Soichi and others and Leo and other elves who were still on the first floor heard a loud noise above their heads and looked up.

"Boom", the ceiling of the first floor suddenly broke, and a series of large and small figures fell down.

"Ah, it's Takuma and the others!"

Leo was sharp-eyed and could see that the falling figures were Takuma and the elves who were acting separately.

Before Leo could move to help, the Blastoise boss beside him had already stepped forward quickly, and the water flowing up from the ground slowed down the falling trend of everyone.

Pokémons such as Goli and Windy Dog used their good physical fitness to land steadily on the ground on the first floor.

After everything settled down, Leo had time to look up and look at this newly appeared muscular brother.

"Are you... Brother Arm Strength?"

"(Elf language) Now evolved into Goli, haha." Goli smiled heartily, and then introduced to Leo the old man he was carefully protecting behind his back. "(Elf language) This is my respected Dr. Kamiya Elf."

Dr. Kamiya was still in high spirits after being tied up and falling from the building. He first saw the eyepiece worn by Leo and the familiar instrument hanging on his ear. He said with a little surprise: "(Human language) Oh, this, isn't it the translator I gave to Wanli before? It looks like this now. It's been transformed very well."

Takuma, who was eavesdropping on the side, was secretly delighted, and then he was dragged away by his parents.

The doctor carefully observed Leo's eyepiece, then looked at Leo with a look of interest, bent down and shook hands with Leo: "(Human language) Hello, you are... Riolu, right? I didn't expect to see this legendary elf."

Leo was shocked. This was the first time he was recognized as an elf in this world. He really deserves to be the knowledgeable elf doctor.

The doctor seemed to have a strong interest in Leo. After being helped down by Hao Li, he kept observing Leo and asked questions with great interest, regardless of the tense situation on the field.

It can only be said that intellectuals can ignore the danger of life when they are eager to study.

Leo and Dr. Kamiya were talking here, and Takuma could finally hug his parents over there.

"(Human language) Takuma, let mom see if you are injured?"

Mrs. Guan Cheng checked Takuma up and down with concern.

"Dad, Mom, these are all elf friends I know."

Takuma laughed and ran to the side of the Blastoise boss, reaching out and patting the latter's thick turtle shell beside him.

Blastoise Boss: "O_O"

Just when Takuma was feeling proud, he didn't expect Lady Guan Cheng to suddenly ask seriously: "(Human language) But where did you get those explosive things? Haven't I told you many times not to play with such dangerous things..."

"Ah, this..."

Takuma was embarrassed, and his mother grabbed his ear and kept nagging him.

Everyone gathered together to talk, but ignored an important person.

"Tsk tsk tsk, these temporary brainwashing tools are really bad."

Jerrod's disgusted voice sounded, in front of him was Gyarados who fainted on the ground, and the leader of Golduck stood beside him with his hands down and his head lowered.

He kicked Gyarados hard with his foot, with disgust in his eyes.

"Forget it, I knew these rubbish were unreliable, and I still have to use 'Him''s' power in the end." Gerald casually took off his cloak, threw it aside, and hooked his finger on the collar of his clothes with the Rocket Team's target printed on it, as if he wanted to dissipate the heat inside his body.

At this time, his pale face showed an abnormal flush, and his face showed a fanatical expression.

"Let you see what the power of God is. Tremble, struggle, and wail under this power." Gerald laughed wildly.


Is it finally coming?

Stopping chatting, Soichi, Leo, Blastoise Boss and others looked at the excited Gerald.

"Boom", "Boom", Leo was actually a little amused by Gerald's exaggerated performance before, but when he saw the latter's next behavior, the original smile in his heart disappeared all of a sudden, leaving only the heart nervously, heavily, jumping, jumping.

"Pay attention!"

Soichi whispered to Blastoise Boss.

The Blastoise boss nodded, his eyes fixed on Jarrod's every move.

Jarrod slowly took out a shrunken Poké Ball from his waist. The color of this Poké Ball was different from the common red and white color scheme. It was a dark black color that seemed to absorb all the light. Only the dividing line and buttons in the middle were white, which was the opposite of black.

"Ding", Gerald pressed the button in the middle of the Poké Ball, and the entire dark Poké Ball swelled up to the size of a fist.

Under the gaze of everyone and the Pokémon, this unusual black Poké Ball began to ooze out black and purple smoke, circling around the Poké Ball and Gerald, and a vast but evil aura lingered in it.

"Ah, my God!"

Gerald's eyes showed a fanatical look.

"Interrupt his summons! Blastoise, use [Water Gun], aim at that Poké Ball!"

Suddenly, Soichi gave a direct order, and the Blastoise boss also sprayed out a stream of water without hesitation.

"Pachirisu, use [100,000 Volts]!"

After commanding the Blastoise boss, Soichi turned and signaled Pachirisu, who was lying on his shoulder, to attack together.

"Ah! "Pachirisu jumped up flexibly, his body flashing with electric light, and the bright yellow electric energy was instantly charged. Lightning shot out with a crackling sound, mixed with the water flow of Blastoise, and the water energy carried the electric energy, rushing over with amazing momentum.

"Interrupt the summon? Can you still play like this? "

Leo's eyes widened.

This is a reasonable and unexpected development. The rules of you and I in the previous life's game will naturally not appear in the real world. It is also a wonderful attack to seize the initiative to interrupt the opponent's summoning of elves. Although this is not allowed in real elf battles, who is facing them now? It is an evil villain organization, so there is no need to argue with them about what rules and morality are. After all, the opponent is not a person who abides by morality and rules.

It's just that Soichi's calculations are good. As long as he knocks away or snatches the summoned elf ball before Gerald summons the powerful elf, he doesn't have to fight with the elf.

The 100,000-volt electric shock water gun is powerful, but Soichi ignores the Golduck leader who has been standing quietly with his head down after falling down one floor.

"(Elf language) [Freezing Beam]! "

A bone-chilling energy wave gushed out of the mouth of the Golduck leader. The ice system is not weaker than the electric system, so the electric light mixed in the water flow did not play its role. Instead, because the energy wave of the [Freezing Beam] was extremely low in temperature, it froze the water flow when it collided with the [Water Gun], and it could only fall to the ground and shatter.

The short moment of the two sides fighting was enough for Gerald to summon his Pokémon.

Gerald laughed wildly at the sky, covered his head with his left hand, and threw the inky black Poké Ball with his right hand: "Hahahahaha, my great god! ! ! "

"Show them your endless power! ! ! "

"Make them tremble, make them beg for mercy, make them regret! ! ! "

"Come out! ! ! "

"Super! Dream! "

Instantly, time seemed to stand still, and space seemed to freeze. The air that was originally flowing all the time now slowed down, as if it was stuck in a quagmire. A strong sense of stagnation appeared around everyone and the elves.

Moreover, it was quiet, extremely quiet. Whether it was the sounds of various creatures around the test base or the gentlest breeze, they all disappeared completely at the moment when the god appeared. A terrible silence enveloped everyone and the elves.

Then, endless dark purple light spread out. It was obviously a light that leaned towards darkness, but it contained a breathtaking rhythm that made people unable to look directly at it.

After that, the mighty pressure came over like a wave covering the sky and the sun, like the wrath of God, and even more like the majesty of God pouring down, strangling people's throats and suffocating all humans and elves.


Leo desperately Panting, his eyes could not open completely, but the crazy overflowing waveguide that he could barely peek through the slits of his eyes was so powerful that it made his heart palpitate.

The light gradually faded, and what remained was an extremely arrogant figure.

Two meters tall, the whole body was silver-white, only the abdomen and tail were a mysterious purple, the feet and hands were slender but powerful, and the bulge on the back extended all the way to the back of the neck. The whole elf had both humanoid posture and feline characteristics.

Mewtwo stood in the air, looking at his raised right hand, his eyes were as calm and indifferent as the abyss.

High above!

Looking down on all living things!

Coupled with the purple-black light that appeared or disappeared around him, the god appeared.

"Thump, thump..."

Just looking at Mewtwo, Leo's heart was beating wildly and uncontrollably.

"Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger! "

The vast waveguide he saw in his field of vision kept warning him.

Not only Leo, the overwhelming sense of oppression made everyone or all the elves present dare not breathe, only their pounding hearts showed theirTension and fear.

"This is the man-made god... Mewtwo?"

Even the well-informed Soichi was shocked by this unfathomable spirit, and couldn't help muttering to himself.


Leo was anxious, he knew that for this god, there were some taboo words that could not be said.

But before he could say it.


It was just that Mewtwo seemed to have heard something, and a violent expression flashed across his face. His figure flashed, and "whoosh", he instantly came in front of Soichi, looking down at this human with purple eyes.


Souichi didn't expect Mewtwo to come in front of him instantly. Before he could exclaim, in the next moment, even no one or spirit saw Mewtwo's move, and a violent energy exploded instantly.

As if he was hit by a huge force, Soichi flew backwards at a very fast speed, and the whole person hit the wall of the test base, shaking the entire base.

"Puff... cough cough..."

Blood spurted out of Souichi's mouth like it was free, and his right hand was hanging down, broken directly, and Pachirisu on his shoulder was lying limply, looking like he had fainted.

"(Human language) Mr. Souichi!"

Miss Junsha and the Guancheng couple shouted anxiously, wanting to go to rescue, but found that their legs were as if they were filled with lead and could not move at all.

"I, hate ants..."

A majestic voice sounded in the hearts of everyone and the elves.

Everyone turned around and saw that Mewtwo had returned to his original position at some point. His originally indifferent expression was now full of cruelty and hostility, and his purple eyes were emitting black light.

His left hand was raised, and a huge wave of telekinesis gathered in his hand.

"Oh, that's it, my God, please use your powerful strength to completely eliminate these ungrateful creatures."

Jerrod held the black Poké Ball in his hand, his face was abnormally flushed, and he was still shouting enthusiastically.

Mewtwo looked back at Gerrod, then turned his attention back to the front, the black light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, even covering Mewtwo's original purple pupils.

"Ahem, be careful... can't... ahem, Li Di, run away..."

Souichi, who was severely injured, barely stood up and shouted hoarsely.

Originally, he thought that with his familiarity with Pokémon and his command ability that was not inferior to that of the top trainers, and the visible strength of Blastoise, the two could cooperate with each other to fight against this so-called "God".

But the cruel reality told him.

"God", indeed God.

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