If there is light in this world, then inevitably, darkness will also emerge. The two go hand in hand and together constitute the truest side of this world.

Because of this, there are many different professions.

Such as businessmen, doctors, scholars, police, scientists, fighters, dancers, etc., or a series of great and glorious professions such as elf trainers, elf hatchers, elf breeders, elf evaluators, etc.

However, not all humans are kind and bright. There are always some people who choose to become part of the darkness of the world, perhaps because they are forced to do so, or because of their natural likes and dislikes.

Among them, elf poachers are the existence that both humans and elves hate very much.

They always use any means to pursue money and interests. When some illegal research institutions need a large number of experimental subjects, they will use various cruel means to capture wild elves to complete the transaction of the research institutions; and when some malicious buyers make demands, they will turn into unreasonable robbers and snatch all kinds of elves with owners to meet the buyers' perverted requirements.

Richard is a member of this hateful evil team.

"Not bad, not bad, another big harvest tonight."

Walking on the road outside Yinye City, Richard smiled happily, throwing a pink wallet in his hand.

He also carried a bulging backpack on his back.

"I really don't know who came up with the "fireworks show". So many people are crowded together, isn't that a signal for me to take action. This time is enough for me to play for several days. Let's go back and gather quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome if we miss this big action."

Thinking of this, Richard quickened his pace.

As a member of the elf poachers, in addition to participating in various evil actions in the team, he also has his own hobby, that is, he likes to steal. Whenever he steals valuables from others without anyone noticing, he is deeply intoxicated by the pleasure of not being able to stop.

It is also thanks to his superb stealing skills that he has not been discovered in so many past crimes, which makes him more and more arrogant. This time, when he saw the large crowd gathered together because of the "fireworks festival", the excitement in his heart made him frantically start to steal, and he committed the biggest theft in his history.

"By the way, no one noticed this. The police in Yinye City are too bad."

Richard was almost floating as he walked.

But he didn't know that no one noticed his theft, but an elf did.

Behind Richard's figure walking forward, an elf jumped into the air.

"【Break the Tile】!"

The palm knife slashed straight at Richard's back with a whirring sound.

"What, what the hell!"

Perhaps it was Richard's keen perception that he had developed over a long period of time that touched him. When a sharp palm wind came from behind, his hair stood on end instantly. He didn't care about the big backpack he was carrying, and rolled on the spot, narrowly avoiding the attack.

He was still a little frightened, and immediately put his hand on his waist and pressed a Poké Ball.

At this time, in the light cast by the street lamps on the road, an Pokémon with a face like a puppy with a black mask came out.

"What? It's just an Pokémon, how dare you sneak attack me?!"

After seeing the attacker clearly, Richard was relieved, and then he was angry again.

But when he took a closer look at the Pokémon in front of him, his eyes were full of greed.

"It's actually an Pokémon I don't know? Very good, it looks like you can sell it for a high price..."

Richard licked his lips with a sinister smile. As a Pokémon poacher, he could see the high value of the Pokémon in front of him at a glance.

"Come out, Coyote!"

A Poké Ball flashed by, and a dog-shaped Pokémon covered in gray hair jumped out.


Coyote looked at the Pokémon in front of him fiercely, baring his teeth and trying to intimidate him.

Most evil Pokémon have a ferocious temperament. As a dog, Leo was shocked by Coyote's intimidation for a moment.

But Leo showed a "ferocious" smile and clenched his fists: "I can't beat a level 90 Mewtwo, so why should I be afraid of you, a level 15 Coyote? Besides, fighting is the natural enemy of evil..."

"Take it!"

Taking a big step forward, with his right arm stretched out like a full bow, Leo punched without hesitation.

Coyote growled twice, grinned, and bit down with a mouthful of sharp teeth.

"Bite me? Shoot a [wave missile] at me!"

Leo changed his fist into a palm, condensing the wave energy into a blue-glowing ballThe energy ball rotated and shot at the coyote dog.

The coyote dog, who had no time to dodge, was hit by this energy bomb. The [Wave Missile] originally had a good power, and coupled with the restraint of the fighting attribute on the evil attribute, it directly hit the group with outstanding effect.

However, the coyote dog was also quite tenacious. After a slight tremor, it still stabilized its body.

The instructions from his trainer came from behind: "Coyote dog, use [Impact]!"

The coyote dog's eyes were fierce, and it moved its limbs, howling and rushing over.

But the coyote dog's speed was not as fast as Riolu, let alone Riolu who added points to speed?

"[See through]!"

Leo concentrated on seeing through the coyote dog's flaws, and then stepped to avoid the latter's [Impact].

"【Lightning Flash】!"

Then he turned around like lightning and chased after the coyote dog that couldn't stop, and then used the explosive impact of 【Lightning Flash】 to knock the coyote dog into the air.

Finally, he jumped high.

"【Break Tile】!"

The palm knife covered with brown-red fighting energy chopped down on the head.

"Bang", the coyote dog fell to the ground, and his eyes had turned into "@_@".

【See Through】! 【Lightning Flash】! 【Break Tile】! The three moves were used smoothly, making everything happen in a flash, and even the coyote dog's trainer couldn't react, and the battle was over.

After experiencing various battles, even the battle with the super beast Mewtwo, the Pokémon in front of him, whose level was not as good as his and whose strength was far inferior, was bound to win.

"Earth, Coyote Dog?!"

Richard's face changed drastically, and he looked at his Pokémon in disbelief as he was knocked down.

At this time, he saw Leo walking towards him, and suddenly panicked.

"Damn it, don't come over here!"

This former vicious elf poacher didn't expect that he would be scared by such an elf one day. He hurriedly reached into his waist and tried to summon another elf.

Leo stretched out his left hand and pointed at Richard, lowered his head slightly, and then shook his head forward.

"Say, come and count your sins!"

"【Lightning Flash】!"

Richard naturally didn't understand Leo's gibberish of elf language, and hurriedly wanted to throw the elf ball in his hand. .

Leo would not give him a chance to counterattack, and used 【Lightning Flash】 again. The next moment, he came to the human's side and punched Richard on the back of the head.

"What I hate most is thieves... he~tui~"

Leo wiped his fist with some disgust, leaving the human fainted on the ground behind him.

Of course, if Leo knew that this human was not only a thief, but also a hated elf poacher, he would not have just knocked him out.

In the police station of Yinye City, the police on duty rubbed his brows tiredly.

After the "fireworks festival" just now, a lot of tourists came to report that their important belongings were stolen. There were so many people that the police on duty had to register until almost midnight.

"Damn it, why are there so many cases? These thieves are really lawless."

The police on duty drank a sip of tea in distress, then stood up and planned to open the window to blow the wind.

Just as he opened it, he was startled by a large black shadow at the door of the police station, and he became alert.

"What is that..."

He turned on the flashlight to check and found that it was the unconscious man and the coyote dog, and a backpack full of things was placed at the door by someone unknown.

When I opened the backpack, I saw it was full of valuables like wallets and necklaces...

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