The Gyarados beside him couldn't hold back any longer. He roared, and the energy on his body flowed. The water vapor in the air gathered and formed a surging wave.

Gyarados twisted his slender body and broke through the waves with great momentum.

"(Human language) Windy Dog, dodge, and use [Thunder Fang]!"

Gyarados used [Waterfall], which was a water-based move that broke through the waves and rushed towards the opponent with amazing momentum. Miss Junsha was very smart not to confront Gyarados head-on, but commanded Windy Dog to counterattack from the side with an electric-attribute move that restrained water.


Windy Dog dodged to the side, avoiding the dragon body that was breaking through the waves, bravely opened his mouth, and bit at Gyarados with a fang flashing with lightning.

Gyarados was bitten by [Thunder Fang] and was immediately shocked, but there was a smug look in his eyes.

"(Elf language) Roar, you've fallen into the trap!"

"【Tidal vortex】!"

The dragon's tail rolled up and just rolled up the wind speed dog that was biting him in the middle of the curled body. As the dragon's body kept rotating around the wind speed dog, a vortex of water flow gradually formed.

"Woo, woo, (Elf language) Damn the water flow."

The wind speed dog cried out in pain. As a fire-attributed elf, it was afraid of water. Now it was tightly entangled by the vortex of water that it could not escape. The wind speed dog felt that its mouth and nose were suffocated by the water, and its body was even colder. The original strong fire source in its body was slowly extinguished.

"Woof woof——"

The other several Gryphons barked anxiously, but they were also fire-attributed elves, and they were also afraid of this turbulent water flow. They could only spray small flames not far away to try to rescue their partners.

But in the law of nature, water and fire are naturally incompatible. The weak flames of the Gryphons were annihilated one by one by the waves rolled up by the Gyarados.

"(Human language) Windy Dog!"

Miss Junsha shouted anxiously, but she was not a professional Pokémon trainer after all. She usually carried at most 6 Pokémons. She only had Windy Dog on her at this time, and she couldn't even summon other Pokémons to help Windy Dog.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Takuma's urgent instructions came to their ears.

"Sister Junsha, and everyone else, lie down!"

Although they didn't know what to do, the policemen had the habit of lying down as soon as they were told.

Arm Strength and Mosquito Coil also lay down immediately after Takuma's instructions.


Takuma threw a small white ball in his hand, and it exploded in the air with a "bang", and countless white powders scattered in the vortex of the water flow.

At the moment when the powder touched the water flow,


A deafening explosion sounded, and the originally cold water flow instantly boiled, and the bubbles rose and fell. The violently rising high temperature created a large amount of fog, covering the center of the battle in white.

The heat wave and fog spread in the house. The leader of the Goduck snorted coldly, and his super-powered thoughts fluctuated, blocking the surging fog, but it also happened to help the humans behind him to block it.

The people and elves lying down felt the heat coming from their backs, and they all looked at Takuma with a horrified look, which made the latter scratch his head.

"It's quicklime, you know, we intellectuals will still be prepared..."

"(Human language) Quicklime makes water boil when it meets water, and at the same time produces high temperature and a lot of water vapor. I have to say it's a good idea." Mr. Guan Cheng looked at the scene in front of him and praised. As a scientist, although his job is biased towards the field of biological research, he still knows basic scientific knowledge.

But Mrs. Guan Cheng next to him looked at her husband with dissatisfaction: "(Human language) Our son is still so young, why do you only teach him these dangerous things..."

Let alone whether Guan Cheng and his wife were discussing whether their parenting policy was wrong, Takuma's brilliant move did help the wind speed dog out of trouble.

You should know that the hot flame energy is burning in the wind speed dog's body. The high temperature will not only not harm him, but will be a great help to him.

"Ah, ah--"

The high heat generated by the center of the explosion was absorbed by the wind speed dog, injecting him with powerful strength like a stimulant. At the same time, the water vortex wrapped around the wind speed dog was evaporated, and the water force weakened rapidly, and it could no longer form a strong restraint, allowing the wind speed dog to jump free.

On the contrary, the originally complacent Gyarados was scalded by the suddenly heated hot water and screamed, and had to retreat a few meters away from the high temperature.

But this gave the wind speed dog a chance.

"(Human language) Wind speed dog, good opportunity, directlyUse [Flash Charge]!"

A huge fireball suddenly formed in the air amidst the mist.

The white mist was torn apart, and with a long howl from the wind speed dog, a figure fell from the sky with blazing flames!

It was like the god of fire descending to the earth, and even more like Mars hitting the earth!

"(Human language) End him, [Flash Charge]!"

"(Elf language) Ah, take it! "

Miss Junsha and Arcanine shouted in unison.

"Boom——", the fireball hit Gyarados with a trail of flame.

The test base shook, and cracks appeared on the third floor.

Even though water-type Pokémon are naturally not afraid of fire, nothing is absolute, and the strongest fire can burn the water dry.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

Gyarados, who was hit by the explosion, burns, and collisions, could no longer bear it. He rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, losing his ability to fight.


The white mist dissipated, and the majestic Arcanine stepped on Gyarados and howled to the sky.

"(Human language) Well done, Arcanine!"

Miss Junsha was full of joy.

"Don't be careless, there is a stronger Pokémon waiting. "

Takuma poured cold water on them at this time.

On the other side, except for the Golduck leader who used his psychic power to open a barrier to help Gyarados at the beginning, he was watching his subordinate Gyarados' defeat with a cold expression, without a trace of ripples.

Miss Junsha immediately called back Windy Dog, but looked at her Pokémon's tired state and was a little worried: "(Human language) Windy Dog, are you okay?"

"Ah, ah, (Elf language) I'm still okay!"

Windy Dog's eyes showed a firm look, but his slightly trembling limbs also showed his fatigue.

"(Elf language) Buddy, leave this to us! ”

Unexpectedly, Armstrong stepped forward and patted Arcanine's body, communicating in Elvish.

"(Elvish) But..."

Arcanine hesitated.

"(Elvish) Golduck is a water-type Elf, and its attributes restrain you. Even if you are in good condition, it is not easy to deal with. It is better to let me and Mosquito-kun try."

"(Elvish) After all, this is the leader of Mosquito-kun, and he is more familiar with his leader's moves. ”

“(Elf language) Besides, I also have reasons to fight…”

Wrist looked at the old man with his eyes closed, clenching his empty right hand tightly.

Feeling the persistence of wrist, Windy Dog finally gave up the idea of ​​fighting hard, walked to his trainer, rubbed Miss Junsha to signal him to put him back in the Poké Ball to rest.

Although she didn't understand what the Pokémons were communicating, Miss Junsha seemed to understand something when she saw the wrist and Mosquito moving their bodies and walking forward.

“(Human language) You've worked hard, take a good rest.”

A beam of light shot from the button of the Poké Ball to Windy Dog, putting Windy Dog back in the Poké Ball.

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