
A series of screams broke the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere of the Crescent Forest.

On the tree-lined avenue piled with fallen leaves, a blue and black puppy-like elf was seen running desperately with its head down, holding a walking grass with green grass on its head and a black and blue ball-shaped body in its left and right paws. There was also a walking grass on its head that used the grass leaves on its head to scratch Riolu's head, so that it would not be pulled down during Riolu's fast running.

"Ahhh, did you do something to piss off these birds!"

Leo complained to the walking grasses around him while running wildly.

"No, we were basking in the sun, and they chased us away as soon as they came up!" The walking grasses said it was not their fault.

If the camera zoomed out a little, you could see a group of bird-shaped elves with brown and yellow feathers, Bobo, and a slightly larger Pidgeot, flapping their wings frantically and chasing after them.

The cause of the incident was this:

Leo followed the direction he chose and kept exploring in the forest. During this period, when he was thirsty, he looked for water to drink, and when he was hungry, he looked for fruit trees everywhere to pick fruits to fill his stomach. He had a good experience of outdoor life for a period of time.

One day, when he was enjoying the natural scenery in the forest, he suddenly found a noisy sound not far away.

"Oh, it feels so lively."

Leo ran forward excitedly, hid behind the tree, and quietly poked his head out to watch.

I saw a large group of Bobo flying in the air in front, calling out to the walking grasses who were hiding in the dense grass and shivering and leaning against each other.

A Pidgeot flying at the front of the Bobo group shook the three clusters of pink feathers on its head, and made a sharp sound.

"You, get out of here quickly!"

All the way in the forest, I could only encounter elves such as caterpillars and metal pupa. Apart from the initial novelty, Leo had long been tired of seeing them. Now seeing several different elves appear in front of him, Leo once again deeply realized that he had traveled to this elf world.

However, Leo felt something was a little wrong.

The bodies of the Bobos and Pidgeots flying in the air trembled from time to time, and the Pidgeots' cries gradually revealed a hint of crazy agitation.

"Chi, you...we...deserve to die!"

"Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!"

The Pidgeots' cries were like a broken machine, pausing and pausing. Suddenly, its dark eyes seemed to be stained with blood red, and a layer of bright red light like blood appeared outside its brown body, and its majestic face showed a ferocious and crazy look.

Not only the Pidgeots, this crazy breath seemed to be contagious, and the Bobos flying behind the Pidgeots also fell into this terrifying state of madness.

Seeing the bird elves in front of them change their appearance, several walking grasses hiding in the grass screamed in fear, and quickly pulled themselves out of the soil, moving their short legs to escape, and the clusters of grass leaves on their heads were shaking nervously.

As if disturbed by the scream, the Pidgeot bird stared at the walking grass with a fierce look, and dived towards the walking grass with its claws open to grab them.

The walking grass with only two short legs was no match for the flying Pidgeot and Popo. Seeing that the walking grass was about to die under the Pidgeot bird's claws, a basin-sized stone was thrown from the side, hitting the fast-moving Pidgeot bird and causing it to tilt.

Perhaps because he felt that the Pidgeot bird's changes were too strange, Leo couldn't bear to see the tragic end of the walking grass, so he picked up a big stone and threw it at the Pidgeot bird.

A stone startled a thousand waves. The crazy Pidgeot bird was hit by the stone and hurt. Its blood-red eyes instantly noticed the figure of Leo hiding on the side.

"Chirp chirp chirp——"

The Pidgeot bird quickly turned around and attacked Leo fiercely. At the same time, the other Popo rushed towards the walking grass fiercely.

Seeing that things were not going well, Leo turned around and ran away without hesitation. When he ran past those stompers, he saw that they were running with difficulty, so he picked them up and ran away together. The stompers were small, each weighing only a few kilograms, and as a fighting Pokémon, Riolu was naturally very powerful, and he could still maintain a very fast speed while holding two or three stompers.

So there was the previous scene of you chasing me and me running away.

"Hu, hu, hu!"

Even though Leo ran desperately, the ground of the forest was not flat all the way. All kinds of thorny branches and sharp gravel scattered on the ground of the forest caused great trouble for their escape.

The Pidgeots were getting closer and closer.

"This is not a solution."

Listening to the flapping of wings behind his headThe sound of the movement became louder and louder. Leo made up his mind, stopped, and threw away the few walking grass hanging on his body. He was left to turn around and face the flying Pidgeots.

"Calm down, take a look at their data first."

The light screen in front of him promptly displayed the data of the bird elves flying over:



Encounter progress: 5 / 10

Battle progress: 0 / 10

[Real-time analysis]

Elf: Normal - Bobo (Frenzy) x 9

Level: Lv10

Attributes: General + Flying

Features: Sharp eyes (hit rate in battle will not change due to any changes)

Moves: Impact (Lv1), Sand Shifting (Lv0)

Elf: Elite - Pidgeot (Frenzy) (Male)

Level: Lv18

Attributes: General + Flying

Features: Sharp Eyes (hit rate in battle will not change due to any changes)

Special: Rapid Flight (long-trained flying skills allow him to fly faster)

Moves: Wind (Lv2), Impact (Lv1), Sand Swing (Lv1), Lightning Flash (Lv0)


“凸(艹皿艹 ), how can Lv5 beat Lv10, and there is a Lv18 one!”

Leo was crazy in his heart, using words to greet his bad luck.

“And this Pidgeot has an elite prefix. According to this inference, isn’t it equivalent to a small boss…”

Leo took a look at his own skills: [Lightning Flash] and [See Through].

[Lightning Flash]: Pounce on the opponent with lightning speed.

[See Through]: A move that completely blocks the opponent by observing the opponent’s actions.

"When I played games before, these two skills were priority skills. I wonder if they will have the effect of priority in this real world. If I use See Through to avoid the first wave of damage in the next attack, and then quickly use Lightning Flash to break up their formation, I should have a chance to find a chance to escape smoothly in the chaos."

Although I don't know how to use the moves, but for things like moves, it should be enough to just shout them out with momentum... Maybe?

There was no time to think about it. Leo adjusted his breathing and concentrated his mind. At the same time, he slightly opened his legs, clenched his fists and placed them in front of his chest, posing a very familiar fighting posture, as if his eyes were wearing black eye masks and staring at the fierce attack of the flock of birds in front.


The Pidgeots and Popos flapped their wings and flew all the way, even rolling up a gust of wind, and the bird beaks reflecting the cold light rushed over unstoppably.

At the moment when the two sides were about to collide

"Good opportunity, now is the time, use [See Through] to dodge, then [Lightning Flash]!"

Leo's eyes sparkled, and he shouted the name of the move with great momentum.

The flock of birds was frightened by the sudden shout, and they passed by Leo, looking at the posing Riolu with a look of doubt on their crazy faces.

The scene instantly fell into an awkward silence.

Nothing happened.

A drop of non-existent cold sweat flowed from Leo's head.

"It's over, this move can't be released... Why is it different from the animation in the game? Can't you use it by shouting the move? When Xiaozhi commands Pikachu to use 100,000 volts, he just shouts at the top of his voice."

"Did I shout too hard?"

Leo hurriedly shouted in a low voice while the Pidgeots didn't react.

"【See through】!"

"【Lightning flash】!"

At the same time, the body desperately made various postures, hoping for a miracle.

However, nothing happened.

As if seeing through the bluff of Riolu in front of it, the leading elite Pidgeot's eyes became fierce, and "chirped" to call on the companions behind to launch another dive attack.

"It's over! There is no way to hide so close, I won't be killed so miserably just after being born in this new world!"

Leo wailed inwardly, facing the sharp bird beak so close, he could only hold his head with both hands, squatting on the ground in a defensive posture, hoping to minimize the range of attack.

Just when Leo gritted his teeth and tried to resist this wave of impact, a turning point appeared.

"Jenny, 【Water Gun】!"

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