The mysterious island floating in the endless river of time is now coveted by uninvited guests.

A few minutes ago.

The emerald green elf flew back and forth between the trees in the forest on the island.

Whenever she passed by, the branches and leaves of the trees would sway with joy, and the grass on the ground would sway happily. The forest seemed to welcome the beloved child, showing her its gentleness and tranquility.

But Celebi was a little distressed.

"Oh, should I travel to the future to see if the little guy succeeded?"

Celebi flew over the tip of the grass with a "whoosh", and at the same time, he did not forget to gently touch the withered grass with his little hand.

The grass instantly changed from yellow to green and grew luxuriantly.

"But... but it's easy to be discovered if we travel to the future. What if we are discovered (vaguely) and come back early to ruin our chance?"

Celebi flexibly avoided the thick trees on the flight path and scratched his head.

She was still very vigilant and afraid of that power.

At the beginning, she, Latios and Latias spent a lot of energy to move the island where they lived to the long river of time. The purpose was to monitor the place where time travel must pass through to prevent that terrible existence from traveling through the past and directly strangling the little guy who had not grown up. In this way, all the efforts were wasted. And if she and Latios and Latias had two siblings, although they could not fight against that existence, taking the little guy away and hiding him in an unnoticed place to develop again was at least a feasible way to avoid wasting all the previous efforts.

And this was also the strategy she and King Lucario discussed.

Now that Latios and Latias have left the island, only Celebi is left, which makes her dare not act rashly.

"Hmm, wait?"

Suddenly, Celebi stopped flying.

In the keen perception of this time spirit, it seems that something wants to break through the invisible barrier of the island and enter the island.

"Could it be Leo and Latias who are back?"

Celebi guessed, but soon overturned his conclusion.

The person coming could not be Latias or Latios, because they can smoothly transfer to the island with the power of the heart droplet, without using brute force. And this force that breaks through the barrier is very rude, without caring whether the island will be affected by the long river of time after the barrier is destroyed, and it is just forcing it. This style is definitely a bad intention here.

"Could it be..."

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Celebi reacted instantly, with a horrifying guess in his mind.

Without time to think, the elf of time hurried through the forest and soon came to the other side of the island. With the wave of her hand, a small gap was opened in the barrier of the island, which was big enough for her to get out of the island.

In order to escape, Celebi flew to a certain direction upstream of the long river of time without looking back.

But at the moment of flying to the past time and space, an air blade disturbed the fragments of time and slashed fiercely.

Celebi was caught off guard and could only use energy to protect himself in a hurry.

But the power of the air blade was too strong, breaking Celebi's defense at once and hitting the head of the elf of time directly.

Celebi fainted instantly after suffering a severe brain injury, and could only let inertia push herself to a place in the long river of time, which was an era farther away than the place she planned to reach.

On the other hand, Ruby was riding Latias and approaching the tower standing on the north side of the North Sea at a very fast speed.

"Mr. Ruby."

Leo communicated with Ruby through a waveguide induction from the Poké Ball.

"Just call me Ruby, no need to be so distant."

At first, Ruby was very surprised that a fighting Pokémon like Leo could use telepathy that only psychic Pokémons have. When she learned that this was a talent unique to mysterious Pokémons like Lucario, this surprise turned into curiosity. If it weren't for the emergency, I'm afraid Ruby would have asked Leo about this and that.

But thanks to Leo's telepathy, they can communicate in the Poké Ball, because Latias can carry both Asuka and Leo at the same time, because Asuka is a petite girl after all, but if it was a standard young man like Ruby, plus the heavy Lucario, Latias might not be able to bear it.

This is also the reason why Leo returned to the Poké Ball.

Just as the man and the Pokémon were communicating in their hearts, Latias suddenly issued a warning.

"Be careful!"

Ruby looked up and saw a giantA large stinging jellyfish floated up from the sea, and two red agate gems on its head flashed a charming red light.

Because the wind and rain in the sky were too fierce, in order to save energy, Latias chose to fly low over the sea surface, and this might be because he was targeted by this irrational elf with dual attributes of water and poison.

Latias wanted to avoid disputes, so he encouraged the flying energy in his body to increase his altitude.

But the stinging jellyfish didn't want to let go of the prey that he had finally spotted. Long tentacles stretched out from the sea, and the tentacles were still carrying smelly venom, as if they wanted to tie up Latias and drag him back to the nest to enjoy slowly.

Latias flew in a left turn and avoided the tentacles.

However, more tentacles were unwilling to entangle him.

No matter what, Latias was a legendary elf. Although she had always been mild-tempered, she couldn't help but want to fight back in the face of the stinging jellyfish's unscrupulous provocation.

"No, let me do it."

Knowing that Latias couldn't waste energy on such trivial matters at this moment, Ruby threw out the Poké Ball.

A water Pokémon was summoned.

However, it was not Swampert Zuzu, but another Pokémon of Ruby, Mimi.

Mimi had followed Ruby since the time of the Smelly-Shredd, and had experienced conflicts and reconciliations with Ruby before she transformed and evolved into Mimi. At this time, Mimi looked at her opponent with a serious expression.

"MImi, use [Dragon Tail]."

Mimi swam forward gracefully, but in the next moment, it was caught off guard and slammed its long tail hard on the venomous jellyfish.

The venomous jellyfish, attracted by the graceful posture of Mimi, failed to dodge Mimi's powerful tail swing full of dragon energy, and suffered a lot.

It was only in the deep sea where the strong prey on the weak that it could grow to such a large size. The stinging jellyfish blocking the way was not a simple Pokémon.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the contact between Mienshao and itself, venom continued to be secreted from its body, and these black and purple liquids took the opportunity to infect the body along Mienshao's tail.


Mienshao was corroded by the venom and couldn't help but cry out in pain. The black and purple color of poisoning also appeared on its body.

Although Leo was in the Poké Ball, he could see it clearly through the waveguide sensing.

"Ruby, do you need an antidote?"

Ruby, who was lightly equipped, only carried a Poké Ball and a few bottles of medicine. He didn't keep other less important medicines on him. Now Mienshao was poisoned. If he was not treated in time, although his life would not be in danger, it would still prolong the battle with the stinging jellyfish and delay a lot of time.

In order to get to the Sky Tower as quickly as possible, Leo didn't mind exposing his [Backpack] ability. At most, he could just use this as his unique talent to fool around like he did when dealing with Asuka.

"No, it's not necessary."

Ruby answered confidently, and then gave the second command to Mienshao.

"Mimi, [Water Tail]!"

Enduring the pain of the burning venom, Mienshao swung his long tail again.

The stinging jellyfish knew that the opponent had been poisoned, and in a weak body, his defense would inevitably be weakened, so he raised his tentacles confidently and stabbed with a [Poison Attack].

However, the opposite happened. The tentacles that were originally thought to be able to pierce Mienshao's body were rejected by the hard scales.

The scales were flashing with colorful light.

The stinging jellyfish's reckless advance gave Mienshao an opportunity.

"Bang", the tail rolled up a huge wave, and then hit the stinging jellyfish with the help of the wave.

[Water Tail], which is more powerful than [Dragon Tail], directly hit this poisonous Pokémon back into the water, and it dared not float up again for a long time.

"Well done, Mimi, use [Refresh] to remove the poisoning state."

After winning the battle, Ruby did not hesitate to praise. While Mienshao Mimi used [Refresh], she came over to act coquettishly to Ruby.

"Ruby, why don't you use [Refresh] to remove the poison first, and then attack? Wouldn't the Pokémon's defense ability decrease with the poisoning state?"

Leo couldn't help asking.

"Haha, it's just the opposite."

Ruby stroked the smooth scales on Mienshao and answered.

"Because my Mimi's characteristic is 'magic scales', this characteristic allows Mimi to use the hardening of scales to improve defense after being in an abnormal state. This is also a strategy to paralyze the opponent and then succeed in one strike."

For a master-level Pokémon trainer like Luby, it isThey would not miss any opportunity that was small enough to change the situation.

They continued to set off.

Latias also released his aura appropriately, which frightened some weak elves and made them avoid him from a distance.

So in the following journey, except for a few elves, they basically did not encounter much obstruction.

Finally, Latias flew to the bottom of the tower.

Latias, Ruby, and Leo in the Poké Ball (using waveguide sensing) observed the world's tallest tower together.

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