were put together. This made him feel like the profound scientific papers he read when he was writing papers in his previous life.

After looking through the documents on the table, Leo could only vaguely guess that Takuma's parents were studying the origin of the super ancient elves and the structure of the elves, but he really didn't know what they were studying.

"Oh, what should I do? I asked the neighbors around, and they said they met my parents a few weeks ago and said hello, but they haven't seen them in the past few weeks."

After a while, Takuma walked in from the door in frustration.

The neighbors around didn't see it, and the surveillance only had the entry and exit data from a few weeks ago, a cup of unfinished coffee, and leftover cookies...

Leo, who turned into the famous detective Ke X, thought quickly, and suddenly a light bulb flashed.

"Monitoring data!"

Without bothering to explain to Takuma, Leo pounced in front of the computer, grabbed the mouse with his claws and started operating it.

"It's really hard to control the mouse with this claw." When he was still a human, he could operate the mouse flexibly with one hand, but now that he has become an elf, he only has three claws. If he moves the mouse, he can't click the left and right buttons, forcing Leo to use both claws to barely operate it.

Fortunately, the computer system in the elf world is not much different from the computer in the previous life, but the familiar "Windows" logo has now become the "Silph" logo, representing the product of Silver Company.

Silver Company is a famous product manufacturer and seller in the Pokémon world. Many well-known products such as Poké Balls and wound medicine are invented and produced by Silver Company.

I digressed, and let's get back to the topic. Leo clicked on the last piece of monitoring data:

I saw a spirited man talking and laughing with a woman holding a pile of information next to him, opening the door of the research institute and walking in. From the appearance of these two men and women, you can vaguely see the similarities with Takuma.

"These are my parents, and this video is the last record. There is no record after that." Takuma was worried.

Leo held his chin with his left paw, and tapped the work table with his right paw.

"Don't you think it's strange?"

"What's strange?"

"This entry and exit record only has the last record of entering the institute, but no record of leaving the institute! And your family's surveillance is fully monitoring the outside of the entire institute. Even if your parents don't leave from the main entrance, there is no way there is no data at all. So is there such a possibility..."


"The last record was deleted! And you see, this coffee and these biscuits are left when they are halfway through eating. If you know that you will be away for such a long time, I believe that normal people will at least pour out the coffee or put away the biscuits."If your parents were forced to leave the institute, they didn't even have time to clean up the coffee and biscuits. Then, either your parents were in a hurry to go out and didn't have time to clean up, but they couldn't have the time to delete the video."

"Or... your parents were forced by someone to leave the institute, and someone deleted the video to prevent their whereabouts from being leaked!"

After listening to Leo's analysis, Takuma's eyes widened.

"Then, what should we do?"

Leo fiddled with the computer for a few times, and for the first time found that his claws that could beat the sky, the earth, and the beast couldn't handle a small computer. He jumped off the computer chair in anger and pushed Takuma with his claws to signal him to sit on it.

"Open this first... and then enter... click it, yes, this one... open the registry... right click, right click... click new... and then go back to the desktop, hurry up, the last deleted record is in here, open it and take a look. "

Fortunately, I had accidentally learned how to recover deleted data on the computer before. Thanks to all the "teachers" who "saved" me!

Leo gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

After some operations, a new file appeared on the computer desktop. Takuma couldn't wait to double-click to open it:

It was dark when the video was recorded. The camera showed a peaceful outdoor scene, but a few sounds were heard inside the institute.

"Who are you?" said a steady male voice.

(This should be Takuma's father? Leo guessed.)

"There is no need to explain to you, Mr. Guan Cheng, you just need to know that your son Takuma is in our hands now."

Another sinister voice said proudly, with a "rustling" sound, as if showing something to others.

"Ah, Takuma, what did you do to my son!!!" "The female voice said with a hint of panic in anger.

(It goes without saying that this must be Takuma's mother, Leo thought.)

"Don't worry, your son is just sleeping now, but if you don't obey the orders of our organization, I can't guarantee what will happen."

"You bunch of despicable villains!" Takuma's father scolded angrily.

The unknown person laughed triumphantly: "Despicable? This is a compliment for us villains. Let's go, Mr. Guancheng and Mrs. Guancheng, use your skills and knowledge to serve our organization. As long as you participate in this sacred plan, you will know what the power of the supreme god is! "

It is estimated that the enthusiastic speech made Takuma's parents at a loss for a moment, or they knew that they had no way out, so they did not speak again, and the video was about to end.

Takuma's parents were kidnapped by a group of people wearing black clothes and walked out of the research institute. Indistinctly, an "R"-shaped logo appeared on the black clothes.

In the end, there was only one sentence left: "This surveillance record cannot be kept, delete it..."

The video ended here.

"Damn, it's this group of people. I was kidnapped by this group of people and then locked up in the test base!"

Seeing the black-clothed people in the video, Takuma slammed the table angrily. He remembered that he was trapped in the test base by these people before. What he didn't expect was that this group of people would use him as a bargaining chip to threaten his parents.

"Takuma, can you tell me what your parents do?"

Leo asked seriously.

"My father is a scientist engaged in biological research, and my mother is a researcher at the Elf Research Institute. What's the matter? ”

The “R”-shaped mark, the black clothes, the forced scientists, the mistakes mentioned by the doctor, the power of the gods mentioned in the video, and the super ancient elves he met before... Dream!

Leo thought of the famous villain organization in the games he played or the anime he watched in his previous life, as well as their very famous deeds.

“If I’m not mistaken, we are in big trouble!”

“Not only us, the entire Crescent Forest, or Chubai Town, or this area, will face a devastating disaster!”

“Ah? ! ! "

Takuma didn't expect the situation to be described so seriously, and was stunned and speechless for a moment.

Leo clenched his claws, and nervousness surged in his heart again.

I hope it's not what I imagined, otherwise it will be really troublesome...


The sound of "sizzling" electricity rang out, and on the top floor of a certain building, all the lights went out, leaving only a cylindrical culture dish with the faint green light of the culture fluid. Many thick and strong pipes were connected to the culture dish, constantly transporting unknown substances. Several exposed wires were connected to something, and from time to time they shook as if they were stimulated..


A pair of purple eyes with black air opened instantly, with countless violence and ferocity in them!

"Bang bang bang bang bang——", countless glass products seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure and shattered one after another!

The whole building shook violently!


"Chirp chirp——", "Chirp chirp——".

The screams of ordinary birds and ordinary animals rang out in the Crescent Forest. These ordinary birds flew away from the forest from the sky, and the small animals living in the forest hid and hid, and seemed unwilling to show up again.

In the Chaoyang Valley in the west.

Wrist strength couldn't help but stop the work in his hands, took a deep breath to try to calm his sudden palpitations.

On the other side, the Queen Flower, who was talking and laughing with the walking grass, suddenly felt a palpitation in her heart, and an inexplicable feeling of discomfort surged from the bottom of her heart.

She walked out of the valley and saw the Squirtle Boss and Scyther were frowning and looking at a place in the forest.

In the Crescent Lake in the south.

Countless ordinary fish dived into the depths of the lake, and the whole lake was silent except for the sound of the waterfall.

Sitting on the huge rock in the center of the lake, the leader of the Godard Duck felt a slight pain in his mind. He looked up and stared at the dark clouds gathering in the sky and the lightning and rain that were brewing in the dark clouds.

At this time.

At this moment.

God, awakened!

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