"Time-travel gem: a gift from Celebi, it seals the power of time-travel, can go back to any time or travel to any space, return after the power disappears, and can be used 'only once'."

The gem with the magical ability of time-travel comes from the mysterious system reward after saving Latios from the control of the dark power.

Originally, Leo planned to keep this gem to travel back to the past to trace his origins and the truth of the inexplicable disappearance of the Lucario family, but at this moment, it seems that this gem has a new use.

However, the more important point is that this gem can only be used once.

Without much consideration, Leo made a decision.

"I'm sorry, let me use this gem this time. After finding Celebi, I believe there will be many opportunities to go back to the past."

I don't know who to apologize to, but in the dark, Leo muttered to himself in the air and said the above words.

As soon as he finished speaking, the azure gem necklace hanging around his neck, which he had almost forgotten, shook slightly, and a few faint rays of light flashed on the dim gem.

However, Leo did not know and did not notice the abnormality of the necklace.

He stood up and said to Latias: "Xiaoya, thank you for your help. Leave the next thing to me."

"Where are you going?"

"I... I want to go back ten years to find out where Rayquaza went?"

"Are you going alone?"

"Yes, you have helped us a lot, and we can't trouble you anymore. Moreover, this island still needs the power of you and the Heart Drop to repair it."

After speaking, Leo took out the time-space shuttle gem and was about to inject energy to activate it.

Unexpectedly, Latias stepped forward and grabbed Leo's claws.

"You are the brave warrior of the waveguide and our last hope. Let me help you. After all, this is the promise made by me, my brother and your mother."

"Xiao Ya, you..."

Leo was very surprised.

The time shuttle gem was injected with energy, and it instantly bloomed with colorful light, wrapped the two elves, turned into a stream of light, rushed out of the island, and shuttled in a certain direction upstream of the long river of time.


In a research institute in the Middel area.

With a crisp "bang", the glass in the researcher's hand fell down and fell to the ground, scattering glass fragments all over the floor.

The colleague next to him was startled. He was already worried about the disaster now. When he heard this sound suddenly, he thought that the runaway elves had come again and almost ran away.

"I said, why are you always in a daze recently?"

The colleague said unhappily to the researcher who broke the glass, and then seemed to think of something, and came over with a smirk.

"You didn't meet a nice girl, did you? You are not righteous. How can you enjoy such a good resource by yourself? Hurry up and tell me which family this nice girl is from, so that I can give you a good judgement. It would be best if she brought a few girlfriends with her. We promise that we will never mess around."

Soon, several thirsty singles rushed up and hooked up with the researcher.

Letting his colleagues play around, the researcher lowered his head and picked up the debris on the ground, but his eyes seemed to drift to an unknown place.

"...Three Golems...Born from Rock, Ice and Steel...The Giant King...When they merged...Awakened...Lightning...Dragon...The elements that make up the world...Stop...The Earth...The Ocean..."

A certain mysterious words kept echoing in his mind, but when he wanted to recall it carefully, he found that he could not remember anything.

"Did I forget something?"

Suddenly, the researcher stood up suddenly and ran to the historical document storage room behind him.

On the way to Silent Water City, Safiya and others discussed how to form teams separately.

Because Kyogre, as the god of the sea, is naturally a water attribute, and Groudon, as the god of land, is undoubtedly a ground attribute. In this world, due to the law of attribute restraint set by the God of Creation, even the strongest beasts cannot escape this. Therefore, attacking the attribute weaknesses of the two super ancient beasts will be beneficial to the battle in the near future.

Here is a list of the basic information of this group of top trainers.

According to the different attributes that the trainers are good at, they are divided into two teams.

The members who target Kyogre are:

The current Middel champion, Safiya, has Pokémon: Lizard King, Boskodora, Whale, Aledo, etc.and Dungeon.

Former Middel champion, steel-type Pokémon master - Daigo Tsushima, owns Pokémon: Metagross, Armored Bird, Psychic Doll, Dragon Head Diglett and Archaeopteryx.

One of Middel's Four Heavenly Kings, Psycho King - Gosong, owns Pokémon: Alakazam, Sun Eevee, Wall Doll, Bronze Bell, Slow King.

One of Middel's Four Heavenly Kings, Dragon-type King - Genji, owns Pokémon: Dragonite, Tyrannosaurus, Thorn Dragon, Tanabata Bluebird, Desert Dragonfly.

One of Middel's Four Heavenly Kings, Ghost King - Furong, owns Pokémon: Gengar, Soul Eyes, Night Stalker, Wind Ball, Dream Demon.

The members who target Groudon are:

Former Middel champion, ruins exploration expert - Bamboo Ran, owns Pokémon: Garchomp, Togekiss, Glaceon, Roserade, Rock Flower and Porygon Z.

Former Water Gym Leader, Prince of Water - Mikoli, owns Pokémon: Milotic, Gyarados, Gemstar, and King Catfish.

Super Nova of the Grand Prix - Ruby, owns Pokémon: Swampert, Wolfdog, Gracecat, Gardevoir, Milotic, and Bubble.

Current Weston Islands Champion - Dante, owns Pokémon: Charizard, Dragonball, Double Axe War Dragon, and Super Armor Rhydon.

Pokémon breeding expert from the East region - Akin, owns Pokémon: Infernape, Longtailed Monster, Frog King, and Pokkis.

One of the Four Heavenly Kings of Middel, the Fire King - Daye, owns Pokémon: Flamemon, Arcanine, Ninetales, and Flamehorse.

Basically, both teams are composed of Pokémon that can suppress the attributes of the corresponding super ancient beasts as much as possible. Each Pokémon is a Pokémon with super strength in the world today. The power of this combination is enough to make any organization unmatched.

"Come out."

During the march, everyone in the combat team summoned their own Pokémon one by one.

The main reason was that they were worried that it would be inconvenient to summon Pokémon after entering the power coverage of Kyogre and Groudon, so they summoned them in advance to prepare and discuss how to cooperate with each other.

Except for Dante's Pokémon and Akin's Pokémon, the other Pokémon were old acquaintances. They greeted each other in a friendly manner and followed their trainers silently.

So, starting from Kyle City, this group of humans and Pokémons exuding a powerful aura set off directly to Jingshui City.

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