On the light screen, in addition to the three familiar dials of [Status], [Illustrated Book], and [Backpack], a strange dial quietly appeared.

"What is in the [Task] panel?"

Leo curiously opened the [Task] and saw the following content displayed on the light screen:



[Main Task]

Darkness is Coming: In this era, the minions of darkness have begun to revive. Please defeat the harbinger of the coming of darkness. (Status: Completed) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 5)

Dark Disaster: Insufficient information, cannot be displayed. (Status: Incomplete) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 10)

[Secondary Task]

Strongest Evolution: Please evolve into a new form. (Status: Incomplete) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 5)

Charge Necklace: Charge a necklace that has run out of energy. (Status: Incomplete) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 5)

Repair Armor: Repair damaged armor. (Status: Unfinished) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 5)

Searching for the Past: Investigate your own past and the truth about the only Riolu/Lucario left in the world. (Status: Unfinished) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 50)


Like the task panel of a role-playing game, it gave Leo an extremely familiar feeling.

At a glance, this familiar panel seemed to contain a lot of information.

The first thing that surprised and delighted him was the only completed task on the panel.

"The beginning of darkness? The task content requires defeating the precursor of the coming of darkness?"

Leo was a little confused. This development that seemed to be a big secret made him a little confused.

"When did I complete such a task?"

"Darkness...Darkness...Ah, it can't be, that?"

Thinking in circles, Leo had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

In the corner of memory, he vaguely recalled the black light in Mewtwo's eyes during the battle with Mewtwo, and the "Pokeball" full of strange aura and strange black mist that the Rocket team cadre Gerald had been holding.

So, maybe he completed this task by accident in the duel with Mewtwo? Or maybe he vaguely remembered the result of destroying the black Pokéball?

Leo didn't have an answer in his heart.

But no matter what, it's good to complete the task. Just looking at the "Insufficient Information" prompt in the next [Dark Disaster] task, Leo somehow remembered the various mobile games in his previous life that were both hard and kryptonian.

"Fortunately, there is no need to charge money, otherwise I really suspect that Penguin Dad followed me to the other world."

What made him even more upset was the secondary task "Tracing the Past" with rich rewards.

"This quest to trace the past asks me to investigate why I am the only Riolu left in the world. God knows what happened in this world, how can I find it..."

"Although the reward of 50 free attribute points is indeed very tempting... ah ah ah ah, I am so greedy for this reward, but my liver feels like it is going to burst."

Leo complained crazily, and he felt that his liver was secretly aching.

"Forget it, let's look at something happy."

Leo turned his eyes to the [Task] panel again. The most eye-catching thing for him was the shining word "Reward". This time, the "reward" was different from the previous [Illustrated Book] "Encounter Progress" and "Battle Progress" were both item rewards. It was actually a reward of free attribute points.

Leo quickly switched to the [Status] dial to check his status.



Elf: Elite - Riolu (Waveguide Aura State) (Male)

Level: Lv20

Attribute: Fighting

Feature: Mental Power (Will not fall into a cowering state)

HP: 64

Attack: 56

Defense: 39

Special Attack: 40

Special Defense: 37

Speed: 50

Free Attribute Points: 5

Special: Waveguide Mind Control (Can mobilize the energy of the waveguide for telepathy, environmental detection and object perception)

Moves: Lightning Flash (Lv3), See Through (Lv2), Metal Claw (Lv2), Double Return (Lv1), Waveguide Missile (Lv1), Digging (Lv1), Tile Breaking (Lv0)

Evaluation: A fighting elf that is proficient in using waveguide perception and can use the power of the mind to use the waveguide.


Completely changed [Status] panel!

Recalling the [Status] panel that was full of question marks when he was in the "Waveguide Messenger" state, this panel now represents Leo's true strength.

OnlyThe changes in this real panel were so great that Leo was a little stunned.

"The title changed from half-waveguide state to waveguide aura state, and the special ability column changed from waveguide induction to waveguide mind control. This should refer to the changes caused by the ability of waveguide mind control that I learned when fighting Mewtwo before?"

"I don't know how to calculate the victory or defeat in the battle with Mewtwo, but I still gained a lot of experience points, which allowed me to rise to Lv20. At the same time, thanks to the extensive use of moves in battle, the upper limit of my move level has also been improved. The most proficient [Lightning Flash] has been upgraded to Lv3, and other moves, such as [Metal Claw] have also been upgraded by one level."

"Two new moves, [Brick Break] is just learned, So it's not surprising that it's only Lv0, but the [Wave Missile] evolved from the question mark move, has been upgraded to Lv1? It seems that although the battle with Mewtwo is extremely dangerous, the benefits are still quite rich. "

"There is no need to say much about the improvement of attributes. Conventionally, it is strong in physical attack and speed, and the double defense and special attack are still a long way behind... Hmm? I remember there was a special attack bonus before, why is it gone now?"

Leo frowned, remembering that when he first comprehended the power of wave guide, there was a +10 effect in the special attack attribute column in his [Status] panel. This effect greatly increased the power of special moves, such as the power of [Wave Missile]. Now that the special attack bonus is gone, the special attack attribute has returned to the normal state of Riolu-neither up nor down.

As for why the special attack bonus disappeared, Rio subconsciously glanced at the necklace hanging around his neck.

"Sure enough, the mysterious wave power bonus before was brought by this necklace."

The azure gem on the top of the necklace lost its luster at this moment, dim like a gray stone, without the bright blue light that flashed from time to time before.

Leo touched the necklace, and a cold touch came from the palm of his hand.

"In the [Task] panel, in addition to the [Main Task], there is also a [Secondary Task], one of which is to recharge this necklace." Leo was thoughtful. "It seems that this necklace must be hiding a secret that can be solemnly issued by the system on my body, and..."

Recalling the gentle voice when fighting against the leader of Pidgeot before, and the figure that gave him the power of "Wave Messenger" when fighting Mewtwo, Leo always felt a little empty in his heart.

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