At this time, behind Mewtwo came Gerald's voice: "Okay, Mewtwo, bring this Pokémon to me."

Mewtwo turned his head, and his purple eyes were full of hostility.

Gerald raised the black Poké Ball again and said in a strong tone: "Say it again, this is an 'order'!"


After a moment of silence, Mewtwo said coldly: "Noisy! Get out of my way!"

"What, you dare to disobey my 'order'!"

Gerald didn't seem to expect Mewtwo to disobey the "order", and immediately pressed the button of the black Poké Ball a little angrily, trying to take Mewtwo back into the Poké Ball.

"Shut up!"

Mewtwo waved his empty left hand, causing a wave of telekinesis.

"Gotha duck, block it for me... ah ah..."

Gotha duck summoned a wave, trying to intercept the telekinetic wave that was coming, but even if it was a casual attack from Mewtwo, Gotha duck couldn't catch it, and the telekinetic wave directly dispersed the wave that was about to surge, and the telekinetic wave even knocked Gotha duck and Jerrod out together.

Jerrod also suffered the treatment of Blastoise and other Pokémons, flying directly out and crashing into the building debris beside him, groaning in pain.

He couldn't hold the black Poké Ball for a while, and the Poké Ball slipped out of his hand, and fell to the ground after bumping and colliding.

"Crack, crack", the black Poké Ball cracked into countless cracks during the collision, and wisps of black smoke leaked out from the cracks.

At the moment when the black Poké Ball shattered, Mewtwo shook violently.

"Roar, ah ah ah ah——"

As if attacked by a huge pain, Mewtwo only felt a flash of pain in his head. He covered his head with his left hand and screamed in pain. A large amount of black gas suddenly emerged from his body, and the black gas was spinning around him, entangled with the dark pink energy emanating from his body, fighting against each other, as if trying to return to Mewtwo's body.

"Cough cough... Hehu..."

Maybe Mewtwo was trying his best to fight the pain, and the telekinesis that originally held Leo tightly also unconsciously became a little loose, allowing the latter to breathe freely.

Leo breathed in fresh air, but the telekinetic palm still held him tightly, making him unable to break free.

"What, what should I do?"

Seeing that in the energy struggle around Mewtwo, the dark pink energy continued to eat away the black gas and gradually gained the upper hand, Leo knew in his heart that the opportunity was only such a short moment.

"But, what can I do..."

As if he felt that the prey in his palm seemed to be trying to break free, Mewtwo tried his best to fight against the strange black fog, but he still used a little energy to strengthen the telekinetic restraint.

The telekinetic palm that was clenched even tighter pinched Leo's hands and legs together, leaving him no room to move. Leo had also thought about releasing the energy in his body instantly and blasting the restraints through a moment of energy collision, but the energy in his body was originally weak, and compared to Mewtwo's energy level, it was like an ant shaking a tree. Moreover, he had already consumed most of his energy in the previous battle, and at this moment, he could not squeeze out much energy from his body.

For a moment, it seemed that there was no way to rescue Leo.

"Damn it, if I had a lot of energy at this time..."

As if hearing Leo's inner voice, the necklace gem that had been flashing around his neck suddenly lit up, and the azure light burst out from the gem, forming a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth. From a distance, it looked like a dark pink telekinetic hand holding a blue spear.

"This is..."

Lio was wrapped in the azure light, feeling the familiar waveguide that appeared again.


"Where is this...?"

There was nothing in front of him except a vast expanse of white.

In this space filled with endless white light, only Leo stood alone in the distance, looking around blankly.

At this time, waves suddenly appeared in the white space, and at the same time, a voice rang in Leo's ears.

Unlike the last voice full of tenderness and love, the voice that appeared this time was low, heavy, and full of majesty.

"At your age, you have reached the spiritual state of waveguide. It is not easy. You are worthy of being my..."

The mysterious voice was full of satisfaction.

"But if you want to defeat the powerful enemy in front of you..."

"Not enough, your strength is not enough..."

In the light, a blurry figure slowly emerged.

"So, what should I do?"

Leo couldn't help asking. He didn't want to give up. He knew the plot of his previous life and knew that once the Rocket Team, a villain organization that did all kinds of evil, obtained the strongest power of Mewtwo, it would be a disaster for the whole team.How much disaster and suffering has been brought to the world, and behind him, there are the elves or humans he wants to protect.

Unfortunately, Riolu, who has not grown up yet, faces the high and unrivaled super beast-Mewtwo. He tries his best, but can only barely resist one or two, let alone win.

The tall figure walks in front of Leo, bends down, and touches Leo's head with the palm of the shadow.

What surprised Leo was that it was obviously just an illusory figure, but the warmth of the palm really fell on his head.

It was a warmth that penetrated into the heart.

"Along the way, your heart has been trained strong enough. What you lack is the power to be stronger..."

"Come on, at this time, at this moment, you will borrow my power to protect what you want to protect, and fight to your heart's content..."

In the white light, endless blue light bloomed instantly!


Mewtwo let out a long breath. After circulating all his energy, the black air that had been lingering all over his body had been completely cleared away by him.

His purple eyes, which no longer had any black light, stared at his hands.

“I, have become stronger…”

Originally, it seemed that there was something in his body that had been restraining him and making him uncomfortable, but now it had been completely eliminated. He felt that not only his mind had become clear again, but also his somewhat cumbersome body had become extremely relaxed.

In the eyes of other people or elves, Mewtwo’s expression, which was originally full of violence, also eased.

“No… cough cough…”

Only Gerald knew what happened at the scene. The shattering of the black elf ball and the changes in Mewtwo made him look desperate.

“My, my power… No, you can’t…”

He looked like a madman.

Mewtwo just glanced coldly at the human that he hated, and then turned his attention back to the elf he was holding in the void.

Because an unprecedented warning of danger echoed in his heart.

"Boom", "Boom", the sound of a huge heart beating rang out in this already ruined building.

"Hahahaha, interesting..."

Mewtwo was excited, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

The telekinetic palm suddenly grew rapidly.

The expanding energy inside was constantly impacting the telekinetic palm, and the expansion was so fast and fierce that it almost made Mewtwo's telekinesis fluctuate and almost unable to hold it tightly.


Mewtwo snorted coldly, increasing his telekinesis to strengthen his telekinetic palm. Suddenly, dark pink and purple energy extended from him, and the dazzling light of the energy flow illuminated half of the sky.

But then, it seemed that there was an endless blue brilliance.

The blue light column that pierced the sky expanded outward, tearing the bound palm shadow into pieces in an instant.

Mewtwo retreated violently, and then stared at the sudden burst of light column.

In the center of the light column, a small figure appeared.

Then, the light beam suddenly shrank and disappeared into the figure.

The elf in the shape of a puppy did not evolve or mutate, and still maintained its original appearance. The only difference was that the eyes that originally emitted blue light were now introverted, leaving only a pair of deep blue eyes. The thin layer of blue light on his body disappeared, replaced by a blue shadow like a piece of armor covering his body.

Leo stared at the light screen in front of him, and the information of [Status] on the light screen scrolled by.



Elf: Legend-Wave Elf-Riolu (Wave Messenger Form) (Power Inheritance) (Male)

Level: ? ?

Attribute: Fighting

Features: Mental Power (Will not fall into a shrinking state)

HP: ? ?

Attack: ? ?

Defense: ? ?

Special Attack: ? ?

Special Defense: ? ?

Speed: ? ?

Power: Waveguide (The messenger of the waveguide, with extremely sharp perception and control, the power of the moves will be greatly improved when using the waveguide)

Moves: Waveguide Missile (??), Lightning Flash (Lv2), See Through (Lv2), Metal Claw (Lv2), Double Return (Lv1), Digging (Lv1)

Evaluation: The legendary waveguide messenger after receiving the inheritance, proficient in all waveguide skills.


There is no special attribute, instead, the attribute of power appears.

And this is not the most surprising thing for Leo.

"Waveguide Messenger?!"

Although Riolu or Lucario family are called "waveguide messengers", but now this title has turned into a real title and appeared on Leo's panel, which still surprised him. Moreover, looking at the row of question marks and the extremely powerful power in his body, Leo felt that even Mewtwo could be defeated.

"Also, is the skill of that question mark really [Wave Missile]?"

With a chuckle, Leo had already vaguely felt this result. As early as some time ago, after awakening the ability of wave perception, Leo had already felt that he could control the energy of the wave guide. As the signature skill of the wave guide elves, [Wave Missile] is one of the proofs of flexible control of the wave guide.

The power of [Wave Missile] depends on the user's control over the wave guide. If the wave guides of the elves all over the world can be gathered, the power of [Wave Missile] can even reach the level of destroying the world.

"Come on, fight with me!"

Mewtwo looked at Leo with burning eyes. He felt a faint threat from Leo, which made the war in his heart burn more fiercely.

Fighting became the only thought left in Mewtwo's heart.

Under the power of the waveguide, Leo also stood in the air, with a burning flame of war in his eyes.

"Come on, let's fight!"

"Swish", a cloak made of azure light hung on Leo's back, fluttering with the breeze, very cool.

"That's it!"

Blastoise took a deep breath, and finally, the scene he saw in his dream appeared before his eyes.

Under the overwhelming purple light, a ray of azure light went up against the light!

"Come on, Leo!"

He silently cheered for his partner in his heart.

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