A series of elf information appeared in the [Illustrated Book]. What shocked Leo was that the words "violent enhancement" appeared on the titles of all the elves in the Toxic Swamp, and their leader, Overlord Nidoking, had an additional "aura" information than the information he had seen before.

"Overlord aura?!!"

With the word "overlord" in the title, this must be a trait that only overlord-level elves have. And the overlord aura opened by Overlord Nidoking - violent aura, just looking at the name and explanation, you can tell how powerful it is!

This is indeed the case. After gaining the overlord aura, the Toxic Swamp elves suddenly suppressed the elves in Chaoyang Valley and Crescent Lake.

"Did you have fun fighting just now? Huh?!"

Nidoqueen showed a ferocious face and swung a claw with agility that was inconsistent with her huge body.

Get out of the way!

Leo screamed desperately in his heart, but his body was suppressed by the invisible pressure, as if he was out of touch and was half a beat slower, and then he was directly hit by Nidoqueen's attack.


Fortunately, the solid external armor on his body barely withstood this grab, but before Leo could react, Nidoqueen waved his claws wildly.


Although Nidoqueen's claws were short, the tips of the claws were still very sharp. With the speed of the 【Scratch】 move, Leo's armor was scratched directly, and the heavy force made Leo's body under the armor also suffer attacks.

"【See... See through】!"

Leo struggled to use the energy in his body, trying to use the 【See through】 move to dodge this crazy grab, but before the familiar sense of time lag came, he saw a big foot stepping hard on him.

"Bah! Still want to hide?"

"Bang——", dust was raised, Nidoqueen used another [Heavy Stomp], this time she stepped on Leo tightly to the ground, and suppressed Leo with her weight so that Leo could not get up.

"Puff, cough cough——"

Being stepped on from the waist by a huge force, no matter how hard the armor on Leo's body was, the force was still transmitted to his body through the armor, and he was stepped on directly, his eyes turned black, and blood mist spurted out of his mouth.

Just when Leo was frantically grabbed by Nidoqueen with [Random Grab], Mosquito-incense-kun and Arm Strength wanted to help, but they didn't expect that as soon as they moved, several thick tails directly tied them up tightly.

A huge snake head came over with a grin.

"You, you fell asleep under [Hypnosis], didn't you?"

Arm Strength said in disbelief.

Arbok grinned grimly, tilted his head and nodded at the pile of damaged snake skins on the ground: "[Hypnosis] is useless to us. We can get rid of this abnormal state by shedding our skins."

As he spoke, the snake's tail kept tightening, tying up Mosquito and Arm Power so that they couldn't breathe.

On the other side, Sandslash used a claw to disperse the [Water Gun] that was spraying over, and the earth energy with a yellow and red color on his body lit up, and he shouted angrily: "Die!"

"Bang", the land under Sandslash collapsed, and countless stones flew up and hit Queen Flower and Lapras.

Facing the rocks falling from the sky, Queen Flower's petal storm was directly shattered.


Lapras hurriedly pulled Queen Flower over and protected her under his hard back shell.

"Pah pah pah pah", the stones fell like a torrential rain, hitting the elves and causing great damage.

At this moment, the good situation of the elves in Chaoyang Valley and Crescent Lake suddenly reversed.

Seeing his companions fall into danger one after another, Squirtle Boss was already anxious. He gathered the water energy around him, and just when a small wave formed under his feet and he wanted to go over to rescue his companions, he was grabbed by a brute force and lifted into the air.

"Where do you want to go!"

Squirtle Boss turned his head and saw a dazzling murderous light on the ferocious face of Nidoking Overlord.

"Damn it..."

Squirtle Boss struggled hard, trying to get rid of the claws that were holding him like a clamp.

However, the strongest point of turtle elves is the turtle shell on their backs, but the weakest point is also the turtle shell. Once the turtle shell is grabbed, the short limbs of turtle elves can only wave helplessly and cannot be easily shaken off.

"【Water Gun】!"

Since he couldn't get rid of it with his limbs, Squirtle immediately sucked a large amount of water energy into his mouth and sprayed a column of water at Nidoking Overlord in an attempt to force him to release his claws.

"Pah", just like slapping a mosquito, Nidoking Overlord grabbed Squirtle with his right claw and casually swung his left claw to disperse the powerful water column."Feel the cries of your companions, and then surrender in endless regret, hahahaha..."

Nidoking Overlord laughed wildly, and the red and black energy on his body fluctuated more and more violently.

He did not attack Squirtle Boss further, but held the latter's shell tightly, forcing Squirtle Boss, who could not get rid of it, to face the current situation of his companions being counterattacked.

"Do I have to experience the pain of my companions being bullied again..."

Seeing his companions wailing constantly, Squirtle Boss struggled desperately, feeling extremely painful in his heart.

Not far away, the brothers and sisters of Walking Grass were knocked to the ground by the ferocious Digletts.

"Am I unable to do anything again..."

Not far away, the arm monkey monster Geodude was poisoned by the poison needles of the Nido clan and his face turned blue.

"Am I another loser, like the one who was abandoned by 'him' a long time ago..."

Not far away, the elves in Chaoyang Valley and Crescent Lake were beaten to a pulp by the elves in the poisonous swamp because their power was suppressed and their individual strength was not as good as the other side. Some elves were even seriously injured and fell to the ground dying.

Looking at the helpless and painful expressions in the eyes of the elves in Chaoyang Valley, Squirtle felt heartbroken.

He closed his eyes painfully.

The image of the blue-haired boy who was thought to have been forgotten seemed to appear in front of him, the disappointed and indifferent eyes in the end, and the frustrated sighs.

"Forget it, I am incompetent and should not resist fate. So let it go. I am tired..."

Squirtle showed a depressed expression on his face, and his limbs that were struggling desperately slowly stopped...


Suddenly, it seemed that a strong current passed through Squirtle's heart.

"Bullshit, don't give up!"

In the mind of the Squirtle boss, a puppy-like Pokémon with blue and black hair shouted at him.

"This is the Chaoyang Valley that you built with your own hands, and these are the companions you protected with your own hands. How can you give up at this time!!!!"

"They trust you, believe in you, and rely on you, so, only you can save them!!!!"

Leo endured the pain of being trampled, and the waveguide on his body connected to the Squirtle boss.

"Look at the voices of your companions!"

"The power of the waveguide will always be in my heart! Give me... a link!"

Leo gathered all the energy in his body and concentrated his spiritual will as never before. A blue light came out from him, spreading out to connect all the Pokémons in the Chaoyang Valley, and it was very conspicuous in the red light that covered the sky.

"This is..."

Countless pictures flooded into the mind of the Squirtle boss like a tide.

“Flying trash!” Several young Scythers mocked a thin Scyther whose wings seemed unable to fully stretch.

“…” The thin Scyther said nothing, but had a depressed look on his face.

The scene changed, and a Squirtle wearing sunglasses smiled and stretched out his hand to the thin Scyther, took him to a beautiful valley, and said to him: “It doesn’t matter if you can’t fly, as long as you are strong enough, you can become a strong man.”

“Welcome to your new home! I will accompany you to train in the future!”

So no matter the sun or rain, you can always see a Squirtle and Scyther fighting and training at the entrance of the valley. Finally, one day, Scyther spread his strong wings and flew into the sky. When he turned around, he saw the pair of eyes covered by sunglasses showing a color of relief.

“Is this the memory of Scyther?” The Squirtle boss felt silently.

One after another, the scenes flashed before their eyes.

Several walking grasses were chased by Pidgeot and fled in panic.

Just when they were about to be caught by Pidgeot, a Squirtle jumped out and blocked them.

"You naughty ghosts, always sneaking out, I will deal with you when I go back!"

The helpless but doting tone sounded in the ears of the walking grasses.

But what remained in the eyes of the walking grasses was a back figure that was not tall but very reassuring.

The green caterpillar looked eagerly at the green leaves on the top of the tree, but suffered from the tree being too slippery to climb up.

Just when he couldn't bear it anymore, Squirtle's water gun gently shot down the delicious leaves, allowing the green caterpillar and others to go up and feast on them excitedly.

Wrist Strength was looking for the doctor everywhere, and came to Chaoyang Valley, where he was warmly entertained by Squirtle and a group of elves.


Pokemon like Monkey King and Geodude were taught various useful fighting skills by Squirtle.

Goldfish, Tadpole and Squirtle were playing in the pond, and the latter was coaxing the young Pokémon to sleep at night.

"Do you want to eat berries?"

A skinny walking grass rolled up a few berries with the grass leaves on its head and handed them to Squirtle.

"Uh, okay, thank you."

In the vision of walking grass, the Squirtle in front of him had a scar on his face, and his tone exuded an indifferent atmosphere, as if he had lost his target.

The two Pokémons ate berries silently in this quiet atmosphere.

When it was time to say goodbye, Squirtle said to Walker Grass hesitantly: "I'm leaving. You have to be careful not to be noticed by those birds again."

Looking at this lonely figure turning away, Walker Grass couldn't help but say: "Or, I'll go with you and find a place to live together."

Squirtle looked back blankly: "But where to find a place..."

"I don't know, but I believe we will always find it..."

Along the way, they encountered many things, met many elves, and went to many places.

Time passed faster.

In front of the valley in the west of the forest, a Snorlax, a Walker Grass, and a Squirtle, the three elves looked at the hole in the rock wall that was finally chiseled open, and smiled happily with gray on their faces.

At this moment, the confusion and loneliness on Squirtle disappeared.


A glimmer of blue light lit up on the body of the Squirtle boss.

Unconsciously, two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

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