"Power, this is the most powerful power!"

Jerrod's hand holding the black Poké Ball trembled constantly.

The ultimate power he had been pursuing for a long time, even making him willing to kill other members of Team Rocket and betray his own organization to get it, now showed all its power in front of him.



A loud slap knocked a relatively sturdy boy to the ground.

"Little bastard, hand over your money!" The drunken middle-aged man yelled at the boy.

"That's the money I earned from working, I can't buy you alcohol." The boy tightly covered his pocket, where there were a few Pokémon banknotes that he had saved up with great difficulty while working at a convenience store.

The middle-aged man's eyes turned fierce, and he stepped forward to rob.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm your father, it's only natural for you to use your money to be filial to me."

The boy's physique was not inferior to the man's. The latter tried hard to bend the boy's wrist, but it didn't move for a while, so he was a little embarrassed and angry.

"You bastard, just like your damn mother, you're both a bitch!" The man gave up arm wrestling and punched the boy again and again, and then kicked him hard with his right foot, cursing. "I've raised you for so long, what's wrong with that little money to buy alcohol, huh? You little bastard dare to resist?"

The man punched and kicked the boy, and seeing the boy's shoulders, arms, body, and thighs gradually become black and red, the man seemed to feel a different kind of pleasure, and the more he beat, the more addicted he became.

The boy silently endured the beating. This was not the first time he was beaten. Whenever the man who was called his father had an alcohol addiction, he would rummage through his house to try to find money. If he couldn't find it, he would always find some excuse to beat his wife and children.

"If it weren't for this, my mother wouldn't have died so early..."

The boy thought, waiting for the man to get tired of beating him and then he could be free.

But this time, I don't know what's wrong with this man. He didn't show any signs of stopping after beating for so long. The more he beat, the harder he beat.

Gradually, blood began to appear in front of the boy's eyes, and his mind was almost not very clear.

"Garbage, waste, shit, bastard..." All kinds of dirty words appeared in the mouth of the middle-aged man.

The boy was in a trance, watching the man swearing, and somehow, he became more and more irritated, and a sense of hostility that he had never had before suddenly rose.

"Give it to me..." The boy stood up suddenly, raised his fist, and hit the disgusting face hard. "... Shut up!!!!"

The middle-aged man was knocked down by the boy's strong fist after shouting out heartbreakingly.


It seemed that he didn't expect that his "son" who didn't fight back and didn't talk back would suddenly fight back. There was only a moment of surprise and fear in the middle-aged man's eyes.

Wonderful! This feeling is so wonderful!

Seeing the "father" shut up under his punch, a wonderful feeling surged in the boy's heart.

"It turns out that I can not only take the beating, but I also have the power to resist..." The boy took a deep breath in a fascinated manner. "Is this the feeling of power? It's so wonderful."

"My dear father, now, it's your turn..."


Amid the endless screams, the sturdy boy's devilish grin was outlined.


"Brother Gerald, this is the protection fee for those shops."

The gangster with a nose ring and a yellow cockscomb hairstyle handed over the money with a flattering smile.

The sturdy man leaned against the wall, closed his eyes slightly, and nodded without comment at the money handed over by his younger brother.

"Heh, are you the ones who have been competing with us for protection fees recently?"

With a chuckle, a man wearing black clothes with a large "R" logo walked out from the corner of the wall.

The sturdy man opened his eyes and looked at the mysterious figure who suddenly appeared with murderous eyes.

"...Are you here to uphold justice? Let me see if you are strong enough."

The sturdy man clenched his fist, swung his right hand, and punched the wall behind him horizontally, making a hole of medium size.

"Haha, don't get me wrong." The mysterious man waved his hand and continued to maintain his half-smile expression.

"Violent Gerald, our boss admires you very much."

"Would you like to join..."

"Team Rocket?"


Time passed, and Gerald also went from a soldier of Team Rocket to one of the three major cadres in the East region.

But he began to feel a little bored.

"Strength, there is no way to improve it!"

After joining Team Rocket, he received his first Pokémon, this magical creatureIt opened up a way for him to gain new power. In the past, all the elves that were snatched back, even the powerful elves like Haxorus, which were recognized as quasi-god-level, could no longer satisfy his endless thirst for power.

Especially after seeing that person.

The notorious Rocket Team's highest controller, the biggest villain in history, and also an extremely powerful elf trainer. The power controlled by that person made Gerald fearful and yearning.

"Power, only power is the most important."

Gerald could no longer tolerate his "weakness", he even wanted to leave the Rocket Team to seek other ways.

Until he saw the plan.

"The eyelash fossils of the super ancient elf fantasy? The research plan of artificial super beasts? The ultimate elf beyond fantasy? The experiment of the dark elf ball?"

Gerald's eyes were bloodshot, and his heart was excited.

"Mine, this is mine, no one can take it away..."


Time has passed again.

In the east of the Crescent Forest, the highest level of the test base.

After driving away the annoying old guy, Gerald's eyes showed extreme obsession and fanaticism, staring closely at the gradually taking shape white and purple figure in the glass petri dish.

"Soon, I can have you soon..."



Gerald, who was originally very strong, has changed a lot at this time. His body has become extremely thin, and he has shrunk by a whole dimension. His cheeks, which were often full of blood, have also become extremely pale. The only thing that remains unchanged is the desire for power in his eyes and the devilish grin on his mouth.

He held a black Pokéball in his hand. Inexplicably, a black mist emerged from the Pokéball. The black mist wrapped around the Rocket team members who were at a loss. Before those team members could scream, they turned into piles of black ash and fell to the ground.

"Team Rocket is no longer of any value."

"The power I want is here!"

Jerod looked at the upper level of the test base, his eyes empty, but the greedy desire was chilling, as if it was real.

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