Walking out of the valley, a Magikarp covered with golden scales was unconscious in the shallow water of the stream.

The little sister of Walking Grass carefully patted the Magikarp with the grass on her head, which stimulated the latter to tremble.

"Is this Pokémon a Magikarp? The color is so strange, is it sick?"

"Little sister, stay away."

The big brother of Walking Grass quickly used the grass to roll his little sister away, away from Magikarp, for fear that this strange Pokémon would spread the virus.

Most of the other Pokémons also watched from afar with curiosity and a little disgust.

Have you never seen a 'shiny' Pokémon? Leo complained about the vigilance of the Pokémons in his heart, but he also discovered a fact that the Shiny Pokémon, which is sought after by human trainers, is regarded as a "diseased" and "weird" individual in the Pokémon community and is rejected by the Pokémon community.

Recalling the bullying of the golden Magikarp by a bunch of elves in the Crescent Lake not long ago, it was probably caused by the rejection of "aliens".

"So, neither humans nor elves will tolerate the "aliens" in their own group." Leo sighed.

However, Squirtle Boss is also knowledgeable. He has seen many shiny elves in the past when fighting with various human trainers, and naturally knows that this is not caused by any virus. On the contrary, he is more concerned about the hidden meaning behind the Shiny Magikarp falling here: he also knows that there is such a Shiny elf in the Crescent Lake, and whether this Shiny elf fainted here means that something unexpected has happened in the Crescent Lake.

He thinks that the most urgent task is to cure the Shiny Magikarp and then get information from the Magikarp.

So Squirtle Boss walked forward and lifted the Magikarp's tail.

Don't think that Magikarp is small because there is a "fish" in its name. This kind of elf will grow to nearly 1 meter long under normal circumstances. But Squirtle was only a little over half a meter tall, and could only drag Magikarp's tail.

Seeing that the other elves were reluctant to help, Leo sighed again and helped Squirtle lift the head of Shiny Magikarp.

The two elves carried Shiny Magikarp to the edge of the pond.

"Hua La La", the active water energy came out from Squirtle's hands, nourishing Shiny Magikarp and revitalizing his extremely tired body.

Shiny Magikarp gradually regained consciousness. The moment he woke up, his originally round and dull eyes flashed a trace of vigilance, and he calmed down after seeing the surroundings clearly.

"Thank you."

Shiny Magikarp thanked Leo and Squirtle softly, and turned around, ignoring his body that had not yet fully recovered, flipped, and fell into the pond with a "plop", relying on himself to absorb water energy to restore his strength.

"How did you fall in front of the valley? Did something happen in the Crescent Lake?"

Seeing that the Shiny Magikarp had recovered his energy a little, the Squirtle boss stopped dragging his feet and asked directly.

As the Shiny Magikarp told the story, the elves began to understand what happened not long ago.


Time went back to yesterday.

Overlord Nidoking led the elves of the poisonous swamp to rush to the Chaoyang Valley, while on the other side, the leaders Snorlax and Pidgeot led the flying elves flying all over the sky to the Crescent Lake.

All this, the Shiny Magikarp far away in the Crescent Lake was naturally unaware of it.

Day after day, he kept swimming hard in the rushing water of the waterfall, trying to reach the top of the waterfall. As for why he did this, whether it was a desire from the soul or to pursue an unknown dream, he himself didn't know. Even if he was rejected and bullied by other elves, he still wanted to cross the highest peak.

Moreover, he has a very important friend, a good friend who does not laugh at him, reject him, or bully him.

This time, just when the Shiny Magikarp was washed to the bottom by the waterfall again, a rustling sound was heard.

"Ayu, look, I found a big fruit."

The Shiny Magikarp tiredly spit out a few bubbles, floated up from the lake, and looked at a blue Psyduck that was happily splashing water from the shore.

This is his friend, a blue Psyduck, the Shiny Elf among Psyducks. Just as the Shiny Magikarp with golden scales looks very strange among a group of red-scaled Magikarps, his friend was born with blue hair, and was also a special existence among a group of Psyducks with golden hair.

But his friend was lucky that their leader, the Golduck leader of Crescent Lake, was also evolved from Psyduck, so even the Shiny Psyduck,As a strange existence, other elves dare not bully him easily under the majesty of the leader Golduck. But even if they dare not bully him, other water elves are not willing to play or train with Blue Psyduck.

But Shiny Magikarp is not so lucky. Even the leader of the Magikarp tribe, Elite Gyarados, is one of the strong men of Crescent Lake. However, because Elite Gyarados itself hates Shiny Magikarp, a fellow of the strange color, and Magikarp is naturally weak, other water elves are more unscrupulous in excluding and bullying Shiny Magikarp. Only Blue Psyduck still regards Shiny Magikarp as his friend.

It may be the same specialness and loneliness that makes Blue Psyduck not bully Shiny Magikarp like other companions, but often finds Shiny Magikarp to play with him, and likes to share the collected food with him. Over time, the two elves have formed a deep friendship, which is one of the reasons why Shiny Magikarp tolerates not leaving Crescent Lake.

Because he was afraid that if he left, Blue Psyduck would lose his only friend.

While Shiny Magikarp was lost in thought, Blue Psyduck had already swam in front of him. He clumsily broke the fruit with his short hands and handed half to Shiny Magikarp, with a silly smile on his face: "Here, give it to you. You will have the strength to swim again after you are full."

Feeling the emptiness in his stomach, Shiny Magikarp didn't hesitate and opened his mouth to swallow half of the fruit.

The sweet tree juice kept oozing out of his mouth, and it was so delicious that Shiny Magikarp's eyes narrowed: "Hmm, it's really good."

Blue Psyduck scratched his head and showed a complacent smile: "I picked it up on the shore with great difficulty. If I hadn't had short legs and couldn't climb the tree, I could have picked a few more from the tree. What a pity."

"How is your headache recently?"

Psyduck often suffers from headaches due to overflowing spiritual power, and Blue Psyduck is no exception.

Blue Psyduck was distressed: "It's still the same. It's really painful when it hurts, but fortunately I don't remember it after it's over."

The two elves chatted while eating tree fruits.

Unfortunately, they didn't chat for long before a group of water elves swam over. One of the normal-looking Psyduck hurriedly dragged Blue Psyduck away: "Ha, why are you looking for this "monster" to play with again? Go away."

Blue Psyduck didn't have time to say anything, and could only hurriedly leave an apologetic look before being pulled away by his fellow elves.

Shiny Magikarp was used to being rejected by other elves. Seeing his friends leave, he planned to hit the waterfall again to temper his body.

But the remaining water elves seemed unwilling to let him go.

"Why don't we..."

Several agate jellyfish laughed and whispered.

Suddenly, the agate jellyfish stretched out their tentacles with a smirk on their faces, stirring the lake water with water energy, and soon stirred up a rapidly rotating water vortex.

The Shiny Magikarp was caught off guard by the whirlpool, and after a while of dizziness, it was stuck in the gap between two rocks and couldn't get out for a while.

"Hehe, monster, just enjoy it here."

The other water elves also watched the Shiny Magikarp being teased with gloating, and after making fun of it, they swam away with a smile.

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